Chapter 18 <3

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Daniel's P.O.V
Zach came up to me looking upset.. as usual, I mean he is never happy and I guess that's mostly my fault, I should be the one making him happy but Instead i feel like I just make him feel worse or I at least make situations worse.

"hey, what's wrong" I tried to make conversation with him like I tried to everyday.

"nothing, just kiss me already" he rolled his eyes and pulled me towards him so that we'd be only an inch apart but as soon as he was going to press his lips onto mine I turned my head just a little so that he kissed my cheek and not my lips.

"Daniel, the whole point of this being friends with benefits thing is so that I can kiss you whenever I'm mad or something is going wrong" I suddenly got a rushed feeling of sadness and I just wanted to cry right there. like a big ol' baby because hearing him basically say he wanted to take his anger out on me through kissing and stuff was not the best thing to hear from the person you love.

I mean I loved him. I just wish he'd love me back. 

"Oh okay" I looked down, now not in the mood for anything and I leaned back on a wooden stool.

"What's wrong Daniel?" He only now decided to put my feelings into consideration.

"nothing" gosh I hated making things more dramatic than what they had to be.

"ugh Daniel please just tell me so that we can kiss already!"

"no! I'm tired of getting used like this, I have treated you so right zach and you still don't love me back!" I let out a few tears. "But it's what ever" I shrugged trying to stop the flowing tears coming out of my eyes.

"yeah. it is what ever!" I didn't expect Zach to be so heartless. I frowned as he walked off in an enraged manner.

"I'm sorry" I said this under my breath.

Jack's P.O.V
I was still mad about the whole Zach thing but, Vi always made things better. She knows just how to make me smile when I think that nothing in the world can make me happy. And I love that.

"Jack.. you just need to chill, he's going to talk to you at some point, I mean y'all are going on tour in a week." She made a good point, like he is bound to talk to me on tour. "Plus y'all have an interview later, right?"

shit. I forgot.

I slapped my forehead. "oh my goodness! thank you for reminding me violet!" I laughed at my forgetfulness and so did she.

god, talks with her were amazing.

they reminded me of Zach.

ugh. why couldn't I get over him?!

"do you need a ride back to the house so that you aren't late to your interview?"

"actually that would be great! thanks vi!" I smiled at her and she gave me a quick blush that I ignored, obviously because I didn't want anything serious with her, even though everyone thought something was going on between us.

we literally only talk about Zach.

-ok let's just get to the awkward interview-

3rd person.
"we are excited to announce that we have a couple of five very special boy-" the interviewer couldn't even talk without the fans screaming their heads off for why don't we. 

so the stage manager just went along and let the boys walk on to the stage they would be interviewed on.

the boys walked out one by one and sat down on metal stools that had mics in front of them.

"everyone quiet down, so that we can get your questions answered!" the interviewer said this with that stereotypical type of "accent" any interviewer would have.. if that's what you'd call it?..

as soon as the audience came to a complete silence the interviewer began interviewing basically, and the question this boi asked were normal boooring questions such as "how did the band start" or "how did you come up with the band name" even though, anyyy limelight would know the answer to those questions.

after about 10 minutes of those questions, the man who was asking the questions told the audience to write on a piece of paper -that he left under their seats- what they'd like to know about -the best boy band ALIVE- why don't we.

"ok, now I'm going to read y'all's questions"

"hit us with your best shot" Corbyn made a joke while they waited for the guy (let's call him rob) to open the stupid white paper -it was crumbled ok- that made everybody anxious because he took an eternity to open it.

"this is from sara. is jachary still a thing? because I haven't seen any posts with y'all anymore. by the way I love y'all!" the 16 year old boy began to feel uncomfortable and a little angry at the fact that someone brought up jack.

-ok so obviously, if you haven't picked up on this yet, Zach has gotten anger issues (my gay baby is a mad man)-

"I didn't know people shipped me and Zach" Jonah saved the two as he noticed how uncomfortable/sad/mad (mixture of emotions hoe) they were getting.

all the limelight's began to laugh because they knew Jonah was acting dumb.

"answer the question please!" a fan from the back of the venue yelled.

"we're still great best friends, don't worry!" Jack fakes a smile and just spoke up because he knew Zach wasn't going to man up, but of course he also knew Zach wasn't even a man yet.

"nexxxxxt question!" rob was surely a dramatic guy. "this ones from missy! She asks, so how's violet, jack?"

Zach was fed up and rolled his eyes a little too hard and everyone noticed.

"she's fine, thank you so much for asking, missy!" He smiled, knowing that talking about vi made that little gay boy mad or jealous, he wasn't sure but he knew he liked how Zach made the dirty/disgusted mean face he usually made at violets and his name in the same sentence.

A/N; yO I turned 15 today:) (meaning it was my birthday #yagirlwasbornmarch18thhoe and that's why I updated like 7 mins before midnight lmao!

anyways I wanted to ask if i should make a fan account and if I did who would follow it and what should the username be, I kinda already have one but I went inactive and it has terrible edits on it. it's @ wdwskam if you wanted to check it out lmao.

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