Chapter 25 <3

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No P.O.V.. yet? Tehe

all the boys gathered around in the lobby waiting for one single member who probably didn't care enough about the fact that they had an interview in exactly 30 minutes. I mean he never cared when he was with Violet.

"yo jack really needs to get down here, we're going to be late and management is really not going to like that." Jonah, the mother of the group, spoke up.

"yeah we know, so who's going to be the one who gets him down here?" Corbyn replied smartly but then the boys quickly followed with a quick response.

"Zach" they said this in unison knowing the younger boy would do as they say.

The rosy cheeked boy rolled his eyes while already making his way up to the room. Cursing at himself under his breath, the boy finally made it to the door, he was going to knock until he heard loud moans and banging against the wall. The young boy was traumatized by the sound remembering what they had recently did. His body filled with anger as he was trying to push away the sadness that was overcoming him.

He gave 3 hard knocks that couldn't be ignored and the banging stopped as he heard stumbling and quiet cursing.

He expected a jack but he was welcomed with a Violet. "you really need to get over him. Stop stopping us from being in love. The only problem in this relationship is the fact that you're still hung up on MY boyfriend and it's really creepy-"

"Violet, he came here because we have an interview please stop getting jealous, I swear I only love you babe" Jack gave his girlfriend a quick peck as he closed the door and walked out meeting a shocked Zach who was also still angry.

"Zach plea-"

"leave me the fuck alone." Zach wiped the tears he didn't even know were streaming down his face already for awhile now.

Zach walked straight down the stairs knowing jack would use the elevator.

"Hey you okay?" Corbyn patted Zach shoulder but zach just shook it off and nodded a slight yes.

-skIp tO dA iNteRvIeW hOeS-

Zach sat farthest from Jack ignoring the usually already answered questions while thinking about how stupid he looked earlier, he mentally scolded himself for crying.

"So the fans want to know, is Vack a thing yet?" The interviewer laughed as Jack did too and Zach was snapped out of his thoughts.

"Actually, yea it is" he smiled as fans clapped and some threw in a "finally"

Zach rolled his eyes looking down in disappointment. He didn't want to expose himself anymore than last time.

"ok so Zach this ones for you" the interviewer was flipping through his papers looking at the pre written questions leaving Zach anxious.

"yea?" Zach looked up at him.

"oh ok I got it. What exactly is your sexuality?" He gave a smile looking at Zach who felt everything was getting slower and all the walls were just caving straight in just to squeeze him as much as they can, to the point where he was no longer breathing.

And there he was, a nervous mess, breathing growing faster by the second, he was really having an anxiety attack due to one question.

He knew he had to fix this before it got serious so he looked down and pictured he was somewhere else as he mentally counted to 30 slowly.

His breathing then slowed and went back to a normal steady pace and he finally looked up noticing all the worry in people's eyes. He acted like if nothing happened and continued to answer the question.

"I like guys." He coughed out as he fiddled with his now suddenly interesting fingers.

The fans gasped in shock.

The boys looked at him also in shock that he actually came out. Right now. In a live interview.

"So you're gay?" The interviewer pushed as Zach just kept looking down wondering what his next move would be.

"I-I" and before Zach could finish his own statement he ran right off stage, about to have another anxiety attack.

- - - - - - - -

"Zach" someone shook the young boy. "Hey zach" they began shaking him more.

Zach just groaned in response.

Jack sighed in relief. "Thank god, you're fine." He layed his hand on Zach's back.

"Stop, DONT touch me!" Zach then began to remember everything that happened that day.

"Look Zach I'm-"

"No!" Zach blurted out not wanting to hear another apology.

"I thought I could do this, but seeing you with her hurts me so much and I can't do it, in fact I can't do any of this at all! I don't want to be here, I don't want to be in this stupid band, I don't even want to be on this stupid earth" Zach began to break out into sobs hanging his head down finally saying how he felt.

Jack pulled the younger boy into a hug comforting him knowing that he needed it.

"Don't say that, please-"

"I bet you're even going to stay with her" Zach stood up and scoffed pulling away from Jack's grip.

"But it's fine, zach doesn't matter right? What we had or have is absolutely nothing, ugh it's shit, all of it. You're shit!" Zach couldn't stop the tears flowing down his face due to frustration and sadness.


"No just shut up! Shut the fuck up! You act so much older than me and y'all all act like if you have this higher authority image than me and I'm sick and tired of it, so from now fucking on you're going to actually listen to me and you're not going to speak back to me unless I say you can, because I'm so done with all of this Jack, I'm done." Zach huffed letting out the anger he'd been holding in, until Violet walked in.

"Don't talk to him like that" she pushed Zach towards a wall.

"Leave me alone Violet." He payed no attention to her signs that were showing she wanted a fight and simply walked out the room brushing sleeves against his tear stained cheeks.

EXTRA  A/N (it's above the old one cus I want chu to aNSWER this question); CAN YALL COMMENT SOME GOOD JACHARY OR GAY WDW OR WDW BOOKS IN GENERAL PLS PLS PLS

A/N; heyoo do y'all want more gay wdw because I have a few plots for a dorbyn fic or another jachary fic :) // btw this is complete booty but I felt like I needed to update, sorry if you expected a better chapter:(

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