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Snape walked through the corridors. It was the first lesson that the students would be forced to endure, a lesson on the new dance. All professors were left in the dark as to Professor Styles plans. Only two people in existence were aware of what Professor Styles was going to do. Or even what music she was going to use. Her and Henry. Immediate embarrassment smothered Snape as he thought of Henry and Beth. 'Snape you idiot.' Was all that he could tell himself.

As he approached the hall he stopped short when he saw Beth was playing with the child. She was tickling the child mercilessly. He laughed a high pitched laugh and Beth relaxed her whole body with every evident chuckle. The small child had grown fond of the young lady and they were joined at the hip.

Snapping out of it Severus entered the great Hall and noticed that only she was there. Students were yet to enter the vast Hall.  "I see he is not yet returned." Snape made the young woman notice his appearance and she nodded slightly. "He goes home today." She said and the sadness softened her already gentle tone. Snape expected a witty remark but instead she looked miserably at the tiny human in front of her.

"When will the students be joining us?" Snape asked a little bored. "I asked them to wait outside. They will join us later. Well I suppose later can be now." Her voice was calm again but a small hint in her eyes went noticed by Snape as he saw her utter misery.

"Alright" Styles spoke and silence followed. All of the students fell silent even from the quiet voice that belonged to the tiny witch. "Come in and sit at the sides." As soon as this was said and the Professor moved aside, the entire student population walked in and sat down. All of the faces smiled at the female professor in front of them. "Well then. I know that everyone in this room knows why you are here. Now I shall show you the dance that you will have to perform. Do not worry even the professors shall be learning along side you." Beth assured them and a few relieved sighs were made from the young students.

"Unfortunately Henry is a some what young partner for me to dance with so I shall have to dance with someone older and taller. A few faces brightened at the thought of dancing with her. All of the professors unfortunately had partners so Beth knew at one point she would have to dance with Snape.

Henry had began to leave the hall to explore so Styles quickly grabbed him and handed him to Minerva. "Thank you." She said quietly and walked back to the students. "Alright Mark Streatham could you join me?" She asked and his face lit up whilst other boys just gave him evils. Snape slightly felt alone and cold as she began showing the steps. Once a run through was done and all eyes were still on her Beth played the music with a wave of her wand.

As soon as the music started she began to sing. (The song from the top) as she moved the student kept up. A few jaws began to fall as they watched her move as she sang. Her voice was so sweet to hear and sent a shiver down a few backs.

Snape had to try with all his efforts to not show an emotion. He knew she could sing as he had been told so but didn't realise how well.  He stood as stone faced as ever. This didn't slip past Dumbledore who was now holding the child whilst he was playing in his beard.

Once the song had finished Beth stood back and congratulated the boy. "Alright now. You are a young Hufflepuff so could you ask a young Gryfindor to dance." She announced in her smooth tone. Her tone was always like a melody.

As this was done she picked out a Slytherin seventh year. "Right are you ready to learn?" She asked with her hand Stretched out. He nodded keenly and took her hand. As she did this she grabbed a girl from Ravenclaw that she knew liked him. "Off you two go." They danced and lightly chatted. Beth figured something good had to be a result of this blasted dance. "Alright everyone up you get. Find a pair. Slytherin and Ravenclaw. Hufflepuff and Gryfindor." Her voice was not loud but everyone obeyed. As chatter started they were silenced again as she raised her wand.

The voice of the professor was made louder as she placed her wand to act as a microphone. As she approached Snape she realised her hands would be occupied.  She stood close to him and placed her wand in her cleavage. Snape stared a moment longer than he ought to have done and Beth smiled smugly.

"Take a picture it might last longer." Her tone was chilling and luckily she had whispered or else all other students would have heard. A few students did hear and a few laughs were heard around them.  After this she sang the song again. The two moved swiftly and in a strong manner. They worked together extremely well. As the youngish couple moved Beth came to notice the child between the headmaster and the deputy headmistress. All three smiled widely and moved elegantly. The two adults moved as though the dance was an old one they had known since a young age.

After a few more trials the Professors and students all finished. As the room slowly emptied Snape and Beth were alone as two elderly persons left with the young boy alongside. As they stood next to each other Beth felt torn. She felt a little cautious but also wanted to see if he would let her have a little fun.

"I was unaware of your. Ability. When you sing." He spoke slowly and painfully broken. "Is that a compliment you just gave? To me?" She asked slightly flirtatiously. She was stood extremely close but not so close that anyone would get any ideas. Snape growled in annoyance.  "No." His response was direct and assertive.  "That really is a shame. I always like a compliment even if it isn't true." She lightly winked and walked away. Snape released a held breath but she quickly returned. This time she brought a chair. She stood atop the old wooden chair and the couple were now face to face.

As she leant in she placed a hand on his chest whilst the other lightly gripped his shoulder...well the fabric covering his shoulder. "I must not tell lies and neither should you." Her tongue smoothly slipped the words out and goosebumps covered over Severus Snape. He was quick to reply as he tried to cover up his nervous demeanour. "I was not lying. I only tell the truth." Not even he believed this.

"Broody. You spent almost two decades lying." She paused then continued. "You have told me two lies within a few minutes. That is truly awful. I think you need to suffer the consequences." Her tone was lustful and endearing. 'She really can be annoying sometimes.' Snape thought to try and clear his head but it didn't work.

Upon Beth noticing Snape's irritated facial expressions she smiled. "Is it me that has caused you discomfort or is there someone else behind me?" She asked seductively. "You. Have. No. Idea of what is happening in my head." He said slowly and his baritone voice soothed slightly. "Oh but your face is so." She stopped and tapped a finger on her chin pretending to think intensely. "Readable." She finally finished her sentence and Snape huffed. "Dunderhead." He mumbled. "Oh." She began and similarly started walking up his chest with her fingers as she spoke every word. "But. I. Am. Your. Dunderhead." Her voice no more than a whisper. After this she hopped off the chair and placed it back where it was in the corner of the room. As she walked past Snape she grabbed her wand from next to him and walked out dragging a finger along his chest. She could feel him slightly shiver at her touch.

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