first year back biatch

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As the hours passed it quickly came to the arrival of the students.  Realising the time Beth rushed to the great Hall.  Being the last teacher, aside from Mcgonagall and Hagrid but they had reserved seats, to arrive she was forced to sit between Dumbledore and Snape.  Being dramatic as ever Snape crossed his arms and sighed. Beth just rolled her eyes.

Moments later students filtered in only to be followed by Mcgonagall and Hagrid bringing in the first years. The two reserved seats on the other side of the table were half filled leaving the last to Mcgonagall. Then the sorting process began. Watching as brave, loving, intelligent and coragous students were all placed, a smile would cover Beth's face as she heard Ravenclaw being shouted from the tatted hat for the last first year.

Dumbledore stood up demanding silence as he did so. The silence was mesmerising and returned memories to Beth of herself being sat there in silence listening to Dumbledore. She was introduced along with another new teacher. The name slipped right over Beth's mind as the feast had now begun.

"You are welcome." A smooth yet dark tone rang in Beth's left ear. At first she was stunned and then it dawned on her. Snape was telling her she was welcome. What on earth did this mean? She sat and contemplated every question she could imagine.

"It doesn't do well to dwell on thoughts, eat." Dumbledore sweetly sang in a low mellow voice. She felt comforted by his tone but she was however not hungry. She hadn't eaten since the night before she arrived yet there was no burning desire to eat. What she wanted was not food. She wanted the truth.

After lunch the prefects escorted the students to the common rooms and she stayed to chat to Dumbledore. "Professor. I have a question." She said in a hushed tone as the last of the students and teachers left leaving them alone.

The old wizard shone with silver and hope as he responded "Yes my dear." He faced her knowing exactly what she was going to say. "How is he still alive?" Smiling Dumbledore replied "he cared too much to die. If I am not mistaken even if neither of you know it. He owes you his life." She looked at him with utter shock on her face. "Thank you." She peacefully yet abruptly ended it there. Smile gracing her face to show her true thanks she set for her class room.  Students all scurried to their common rooms and trying to keep up the first years were nearly sprinting. Upon entering the room she realised that the classroom was empty and peaceful. 

The day quickly passed and feeling bored Beth went for a walk. "Professor." A quaint voice echoed behind her making her nearly spoil her lace pants. Her jump was obviously noticed as the young child along with professor Snape were reacting. The young girl was struggling to contain a smile but eventually the first year gave in and nearly fell by laughing to hard. Snape just arched an eyebrow in a mocking manner.

  "How may I help you?" She blurted out slightly embarrassed. "Miss Michaels here requires help to find her common room. Seeing as..." he was cut of by Beth snaking her voice in. "Of course Ravenclaw.  Please follow me I shan't bite. I cannot make a similar promise for Professor Snape though." She smiled mocking him and he just laced his face with anger that if she had been a student would have scared her.

She fluttered her eyelashes unintentionally and he couldn't stop thinking about not lily but young Bethany Elizabeth Styles. An image of her amongst the snow laying helpless flashed in his mind but he pushed it back and carried on with his day.

Once guided to the common rooms the child left leaving Beth alone again. Fancying a stroll still, she wandered to her room for a coat to wear around the lake. As she reached the door Snape was there. In utter shock she assumed it was unimportant.  She was very wrong.

"May we talk?" He asked anger masking his face. "I am perfectly capable of talking and you have just demonstrated the ability to, so what are you asking?" He scoffed as she spoke. "Fine you may come in." She was unwilling but feared she must. "What has caused you to actively seek human interaction?" She asked unintentionally seductively. "You know about what happened after I died don't you!" He exclaimed.  She felt joy within. She knew his occlumency could not work on her she was to well acquainted with this act.

"And if I do?" She asked sitting at the table as he joined her. "I wish to know what happened." His eyebrows merged as he angrily spat at her. "Why would I tell you? What makes you so certain I know?" She asked innocently secretly enjoying this moment too much. "You told me you saw me dead. You mentioned the snake. How else would you know you dense girl?" He growled this at her.

"Please stop you are wasting your breath. Fine some potion the caring one." She said with pure truth in her voice. "Anyway I don't want to talk about that day. All that matters is you are alive." He scowled at her words then admitted defeat. "The potion you stole. I remember that potion. Sorry to bother you. Boo." He had herd Minerva use the nickname. His words were genuine and his use of her nickname was a slight turn on. To her. She had stood up by this point to only turn around and lower her face level to be equal with his. They were inches apart and they both felt uncomfortable. "I accept your apology Professor." Her voice was oddly sexual and she didn't like it. He did.

He bit his tongue to stop what he wanted to say or do. Backing away she walked to the sink and had a drink. Her first for the space of a day or more. "Miss styles having a drink. Do I need to take you to madam Pomfrey?" his voice was leaking sarcasm. "You wouldn't be mocking me would you?" She asked turning to face him again. He had stood up and stepped towards the door away from her. She got closer and she was now not even a foot away. "I don't like being mocked." Her voice was deadly serious and Snape felt extreme tension. He didn't like it so he stepped out and just before the door closed he turned around not realising she had stepped closer. They could feel the breath from each other when he muttered "obviously not."

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