I really don't know.

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Light tore away all innocence as Beth opened her eyes. She had fallen asleep whilst Poppy cared for her. She was tired and there was a lot of blood that had been removed. "Awake already? " a soothing voice spoke. "Hello Poppy." Beth weakly smiled. "Stop pretending to be okay." She was scolded and Beth looked up at the witch. "Thank you." Was all that was said. "You're alright." Beth got in reply.

Once happy Poppy spoke again. "Physically you can leave but if you want to talk I can." Poppy offered but Beth waved her off. "You have a home to get to. Don't be silly. Besides I haven't slept in my own bed in ages." Poppy aided the weak girl up to her feet and began helping her walk to her room. "Minerva put your bags in your room and Daisy put it all away." Styles nodded in thanks when Mini walked around the corner. "Oh I was just coming to see you. I see you are better." Beth faked a smile and continued walking slowly. Her whole body still hurt from the spell and it's consequences.

"Thank you both so much." She quietly spoke. Both women noted that neither had heard her speak above a whisper since she shouted 'NO' at Minerva.

Beth heaved the door with all her strength then shut it. As soon as she was inside she dropped the act. She just screamed and stomped her feet. Looking like a child in the process. Styles didn't know what to do. She felt like all control had been lost. After a few seconds the young girl fell to her knees then carefully dropped onto her left side. She clung to the scan in her left hand whilst her right rested on to the sore belly. Her cries were the loudest they had ever been. "You were supposed to be my family. I thought I had someone." She softly spoke through sobs. Tears wet the ground beneath her and the heart wrenching cries became slightly louder. There she laid for an hour. No sleep overcame her only sobs of despair.

She didn't realise the two older women were stood outside and heard it all. They left after forty five minutes. Both with a tear in the corner of their eyes.

Eventually Daisy popped in. "Daisy is very sorry but Daisy wanted to see if Professor Styles was okay. Daisy has found a friend in Professor Styles."

Beth rose to her feet gradually and held the small hand of the elf. "Of course I'm fine. Just tired." She so very obviously lied through the sobs and Daisy just led her to the sofa. "Can Daisy ask a question?" A nod was all that could be made in response. "Daisy would like to ask if Professor Styles would like to come with me to the kitchens and eat. Mr Lupin once told me that chocolate was the answer." Beth nodded and grief slightly worsened at the loss of Lupin and Tonks. 'Their poor baby with no mummy or daddy.' The dark thoughts filled her head.

Once in the kitchen Beth sat whilst Daisy got chocolate. "What would I do without you?" Beth joked as the elf sat. The professor sat and ate the plethora of chocolate that had been handed to her. She had been eating more and had gained a fair amount of weight. "I am so absolutely full." Was whispered and the elf took the remainder. "Daisy is sorry if Daisy wasted misses time." The small elf shyly spoke. Beth got to her knees "I loved it all of it. Even your jokes." The elf smiled and hugged Styles but instantly pulled back. "Daisy is so very sorry. Daisy should have thought. Stupid Daisy." She was hushed when Beth pulled her closer for another hug. "You gave me just what I needed." Was lovingly whispered into the ear of the elf.

Once this was done Beth had realised her body wasn't as tense as before so she moved a little more elegantly towards the headmaster's office. As she reached the gargoyles the steps were already there. "Typical." She spoke in a hushed tone. She moved up the stairs with a little more elegance and poise. Once at the top, the door was open. There stood Snape and Dumbledore. "Hello my girl." He spoke. "Hello." Her voice was rough and showed a glimpse of how broken she was.

Snape was worried.  It was obvious she had been crying even if it wasn't for the last half hour her face betrayed what had been happening behind closed doors. 'She is upset you didn't respond to her in the forest.' He thought and mentally berated himself. He was stopped in his tracks when Minerva walked in. "There you are. I was looking for you." Her face showed compassion and Snape thought Beth had told her about his silence. He didn't have time to think about it though as Dumbledore spoke. "Well this is brilliant. All four of us. I do require all of your attention for a second. They all nodded in sync and the female half sat. Snape did soon after.

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