Snape dances?

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Beth walked calmly down the corridor hoping to find Mini. She walked past students and other teachers. Concern was held for the young teacher. All but hopeful Beth returned to her room not before colliding with the new teacher that she had missed the name of at the beginning of the year. Pleasure filled the young which when she realised she knew them. "Neville" was cast from her throat and he was greeted warmly. "I was wondering when I would see you. how have you been? I mean since our last meeting you know in our seventh year." a smile was smoothly placed on the Gryffindor's lips whilst he spoke. "I have been fine. How have I not seen you yet?" Beth returned the wide smile and she almost forgot all about the moment that had passed between her and the Defence Against the Dark Arts professor. A quick reply was made and this was when she realised his was the name she missed a the beginning of the year when Dumbledore spoke. "You are never eating and well you sit on the other side of the table so you probably just don't even look for me." Beth nodded apologetically and immense guilt washed over her. "So Beth what have you been up to for these years?" Neville asked sweetly and Beth informed him of the working at the potions shops and private tutoring along with a little singing  she carried out. "well I suppose I will see you around then. bye Boo." Bethany's smile grew even larger to say goodbye and she wandered off to her class to prepare for the next day. 

A few weeks passed in a calm manner. Followed by a month or so. It was now coming close to Christmas when Beth received a knock at her classroom door. "come in." her dainty voice called out and a tall overshadowing man stepped swiftly into the dungeons classroom. "I have come to ask you something." Beth looked calmly at the male in front of her and smiled politely. She had not informed Mini of what had happened with him and he himself did not talk about it to anyone aside from Dumbledore who completely refused to inform the DADA teacher of anything about the girls past and, instead told the grump to apologise. He did not. "And what is this question?" she asked realising he had no intention of continuing with the conversation alone. "I wanted to ask you if you would teach your Ravenclaw students to dance as well as my own." he looked bored as he spoke to the bubbly teacher with green eyes and red hair. "Obviously I am able  to... very well then I can but I expect you to be there at all times." he nodded a goodbye and left. Beth placed her face in her hands and sighed. She really did not want to. 

As the  day to teach the students arose Beth's nerves arose along side. She was by no means the best or most accomplished dancer. In fact she believed her dancing was awful but, alas she had promised to teach both her Ravenclaw's and Snape's Slytherin's.

The hall was empty but quickly filling up as students from both houses entered. The whole room bellowed and seemed to shake from the foundations as the laughter and conversations were getting louder to try and overcome the other voices from the great hall. Beth received the signal that all the students were in the hall when Snape stepped in and shut the door. Being surrounded by the plethora of students Beth was more scared than she cared to admit but as usual she maintained a calm set smiling face. "THANK YOU." Beth blew out loudly and silence fell as girls smiled and boys frowned ferociously. "Alright then. I am sure that you are all aware of the fact that the Christmas ball is taking place very soon so both Professor Snape and I are going to be teaching you how to carry out the dance and not embarrass yourselves. This dance is the same dance that this school has done since the first Christmas dance." Beth walked around the bare floor as she spoke and continued to smile politely. "This year however the song has changed it is no longer the same old one. Dumbledore and Professor Mcgonagall have decided we needed a modern song to start the dance with." the boys smiled briefly at the thought. "I have decided that the song this year will be 'Meant to be' by Bebe Rexha." as this was said she walked over to Snape. "If you could assist me I would be so very grateful." His onyx eyes shot daggers and  she smiled sarcastically even wider than before. They both walked to the centre of the floor and with a swish of Beth's wand the song began. 

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