Um... NO!

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*sad at the end*

Beth was lightly walking with Adam. He was the local leader of the group. "My dear how are you and your husband?" He asked with a smooth tone. "Very well thank you. We are getting closer by the day." She politely responded hoping to leave it there. "Oh but you don't seem too close." He was accusing but being calm as ever. "My relationship with him is less public. Neither of us like public displays." She tried to leave it there but it was hopeless. "But you haven't kissed once nor been intimate whilst here." He stepped closer to her. She stopped and he too stopped to remain with her. "How do you know what we do behind closed doors?" She asked in a skeptical tone. "I know things." With that they both began walking again. "So how long have you lived here?" She asked trying to focus on him. "All my life. I wonder how a man could keep his hands off of you." Beth rolled her eyes. "We have slept together before. We just thought we were here for another reason so we might as well. You know. Not whilst here. He is also very well restrained with me. I will only sleep with him when I really want to." Beth sounded final but it didn't stop. "Don't let your business here stop either of you from getting what you want. I have seen him look at you. He likes what he sees. I think you made a decision he didn't agree with. Why can two people not just..." he stopped suddenly and pulled Beth close. He smelt her. "Oh if you were single I wouldn't let you leave. How did he end up with you?" Beth lightly laughed and pulled away. "We fell for each other. I must also say I do enjoy my work so I am glad I am married. I would deeply miss the other teachers and students." With that the two were in the town again. They exchanged goodbyes and went their separate ways.

Beth went to the local library to find Snape.  He was sat reading.  Not knowing what to do Beth walked up to him and leaned down. She brought her lips to his ear. He had quite the sight and left his eyes there. She was too caught up to realise his eyes were on her boobs. "They know we haven't kissed or. You know what." She spoke and Snape took a deep breath in. "How?" He asked and Beth whispered her reply. "I don't know. Adam just confronted me. He also said if I was single he wouldn't let me leave." Once that was said she stood back up and smiled lightly. Snape had placed the book to his side and was looking in a worried manner at her.

After a second or so later she smiled mischievously and sat on his lap. She laid the right side of herself against him. "Read to me." Beth spoke quietly. A little confused at first Snape realised what she was doing and began reading. Not long later she had fallen asleep across the professor. He stopped reading aloud and silently read. After half an hour Adam walked in. "Severus I see she found you." He paused then continued "She did tell me you two didn't appreciate public displays of affection." Snape looked down at the red bundle on his lap but spoke clearly. "I was just reading to her." Was all he could say. "Snape. I am struggling to believe that you are married to such a lovely lady." Fear covered the DA professor but he hid it away. "I cannot see what happens on these grounds nor hear. But, I can tell what is happening and when in my town. Like Dumbledore can and does, although Dumbledore only uses this tool when every party is willing to let him. I would like you to prove yourselves, tonight. I also do not want you to tell her what I have said is that clear?" Snape nodded. He knew the result of the situation if he refused or Beth refused. Memories of being a spy for Dumbledore flooded his mind. These people treated trust like Voldemort did. A few unforgivable curses would be used against them both if found out.

What neither men knew is Beth hadn't fallen asleep at all. She was just listening to the heartbeat that was sounding next to her ear. She knew what she had to do. 'I will instigate it. Then Snape won't do anything drastic.' She thought as she laid there. After a further hour of silence and pretended sleep Beth 'woke up'. Stretching to her full potential she turned to Snape who was reading with his book to the side so she had free movement. Snape had no clue that she had in fact planned the whole night out for the two of them.

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