Snappy Snape.

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"Them. They were. Them. The people you said hurt you. You were one of them." Severus looked nervous. He knew she didn't know about him and he didn't want her to. He stood to speak again but she pushed him down again and jumped on him. He was expecting her to hurt him so tried to push her hands away but she just kisses him. Confused at first he let her continue until she found it all too much and stopped. Her bum was on his knees and she smoothly scooted down his legs till she was on 'him'. A small groan left his lips causing him to sigh. "Did we just?" He asked whilst her first kissing him in the shack came to her mind but she tried to forget it. "Regret it?" Styles asked as she leant in so their lips were so very close. He kissed her briefly and she smiled contently.

That was when the truth hit. It hit hard.

"I would like to apologise I wasn't thinking clearly. I should have respected you more." Beth said as she hurriedly stood up and mentally smacked herself. A whole different thing was going through her head as she thought more on the Dark Arts professor before her. 'He's a bad man. Gosh I sound like a 5 year old.'

Snape stood and nodded towards her. "It is alright just don't let it happen again." He wanted to tell her to keep doing it but he knew she was just being weak. She hated the man. He was, to be fair to her, horrid during her potions classes.

She quickly picked up her towel and wand. She opened the door and didn't look back but dropped her things again. He sneered at her and her tardiness but she turned around and closed the door. "Did you kill anyone?"

"You have killed before too remember?" His tone was cold. "I killed to stop other innocents being killed. Death eaters did so for fun and based on blood." She spat violently trying to get it together and stop her fear from showing. "How many?" She asked miserably. "Too many." She got as a reply. "You need to study maths. That is not a number." She retorted and he complied "136" as he said this Styles went for the door but she struggled and so Snape saw the chance to grab her.

Standing face to face Styles tried to run. She felt more scared now than she was as a student. "" she said whilst struggling. He held her upper arms tightly. She knew she had lost and there was no way to escape as she was weak.

Then Beth just stopped but Snape suspiciously held just as tight. Suddenly she dropped. Snape was so surprised that he lost his hold and she nearly opened the door when she was pushed up against the wall. Her face was calm yet on the inside she screamed, she wanted to be free. As she looked into his eyes all she could think of was her aunts. They haunted her.

"I did it for Lily. I had to stop him." He whispered into the thrashing girls ear. When he said this she still did not stop trying to get away. "136. Kids, parents, loved ones. Yet you sick people are the true ones who deserved it. All of you except Mrs Malfoy. She did it to keep her son and husband safe. You will never understand. You have never been the innocent one at the end of the wand. You have never been tortured and watched loved ones die because some sick rejects got bored. You..." she was stopped by Severus trying to kiss her but she refused to reply. She just stood there like she was bored. Her voice never broke nor showed any emotion.

The DA professor was impressed by the forced calmness. "How do you do it? Stay so calm?" He asked and tried to see her memories but she blocked him out. "I had some bloody good practice." She dreamily said. Realising he was getting no where he stood back but held her hands above her head still. "I wanted to stop but Dumbledore needed me to." He spoke quietly but she left with her things from the floor.

Snape growled but remembered her saying "you're not a dog" he smiled but felt anger at himself boil. 'He didn't. No he shouldn't care.' He thought. The snake like man had ruined Snape's future again.

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