Snape the saviour

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Eyes fluttered open as Beth awoke from her slumber. Her arms were curled up between her and a black mass. The mass was snoring lightly and a wave of calm settled over the young witch. The cold room was causing her to shake as she laid there with no duvet on. The duvet was tucked behind a sleeping Severus. The small pale hand that belonged to Beth crept up the back fabric before her and cuddled Snape closely. As she did this the snoring stopped and Miss Styles cursed herself. A groan was sounded and Beth shot up. "Are...are you okay?" She asked wearily. "Fine." Was all she got as a reply. Standing to her small feet Beth wandered down the stairs to the table that was situated to the side of the room.

As the young witch sat down a voice spoke from the bottom of the stairs "what are you doing?" The baritone voice bellowed and Beth shivered slightly as she was sat. "I have work. No rest for the wicked." She replied resisting the urge to look up at his scrumptious face. "You are still.." Beth spoke and interrupted him. "I have to work. That is what I am paid for. I am a head of house and a potions teacher. You should know that." She spoke with a risen eyebrow. Her ginger hair rested on her shoulder as she spoke and the quill in her hand seemed to have been built to fit perfectly where it was. Red ink was left on the students work as she marked according to the scheme in front of her.

"How may I help you?" Beth asked after a moment when she realised the professor had not stopped staring at her. "You can't." He said finally and sat in the chair opposite her. "May I mark the papers with you?" He asked. He feared she would be overworking herself. She was strong but she had been through a lot the past day or so.

"No my class my marking now. Why don't we just talk?" She said not looking up but leaving more ink on another test. As she said this she slid her foot up his shin and she felt his whole figure getting stiffer as she did so. A smile did prance upon her lips as she found this effect. After a few seconds she had reached the point where he had to say something "do you only live to tease me?" Was what he said but immediate regret washed over him and he sat awkwardly. No response was made and the young witch continued teasing him.

After a few more marks the female professor placed her quill into the stand and rolled the parchment up. Once done she rose and walked over to the DA teacher and brought her head down to his and rested her chin on his shoulder. Her hands ran down his arms and across his chest so she was hugging him from behind and she slightly kissed his ear. 

"You tormented me for my idiocy for so long it is my turn to tease you for your idiocy now. You shouldn't have let me get so close. Only idiots do that." She smoothly spoke and kissed his cheek delicately. Her thumbs began rubbing circles on his arms and she just stood there. After a minute Snape turned his head to face her and they were so close. "I don't like being tormented unless the tormentor can handle the consequences and manage to follow through." He spoke and Beth was shocked at his words and had no time to respond when he kissed her as she couldn't stop thinking about the feel of his lips against hers. The kiss lasted a second as Beth pulled away. "I am a big girl. I can handle a beating. I will also have you know I am a naughty one too though." She lustfully spoke as she returned to her seat. Snape could not stand and leave as he wished as he was in dire need to hide himself.

After a period of the two being sat Snape arose and left. He was unsure if he could contain himself anymore. He was so confused why he could not contain himself. He turned and walked up to Dumbledore. As the stairs rose Snape was greeted warmly by the headmaster. "Hello my boy. How may I help you this fine day?" The sparkle in the old man's eyes shone and radiated care. The stone faced DA teacher just stood and began speaking to the old man in front of him. "Why..." the conversation was considerate and both parties were pleased with the outcome.

Beth meanwhile sat and finished marking the papers in front of her and began reading her favourite muggle book 'Pride and Prejudice' as she read she walked peacefully, but like robot as she tried to go back to normal after the curse, around the small area dedicated to her table and living room. Light footsteps were rarely heard as teachers walked passed carrying out their duties and preparing for the students return. The day passed very similarly to this as she paced reading the ready printed words.

Days passed in this manner to the point that almost a week had passed. A few times Daisy would appear with food Dumbledore had sent and she ate happily. Joy filled the air as more muggle books were read by the red headed teacher.  She had very little social interaction with anyone but Daisy. Beth was really not worried by this.

On the sixth day of the 14 day holiday a knock was heard. As Beth opened the door she realised that it was Snape.  The wooden door was quickly closed behind him as a click was heard. She looked content and she began pacing and reading. Snape noticed this and grabbed her from behind and pulled her closer so his chest was against the back of her. She placed the book on the table not far from her once the bookmark was placed within.

"How have you been sleeping?" Snape asked with a concerned but awkward tone. "To be honest I hardly have been able to sleep at all." She admitted sheepishly. Snape inhaled deeply and rubbed her arms with his thumbs. "Let's go for some sleep." He spoke clearly but uncertain in himself. When Beth began to walk towards the steps that led to her room, Snape followed up.

The huge door was pried open and Beth pulled the professor into he bed with her. They laid for a second and both bodies rose and sunk in sync with each other.  "Why can you not sleep?" A baritone voice spoke and the female witch huggled even closer. "I just can't." She said and both laid silently falling asleep. They both slept in a soundless sleep. The only sleep Beth had managed to get and the most undisturbed sleep either had, had since he last slept with her.

As they both slept Mini had entered the private quarters in search for the young girl that she missed so dearly. Almost a week had passed since the last conversation they had, had.

As the transfiguration professor looked she turned to the bedroom. As she peeked through the open door she noticed the two solid masses laid on the bed and sighed in relief. She knew from Daisy that Beth could not sleep and she was all too aware of the struggles Snape had of sleeping. As the elderly woman turned to leave the younger witch woke and wriggled from the grasp of Snape to greet the elderly woman. "How are you?" Styles asked politely as Mini smiled in response. "I am splendid. I just wanted to see if I could help you sleep but I see Snape beat me to it." The thick Scottish accent was a comforting sound to the young girl.

"I believe I was more effective than him." The little voice replied and a small chuckle left the older witches lips. They sauntered down the steps and sat in the sofas.

"So what have you been up to cooped up in this room all alone?" The elderly witch asked politely. "Oh. Well reading and playing the piano. A little sketching but not too much." The young voice spoke quaintly. A nod was seen from Mcgonagall and the two discussed a little more of the days that passed. Before either knew it an hour had passed and Snape walked down the steps with a tired look in his eyes. When he saw Mini his eyes widened and he looked as he always did. Sturdy and strong, he could run through a field of wheat he was that strong and surdy. He sat on the other sofa and listened as the two discussed the Christmas that was coming. This is when he over heard Beth "yeah. I shall be going for Christmas day. I have some family to visit but I doubt that I will see much of them. I will be seeing the golden trio." Confused at first he realised she had no real plans but her old three friends from school. He smiled remembering her student days. Her pale features that were fairly unchanged and still fair. He snapped out of it and left. Leaving two confused women to continue their conversation.

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