Chill your overcooked beans.

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"Right can we go now?" Beth asked a little tired of waiting. The hall was basically empty. "I wasn't stopping you." Snape reasoned. "I know but Mum said so." Beth teased. "Beth my dear you might think you are winding me up but I thoroughly enjoy it." Beth huffed. "Fine you are no longer Mini. You are mum." She grinned. "Minerva you are giving off the wrong impression." Matilda viciously spoke. "Neville are you bothered?" The Scottish woman asked and he shook his head. "Oh Neville.  How is your baby?" Beth asked. "Alrigh, I am going home soon." Beth smiled brightly. "Good. I heard it is a girl called Elizabeth Luna. I see you just loved me." She joked a little. "What?" Neville asked absolutely confused. "My middle name." He nodded that he now understood and lightly smiled.

"Let's go Snape!" Beth spoke and the broody professor stood. "That is why you have the nickname broody." He huffed and rolled his eyes. "You know you love it." He looked displeased. "I highly doubt it." Beth faked hurt but carried on walking. Once out of the professors eyes Beth linked arms with the man in black. He seemed to join her happily. "I am really sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable in there." Beth quietly spoke and Snape began "not at all I..." he was cut short when a voice echoed. "Oh Severus I was wondering if I could help you now. I have plenty of time." She smiled wickedly. "Snape." Was all he said. "What about it?" She asked looking clueless as ever. Beth slightly turned her lips up. "My name is Snape. To you." Fury took over the small devil. "What have I ever done to deserve this deary?" She asked in a dangerous manner. "You called Beth unlovable. You also made her angry. Not even Dumbledore and his twinkling eyes have managed to do that. Also you are an assistant so I suggest you assist not lead." She huffed. "I am so very sorry." She looked down in pretend shyness. "Sorry means you wont do it again." With that he stopped. "Are you two kidding me? Stop being smug." She looked pointedly at Beth and the arms that were linked.

A moment later the three walked on. Snape walked absent mindlessly to Beth's private quarters. "You do realise she will probably ruin your room." "Oh no. Didn't you see me put a few locking charms on the door?" She asked and Snape looked surprised and a little proud.

As they entered the quarters Snape spoke again. "What is your password? You know mine after all." He just wanted to make sure he was always able to get her if she needed help. "Don't you worry your little black socks about it." She spoke with a tone that was very becoming.

Admitting defeat Snape sat down. Beth placed herself on his lap. As she leant in she spoke "please don't leave me this time." She just wanted to know he was there. "I am afraid I do need pajamas. As do you." His chest vibrated as he spoke.

Kind of slowly due to still being in a small amount of pain from the curse Beth stood up. "Come with me." She sounded so sweetly that he complied. She walked to her room and Snape didn't want to tell her he didn't want her but it was for her own good she healed before anything happened. She opened the door and instead of going for the bed she turned to her clothes.

"You left a pair of pajamas at the house. Well I left them out and thought 'stuff it' and packed them in my bag." She handed him a pair of pajamas that were black and smooth. She walked away and got dressed. "What's that?" He asked pointing to the white pants that looked an odd mixture between a pad and a pull up nappy but the edges had to be tied together. Her face turned vibrant red. "It's for the baby." Was all she could say. She wanted to cry but she had cried already so much that day. Snape who only had pajama bottoms on pulled her to him. Her body was against his chest and both felt like it was just so right. She stood in her pant like things and a top. No bra. Snape picked her up and laid her down as he joined her. Their legs entwined together and so did their hearts. 'I love her.' Snape thought but said nothing. He couldn't.

The sun rose all too early and Beth groaned. As she woke up she realised Snape had stayed and he was holding her strongly. Beth suddenly got an urge and just kissed him. He woke up and as he smelt her scent he deepened it which caused Beth to genuinely smile against the kiss making Snape feel at peace.

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