chapter 26 <3

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finally the next day rolled around and Zach really wasn't feeling it. he went to sleep hating everything that came out of his mouth that day and ended up loudly crying himself to sleep. no one heard though, shockingly.

on the other hand Jack was having a really good day, he woke up to random gifts from his girlfriend and a nice breakfast she had made knowing he had a show today.

and for the rest of the boys, they were all just really worried for the youngest member who wouldn't open the door to any of their knocks and was just completely ghosting absolutely everybody. he wouldn't even talk to his siblings.

and when the show came around you could see how lifeless he was and how he showed he didn't want to be there at all but still put on a show with his four best friends, hoping for the time to go by faster than it was.

surprisingly, when the show was over all the boys (except for jack) huddled around Zach stopping him from getting into the van.

"what?" Zach looked at them confused.

"bro we're so proud of you." Corbyn gave him a wide smile while pulling the smaller boy into a hug.

"for what?" Zach still seemed confused not even realizing he came out yesterday.

"for coming out to everyone, that must've took a lot of guts pal" Jonah then joined in the hug and then Daniel. It was a sweet moment,

but then came violet and jack walking in, as always ruining the moment, hand in hand.

Zach just looked down, going back into that lifeless state of mind, wishing he'd just disappear.

Jack quickly let go while seeing Zach's expression change so quickly.

"really? Jack we don't have to stop being couply in front of him just because he has some huge crush on you, this is honestly getting so annoying." Violet looked at both boys annoyed at the fact that jack cared so much for Zach's emotions.

"violet, stop being so inconsiderate." Christina came walking in, putting her friend in check.

"I've tried being considerate but every time we're around him it's like jack leaves his whole body and is a completely different person, I was supportive of them (Zach & Jack) when jack and I were just friends but it was a toxic type situation and that's not what I want for jack." violet honestly had a point but no one could ever agree that violet was the one for him, Jack needed and wanted Zach and Zach felt the same and that's why it was so toxic.

Everyone stayed silent at violets response trying to process what really was going down.

"well it's not about what you want, it's about what he wants." Zach spoke up catching a glance from everyone.

"well he wants me, so get over it Zachary" violet rolled her eyes at Zach's smart response.

"If he wanted you so badly he wouldn't still be messing around with me." And finally with one statement the truth was unfolded.

"now you're just making up lies, right jack?" Violet was worried at how Jack was going to answer, this definitely scared her because that would mean she had been making a fool out of herself this whole time.

"its the truth, we actually were doing stuff right before you arrived here and surprised him which really ruined a moment." Zach smirked adding an eye roll, walking into the van while the other 3 boys who were previously huddled around him followed.

"Jack? Is that true?" Violet looked up at her boyfriend who was about as shocked as she was.

"Yes" jack snapped and sighed like if something had been lifted off his shoulders, he wanted to tell her so badly but he could never to work up the courage to actually do it.

"do you still have feelings for him?" Violets whole expression changed, she was really confident that he loved her more than Zach but he didn't, Jack's heart belonged to Zach and Zach only.

"a lot" jack choked out not looking at her because he was embarrassed, he wasn't the type to just talk about his feelings.

"more feelings than you have for me" tears began streaming down violets eyes as she watched jack nod yes to the question.

"look violet I am so sorry, I told you from the beginning I've never liked someone the way I like Zach, it's so different and i feel like a whimp around him because all we do is talk about feelings which he mostly forces me too but I don't mind it, being with him changes my perspective on everything." Jack was now fully accepting the way he felt for Zach. He really just wanted him and for all of this drama to finally stop. He wanted to be happy. But most importantly he wanted to be happy with Zach.

Violet then let out a smile at how cute that sounded and gave a little laugh. "Well you better go get your man, he sounds like such a great dude if he has someone like you talk about feelings."

Jack was shocked at the response Violet gave but then remembered she was his best friend before this and would always give pep talks about how to handle Zach and all of his emotions towards him, so really this wasn't anything new, just a trip down memory lane. Jack mentally smiled at himself silly having so many good thoughts about Zach.

"he's not going to want me" jack's mood changed as he realized everything he put Zach through was the worst, and that he wouldn't even forgive himself if he were Zach. After all the chances Zach had already given him Jack thought this was actually the last straw and there was no way of getting out of this zone Zach had finally put Jack in.

A/N; I have a feeling this book is coming to an end because jachary is finally going to happen but like tehe don't worry if this ends like how I hope it will and if I don't change my plots then there will eventually be a sequel so let's hope my indecisive self doesn't change the ending I've already mentally pre made because that's the only way I can make a sequel skskksks

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