Chapter 7 <3

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hi, it's still Jack's P.O.V
I slowly woke up in a hospital bed with Zach to my side with a busted lip & a bruised eye.

"W-where am I" I asked looking towards Zach.

"Obviously the hospital jack" Zach laughed and I laughed a little too.

"Where's Julie?" I got worried because what if something happened to her? And she's carrying my baby.

"Probably with Jonah" he rolled his eyes obviously annoyed at the fact that I asked about Julie.

"Zach, why do you hate Julie so much" I asked him this because not even I hated her as much as he hated her, and I was the one who was cheated on.

"I don't hate her, I just hate how she could do my bro like that"

and there was that word again, why did I hate the word "bro" coming out of Zach's mouth?

I don't know, but Hearing him say that was like tasting a sour taste that you don't like, it was like if you were to bite into something bitter but like hearing wise. You know what I mean?

Zach's P.O.V
when I had responded to jack I was scared because he took a while to respond back, and I thought maybe it's because he knows that I like him now...

when I don't! Because well I'm not gay!

I might just have a little bit of feelings for ONE guy... is that so bad?

"can I ask you something?" Jack asked me this while looking very anxious.

I shook my head yes. "Sure, yea, ok"

"soo was what Julie said true?"

after those words came out of his mouth I SWEAR I could not speak.

and so after a while of sitting in silence because I could not respond to jack he spoke up.

"It's ok if it is"

"No! No, I don't like you!" I quickly said trying to act like I wasn't lying.

"Okok chill zach, I believe you"

he smiled at me and I smiled back.


"Sooooo do you think I can leave already?" He seemed like he realllly wanted to leave.

"I don't know, I guess if you want to leave then you should just.. do it?" I didn't know how this worked so I gave my best response.

"Alright, well I'm going to just go see if Julie's okay..."

really jack?

"Okay" I acted like if I didn't care, but I did, I really did, I mean I HATED the idea of him forgiving her or just him & her in general! I just genuinely dislIKE her!

"you wanna come?"

at this point I was annoyed that jack even bothered to ask if I wanted to come knowing that I "hate" her.

"Jack, why would you even ask me that?" I rolled my eyes.

"I don't know, I just thought since you didn't like me there was no reason for y'all to hate eachother"

"I don't hate her! And I told you, the only thing I hate is how she cheated on you! I mean you treat her so right jack and she just goes and has a baby with one of YOUR bestfriends!"

I felt a confession slip and it wasn't even mine to confess.

oh shit.

"W-what do you mean, Zach?" I saw tears fill up his eyes.

but I was so mad.

anything could slip out of my mouth/mind at this point.

"You heard me jack! She isn't having YOUR baby! because she is carrying Jonah's!"

I couldn't help myself, I was furious!

he wiped his tears and seemed enraged. "No no no, you're lying! I know you are! Because you DO like me!"

My voice got quiet. "No-"

"YES ZACH! YOU DO! You don't think I see the way you look at me sometimes?! You don't think I notice how touchy you get?! Because I DO! I can't believe I ever befriended a liar like you! Why would you even try to ruin my GREAT relationship like that?!"

wow. I didn't think jack could ever make me cry as much as he just did because right now, I was balling.

"Jack, I'm not lying" i said this while hoping he would believe me.

"Shutup zach, and just leave me alone from now on"

My heart sunk.

Jack basically just ended our friendship.


It actually felt like I was breaking into a million pieces.

Jack's P.O.V
I couldn't believe what I was doing. What I was saying. I really couldn't help it. 

But I also couldn't help seeing Zach that way, knowing I was the reason he just broke down.

So I left.

I grabbed my clothes and I left.

I went to go change out of the dressy thing they make you wear and after that I went to the front desk.

"Do you know what room Julie Philips is in?" I asked the lady who was behind the desk.

"Are you family?"

I shook my head no. "I'm her boyfriend"

the nurse looked at me confused. "How can she have two boyfriends?"

"Excuse me?"

"I just sent her boyfriend in because they are checking up on their baby"

Zach wasn't lying.

She really did get pregnant because of Jonah.

And now I'm alone.

I walked away because I was so embarrassed, I felt like every one knew that Julie's baby wasn't really mine except ME.

I tried calling Zach.

He didn't pick up.

So I tried calling Daniel and he DID pick up.

"What?" He said while crunching on something.

"Hey uhh I need a ride from the hospital"

"Well ok, I'll be there in 10"

I waited for Daniel to pick me up, but this waiting felt wayyy longer than 10 minutes.

because I couldn't stop thinking about the fight I had with zach, I told him to leave me alone.

I really broke our friendship off because of a girl.

A girl who cheated on me, who lied to me, & she continued to cheat/lie to me even after getting pregnant.

I was mad, but not at zach nor at Julie.

I was mad at myself, I believed everything Julie said.. knowing she could be lying.

I saw Daniel pull up.

A/N; by the way my name is Julie:)💀

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