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Beth was awoken to a rather large pop. "Daisy is so very sorry to be waking Madam but Master Snape has requested that Daisy tells you Miss that Master Snape is here." With a pop she was gone. Too quick for Professor Styles to say thanks. Slightly tired Beth rose to her feet and walked over to the door. Her shoes echoed along the solid floor and stopped abruptly just by the door. Her small arms reached out and heaved the large dark oak door open 'why must you be so heavy?' She thought feeling tired. This feeling washed away as a stern face met hers.

Beth smiled in greeting still her eyes didn't seem to get the message but still Snape's lips turned up ever so slightly. "Please take a seat." The pale arm extended in the direction of a table and chairs. Snape moved smoothly to the laid out table and sat down.

Gliding over to the kitchen Beth opened the slightly warm oven and removed the lasagne. Feeling proud she brought the lasagne to Snape. "I hope you like it." She spoke quietly more to herself than the man in front of her. "So Broody why exactly did you want to spend dinner with me?" The young witch asked whilst serving the last piece of lasagne onto her plate after she had served him.

"I used to have to do this in my classroom all the time. Remember when you used to serve a 'detention' with Mcgonagall and I?" He asked in an inquisitive manner. "Yes and there would always be pie. But I have never liked pie. Apart from chicken pie. I hated those 'detentions'. I would sometimes go to dinner just to avoid them. Wait so you are basically giving me a detention to eat again aren't you?!" The quaint witch slightly felt betrayed but also enjoyed it at the same time. "Once your student, always your student." She murmured.

Snape slightly smiled and Beth shook her head disbelievingly. "I fell for it. Here I was thinking you just couldn't get enough of me." She smirked and gave Snape a flirtatious wink. His face burned vibrantly. All he could think was 'why? How. Does. She. Do. This? I go all weak at the knees and want to kiss her little face off.' Snape slightly smiled at the thought of her. He was pulled from his thoughts when she began awkwardly "In those detentions though I was never able to do this." As this was said Beth rose to her feet.

She moved elegantly across to him. Pulling out his chair with a surprising amount of strength considering her size and she straddled him with a leg each side, once done she wrapped her arms around the professors neck as he wrapped his arms around her waist. Beth pulled herself closer so their chests were flat against each other and Snape felt his manhood being pushed against her most inappropriate place.

A small groan left Snape as Beth sat there. Their lips met and moved in sync. Snape used his tongue to try and gain access but when refused he tickled the sides of Beth and she slightly laughed allowing him to get what he wanted. A small smile was given by Severus which was when she finally realised his antics.

Two large hands slipped down from Beth's waist and fell to her bottom. His hands pulled her tightly and it was Beths turn to moan as he did this. Two little hands made their way to rest on the chest of Snape and Beth felt Snape a little closer than before. The wizards face turned vibrant as he wasn't able to stop a smile but struggled as a large tongue was in the way. Pushing her hips slightly towards him Snape began to groan louder.

A moment or so later Beth pulled away. She felt her lips slightly swollen and she smiled seductively. Snape looked awkward. "Mr Snape that is not very professional. Kissing a student." Beth looked mischievously at him and Snape kissed her cheek, down to her collar bone but stopped. Beth lightly kissed his nose then returned to her seat.

Both ate in silence till Snape broke it. "When did you learn to cook?" A slight frown temporarily took hold of the witches eyes but was quickly lost. "I used to have to care for my parents. Do you have any siblings?" She blurted out of nowhere trying to change the subject. "No I am an only child. You?" Beth nodded "I am the youngest of lots. Too many." She said and looked sad but covered it swiftly with a smile like she had always done. "How many?" Was all he said and Beth replied "I am the 15th. Two sets of twins but apart from that we were all born on our own." Snape looked taken back but replied. "Couldn't they have cared for your parents instead of you? I mean you aren't that old." Beth sadistically laughed and both knew she felt no joy on the matter. Noticing Snape would only push for answers she explained.

"My brother just older is a squib. My whole family cared for him before I was born. When they found out I was a witch they claimed that I would make him feel left out. It took me too many years to figure out the actual truth not this utter lie. It turns out he was actually a wizard after all. They never really cared for me. Well I suppose it was their way to stay sane. Not long after I was born my aunts started making special visits you did see this remember? That is when my parents went a little crazy. No matter how hard I tried no one would listen to my letters. I would have visited them but my parents sent my siblings to  Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. They all lived in France as I had more sisters so it was cheaper for my parents to fly the boys to school than the girls. In the matter of safety from my aunts my parents moved back here just before I joined Hogwarts hence I didn't go to Beauxbatons." She spoke hoping he couldn't hear but he could. Empathy and sympathy was all he felt but he pulled himself together as Beth just smiled.

"Why did they move to France? " was all Snape said but Beth smiled to hide the truth. "I explained this. They wanted my siblings to have the best possible education. They moved to France because my parents had six boys and nine girls. They would fly the boys to Durmstrang and take the girls to Beauxbatons. Only eight girls went to Beauxbatons though as my parents moved to England to hide from my aunts but during my first year we were found. By the time I had returned for Hogwarts that year my parents were passed help so all I could do was send them to St Mungo whilst I went to school.  During the Christmas holidays of my third year well you saw what happened." Beth didn't seem upset but inside she had stopped feeling anything about her family. She couldn't handle it.

Dinner was completely silent for the rest.  Beth hardly ate much but she did eat some food so Snape felt happy. After a wave goodbye Snape went straight to the headmaster.

"Ah Snape my boy how can I help you? I assume you enjoyed your dinner." The joyful headmaster calmly said. "Why were we never told of Beth and her 'situation' at home?" Snape bluntly spoke and Dumbledore nodded once and waved for Snape to sit. "My boy I knew they passed but I knew nothing more. It wasn't until she returned from the holiday and asked to speak to Minerva that we even found out her parents had died. She said very little but we saw her bruises and when I attempted to see what had happened I couldn't even see. She was too closed off. She was obviously used to someone prying into her mind who ever they were obviously had been thorough...What did she tell you?"

After Snape explained the whole situation Dumbledore no longer had a gleeful sparkle in his eyes. He looked sorrowful. His half moon spectacles were placed on the desk and he could only fake a smile. "She is stronger than she looks. Very intelligent too. I mean she got the top marks in every subject. Even better than Hermione herself. Well I can only apologise for not finding all this out when she was a student." After that Snape upped and left without a goodbye. Dumbledore was left to ponder upon all that had been said that miserable night by the Dark Arts professor.

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