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*warning.  Sad stuff. Like very sad stuff ahead. Also 😶 stuff, you know. I mean if there were emojis with raised eyebrows I would add one.😜*

As Beth walked silently down the halls she searched diligently for Henry. She walked calmly down the halls knowing he was safe but she craved to spend as much time with the young boy as possible. Her search took her to the very ends of the castle but alas she could not find the young boy. Slightly worried that she would not be able to return him at the time arranged a sense of dread smothered her. She just wanted to see his face for as long as possible. Dumbledore and Mcgonagall had both been absent from their offices and all classrooms were checked by her. As she walked she remembered her time at Hogwarts. She walked to the front doors and the memory of her walking and joking with Harry, Hermione, Ron and Neville pranced upon her mind. Her walk also brought her to the office that belonged to Mini. She remembered sitting and telling the Transfigurations professor of her parents death. Her face just as it was as a teenager looked grief stricken but not tears were ever shed. She learnt not to cry when in pain. She only cried at Snape's death as she was still so scared. Although he scared her as a student she never feared for herself. She felt like he would never hurt her or let her be hurt yet when he was gone she felt all of her walls crumble down and she felt defenceless. Like even the dust of the earth could hurt her and knock her down. He wasn't there to scare her pain away.

Shaking her head to rid herself of those memories she decided to look outside. Leaving through a side door she wandered the grounds. Students all walked and talked. Her face radiated a comforting smile and students smiled genuinely back. Her mind was torn as she remembered the fight that happened on the ground around her. She remembered falling to the floor with Mrs Malfoy.  The first life she took. The last one as she cast the killing curse. She didn't understand truthfully why she cared so much that Snape died. He was just another professor like the rest. He wasn't the first dead body she had seen either. As she pondered this it struck her. 'It reminded me of my parents. I was too caught up and worried to cry over them as I talked to Minerva. I had already cried for their passing but he brought it all back. He made me feel safe and protected from the evils. Just as my parents had done.' She thought deeply. She tugged on her long sleeves as she felt a gust of wind.

"You will catch a cold." A bold voice spoke to her as she thought herself to be alone she jumped rather suddenly and a deep noise was made making it clear she was being mocked. "That is the only thing I manage to catch." She whispered to herself but the person behind the mocking noise could not hear her. She was thinking of her somewhat none existent love life. "Whispers get you no where." That same voice spoke and Beth sighed. "No but I know it pisses you off." She said sharply. "Language... You seem to not be yourself. What has been plaguing your thought since I last saw you?" Finally having enough she began turning around and speaking "yo..." she stopped as she spotted just the baby. She ran so swiftly she was almost not caught but alas she had lost. "What do you want?" She asked trying to get away. "Tell me." The voice was direct and she knew she could not escape this time. "You." She answered truthfully. "And what dare I ask about me?" His tone was sharp and pointed like a knife. "I was just remembering my school days. If it involved you I am sure you have worked out they were the bad shool days." Her tone left no available reply to Snape's mind.

She got away and ran to the child. The entire time Snape watched and followed. He saw her smile and kiss the baby. He thought instantly 'she would make a good mother. They would also look stunning.' He mentally slapped himself and walked closer. Once he was close enough he stopped next to Minerva. "You never told me what you did to hurt such a sweet girl in the first place." Minerva spoke quietly but Beth was too busy fussing over the child Dumbledore was holding to even hear or care.

"That Minerva is my business." She scowled at him and began telling him off. Beth was playing with the child and all of the professors lost their train of thought as she played and made him smile. They all thought about her as if she were a child of their own, apart from Snape. He had other views.

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