chapter 1 <3

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Corbyn's P.O.V
I jumped on the couch as I did EVERYDAY, which I was realizing even more & more each day because life just seemed to randomly get so boring!

"hey guys!" I tried yelling so that all the boys could go into the living room where I was currently sitting on the couch.

I noticed nobody came so I yelled louder "HEY GUYSSS"

I heard a couple of groaning boys slowly motioning themselves to the living room saying "what do you want Corbyn?!" I gave them a kind of fake shocked look & laughed then said "I want to do something! everyday just keeps getting more & more boring!"

Zach looked at me confused "ok well, what do you suppose we do Corbyn?" he asked while taking a seat on the couch.

before I could speak I heard a lil boy with FAKE curly hair cut me off "we should go to the BEACH!!"

I looked at him with a fake angry look "uhm Jack you shouldn't cut someone off because it's rude but I agree with you" I laughed & patted him on the back.

"Whoops sorry not sorry" he gave a fake laugh taking my hand off of his back, he seemed kind of annoyed.

Jack's P.O.V
I feel bad because I looked so rude towards Corbyn, but I really didn't mean to I just have been so mad at myself lately because I can't figure out what's wrong with my girlfriend like I'm pretty sure somethings up with her because she's been so distant & I hate that!

"Well we should head out" I looked at all of the boys & started to walk to the door but I stopped as I noticed Zach had started to laugh. "What?" I gave a confused look. "We should probably go put on some bathing suits if we're going to the beach Jack" he looked at me & chuckled. "Whoops you're right I'm gonna go get dressed!"

I went up & got dressed into some random trunks but everyone seemed to be taking for what it could be a ceNTURY! & all the bathrooms were occupied & I really had to pee! So I knocked on the bathroom door that Zach was in & yelled "Zach hurry up I. HAVE. TO. PEE!" he wouldn't answer to my yelling so I just kept knocking until I had enough, I threw the door open & ran inside the bathroom only to see...

I gasp & try to hold in my laughter because I had walked into a little Zachy playing with himself.

after a few seconds of holding in my laughter I just let it out. "Zach uh what are-" he cut me off..

"JACK WHY WOULD YOU WALK IN WHEN YOU CLEARLY KNEW I WAS IN HERE!" he yelled with so much anger... I actually felt bad for what I had done, which was unusual because usually when one of the boys yell at me for something like this I just laughed harder but for some reason Zach made me feel bad?

"I-I'm sorry Zach" I let out an apology because I was sincerely sorry.

"Can you please just get out & don't tell anyone about what you saw ok? Or I swear to go-" I cut him off before he could go any further.

"I'm not going to tell anyone, I am truly sorry Zach" I said as I walked out the door & closed it.
Zach's P.O.V
I am never speaking to Jack again not after what he just saw, I mean what if he knew what I was doing that stuff to? ugh I shouldn't have done it then. I should've waited. Now I just can't stop thinking about how I made such a big embarrassment of myself to Jack, the one person I didn't want to look foolish in front of because he always tells everything to EVERYBODY. well he's not as bad as Corbyn but still! I know he is-

I looked up as someone had cut off my thoughts trying to take my hand so I would go into the ocean.

"No Jack, get away from me!" I looked at him angrily because I couldn't just let go of what he did.

"Man c'mon! I realllllllllly had to pee & everyone was taking foREVER in the bathroom, can you please just forgive me for having the urge to pee?!" He looked at me as if he worried wether I would forgive him or not.

"fine! But I really need to know something.." I gave him a sorta worried look because I didn't want him to know why I was doing what I was doing..

"Yea, okay" he nodded at me, sitting himself right next to me.

"Did you see anything else, like did you see what was on my phone?" I asked him hoping he didn't see what was on my phone.

"Eh no, it was probably porn though" he laughed & then went on "we all do it so it's not really that big of a deal" he explained.

I laughed & nodded acting like what he was saying was true, but it wasn't porn that I was looking at... it was jachary edits. I wished it wasn't though, I wish I hadn't found one of my BANDMATES so attractive, I rolled my eyes not realizing jack was still next to me.

he looked at me confused. "Why did you just roll your eyes no one said anything" he laughed.

"I know I was just thinking & I guess I got myself annoyed" I shrugged, I tried so hard not to give off ANY signs that I found him attractive I mean I'm pretty sure this is all just a phase, I mean I couldn't possibly be gay because Ive always found girls attractive.. I think

"Oh yea I do that to myself all the time, especially when I think about Julie" he looked down with a little frown, that was his girlfriend & she seemed to have been distant from him lately but he didn't want to be distant she was just acting different & I could see he was hurting from it, so I patted him on the back like any bestfriend would do.

"Jack I know that you & Julie will get through this little phase" I let out a little giggle. "after all y'all are my otp so y'all can't give up!"

I saw a smile form on jack's face as he looked up at me & I got some sort of stupid butterflies but I brushed them off because I. Am. Not. Gay., he was just my bestfriend & that's all he was ever going to be to me, my bestfriend. "Thanks for the support Zach, thanks to you I am not going to give up so easily" he said ever so happily. I could tell all he wanted was to be happy with Julie & I was just happy he had someone..

I guess

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