chapter 16 <3

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Zach's P.O.V still
Corbyn gave Jonah a confused look as he thought of a comeback.

"id rather be annoying than a back stabbing snake!"

"oh c'mon!" Jonah said while being sarcastic. "it's not like jack was ever going to love Julie the way he loves Zach"

everyone got quiet as Jonah had just gave a statement that opened up multiple feelings in all the boys. Even if it wasn't about them, it still had an affect on each and everyone of them.

Jack scratched his head in embarrassment.

"never mind I don't think I want to play anymore" jack said silently, immediately regretting that he even came down the stairs.

I grabbed his arm because something inside me told me that I shouldn't let him leave.

He was confused that when he looked to the side, he saw me.

"no, don't go. stay and play with us." I said trying not to make eye contact with the love of my life.

Corbyn gave me a weird look. "you sure?"

I shook my head yes and went back to the board game.

And jack just stood there.

"Are you going to play or not" I asked while still playing the game.

"Y-yea" He was confused but happy, even though I didn't look at his face, I could feel it.

"Can I join" Jonah added in.

"I mean it would be discrimination if I wouldn't let you play too" I said this while obviously joking and everyone laughed.

"me too?.." we all heard a familiar that we all strongly disliked. (Well yk except Jonah)

Everyone automatically looked at jack motioning that it was his decision wether she should stay or not. And he just patted the empty ground next to him basically allowing her to sit next to him.

Surprisingly we all enjoyed each others company and we all shared things we haven't shared before.

Even the bad things.

I admitted being in love with jack since the beginning and he admitted he had feelings for me, then everyone found out about how Julie and Jonah got together and how everything just happened the way it did.

It was kind of weird but we really needed this.

Daniel seemed really quiet the whole time though, he didn't even want to play after awhile because of all the secret telling we were doing.

Nobody noticed but I studied his every move until he made his way upstairs looking like he was about to break down.

Nobody noticed that either.

I felt bad. I felt bad that nobody seemed to care about how Daniel was obviously not himself right now.

I continued to play for a little longer just so that I wouldn't make it obvious that I was going to follow him.

I got up and wiped my pants. "I'm going to the bathroom"

Daniels P.O.V
I laid down feeling exhausted. I slapped my hand against my head.

"I'm okay."

I whispered to myself trying to hold back the tears that have been waiting to be let out due to the constant talking about jack and Zach.

That seemed to be the only thing anyone ever talked about around here now a days.

I heard footsteps while I was finally letting a tear drop.

I wiped the wet spot that the tear I had quickly rushed out of my eyes left.

"you okay?" I heard the voice that I didn't want to hear, but really did at the same time.

I turned around to see Zach.

"yea, I-I'm okay" I lied and I'm pretty sure he knew.

"What's going on with you?" he sat next to my laying body.

"I just told you I was oka-"

"Daniel I know you're not okay, tell me what's wrong with you?" He said serious but sternly.

I felt tears stream down my face as it got heated. "I-I" Zach patted my back while I tried to confess my feelings for him.

"breathe daniel" he tried comforting me.

I then sat up and looked at him.

"I.. like.." why couldn't I say it? I only needed one word left and it was just one simple word. "you" I only expected to say the word in my head but it came out anyway.

he shot me a confused look.

it was quiet and I was nervous. nervous that he wasn't goin-

my thoughts were cut off by me realizing what was going on, right now.

while I was thinking I didn't realize he was slowly leaning in very close to where our faces were almost basically touching.

we locked eyes and sat there just staring and our eyes would move down to our lips every few seconds until Zach finally fully leaned in and pressed his lips against mine, softly.

It was the slowest kiss I've ever experienced.

he even pulled away slowly.

"w-what was t-that" I didn't know why this happened or why he did it, it was way to unexpected for me to understand why he did it.

"I wanted to know how your lips felt... o-or if there was going to be sparks." He looked down while his rosy cheeks grew rosier.

"well did you you fee-"

Zach looked up so fast and grabbed my cheeks and smashed my face onto his, and well this time he didn't kiss me so soft.

Zach's P.O.V
I didn't feel anything. Nothing at all.

I wanted it to feel like how it felt like to kiss jack.

because I wanted to be over him. I wanted all this jack mess to end. And if that meant trying and possibly falling for Daniel, then so be it.

So I kissed him a second time. But this time more aggressively, and I couldn't help but think of jack. That's right. Jack Robert Avery.

This time the kiss didn't end though because I think I was pretending that Daniel was jack. But at this point I'd do anything to forget about jack.

But was I really forgetting about him, if I was so into the kiss because I thought Daniel was jack for a few seconds?

A/N; hope ya liked it:)!! Btw i LIVE for some of yalls comments so please keep doing that because that's why I even have motivation to write this trash.💀🧡

Press the star btw cs it's the cool thing to do

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