Ickle bit sick.

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Beth opened her eyes to see Snape still  next to her. He was awake but sat reading. "Why isn't it black?" She asked. Snape seemed confused till he saw her hold his arm. "It used to be but it is getting paler. Judging by how long it took to get this faded it won't be long until it is all gone and unnoticeable." He remarked and returned to read. Though in his head he didn't read instead he thought of her touch. Her soft skin. Her dainty fingers, against his skin. The pale face was pointed towards the book but he had less frown lines and appeared to have rested well, which he had.

With a sudden pop Daisy appeared. "I am terribly sorry Mistress Styles but Madam Pomfrey has asked Daisy if she could let Madam in. Can Daisy let Madam Pomfrey in?" The small house elf asked quietly. Snape had pulled himself to his book as soon as the pop was sounded.

"Very well Madam may enter." Beth said making herself raise a smile aimed to sooth. A pop echoed again and the door opened.

"Ah my dear Boo. You are finally alive. Right how are you feeling?" The mediwitch asked and Beth calmly nodded.

"I am surprisingly alright. A little weak but no pain or struggles." The little ickle witch spoke to an unsure mediwitch.

"Well let's see the bruise you shall have for the rest of your life then." The woman asked staring at Snape in disgust. Beth picked up her top that she did not remember getting changed into, the sleeves were long and well fitted. Madam Pomfrey checked her over revealing the bruise that was black and blue with a radius of 5cm. As the tests were carried out Beth neither felt nor showed any pain even after the events that occurred not even twelve hours before. The mediwitch poked and prodded but she saw there was no issue that would need to be dealt with. "alright my dear I suppose you  can carry on just avoid travelling too far from a strengthening potion." A smile and a shrug was seen from the mediwitch as she turned and left. A comfort was felt as Poppy knew the young girl wold not be in danger or pushing too hard due to the lack of students. 

"Well I suppose that I should be off to work." the young girl spoke as she sat up. she was slightly shaken as she was still getting stronger after the ordeal that she was placed in. Rising to her feet she swiftly swung so to see Severus Snape. "how did I end up wearing these clothes?" she asked innocently fearing his answer to be that he changed her. She was absolutely sure he would have said something about her scars had he changed her. 'I mean my wrists are covered in them' she pondered and waited for his slow but eventual response to her rather simple question.

"I changed you of course." He stated like she was thick and his student again. He sighed and continued reading and when he looked up her paler face was noted and he demanded she sit down. "My eyes didn't linger upon your body if that is why you look so worried." He trailed off trying to focus on his book.

"I am fine." She said as she walked off finally grabbing some dignity. As she reached the top of the steps she noticed a tall presence beside her. "Yes Mr Broody how may one assist you today?" She asked hoping he would drop his questioning and hoping he had not noticed the scars.

"I have to make sure you don't do anything stupid." He blandly stated and tried with all his might to not admit to wanting to be around  her as well.

Turning around Beth was stood face to chest with the man of the hour and she looked up, placed a hand on his chest and smiled up at him. "Broody you need to take a break. I will always be careful as long as I want to live that is. Now you really are so very tall are you not?" Getting heels from not too far away she returned after slipping them on and her head now sat just below his chin.

Swiftly Beth grabbed Severus' chin and tilted it down. "You are too serious all the time. Lighten up." She whispered, stretched up and kissed his lips delicately. As Beth returned to her normal height Snape wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to him. She was too short to kiss him so he lifted her up from under the bum. Quickly she was pressed up against the wall and Snape deepened the kiss.

Small delicate fingers wandered up Snape's arms to his throat then into his hair. The black waves were disturbed but a groan was sounded from the locks owners lips as he pushed harder against her. Smiling into the kiss as he groaned Beth suppressed her urge to open her eyes.

Snape sent his sly tongue to Beth's lips and she opened her mouth to grant him access. He explored her mouth quickly but softly. Her tongue quickly began to claim a dominance and they fought together. The slender fingers untangled themselves from the Dark Arts professors hair and the snake like arms wrapped  around his slender neck. Snape wished that the moment would never pass.

The little arms pulled from Snape and slowly little cold fingers traced his pale face as Beth kissed harder. A moment later Beth pushed Snape away and covered her mouth with her hand. She coughed and coughed for an age. As Severus grew concerned he picked her up and placed her on her bed. After a while the coughing slowed and Snape poured a potion he had gathered from the table next to her bed that Poppy had left for her. 

"Thank you." A fragile and hollow voice spoke once she had calmed down. Snape too had managed to calm down. He laid next to her and removed her heels. 'He is a bloody keeper if this is what he thinks of' Beth commented mentally as she saw him fussing over her. She smiled and pulled him close.

The young potions mistress fell asleep curled up in the arms of Mr Broody.

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