Chapter 21 <3

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A/N; PLEASE FOLLOW @wdwowns on instagram, I just made the account and I post imagines on it! I think y'all would like it and I hope y'all enjoy this chapter that literally took an hour because I am an uncreative biotch who has no inspo rn and has a terrible writers block KMS. Btw please press that star, k thx. Mwah

Zach's P.O.V
a week went by and I got constant comments and messages both good and bad from people because I never said anything about the video that was still going around.

I didn't feel like I was obligated to go and tell everybody why I was in a bad mood that day, it was nobody's business anyway. It also didn't matter because Jack and I were cool, we were friends.

Plus, we were going on tour, I didn't need a negative mood while on it. I wanted to be happy.

"Are you even listening to me, Zach?!" Violet was rambling on about how excited she was for us.

oh yeah, did I tell you that violet and I were friends too. I still didn't like her because something about her was really off, but I just went with everything. I was just flying by life basically, I didn't know what kind of mood this was but I knew I wasn't happy or sad? I was thinking too much now a days, more than I have ever thought? If that makes sense.

"yeah yeah." I gave her a quick response.

"No you're not, what're you thinking about?" How did she always know what I was feeling? It's like she could read everyone's mind.

"Well, nothing?" Technically I didn't lie.

"Is it about... the hate?" I lowered my head as she reminded me that about a thousand people hated me, just for not speaking up about why I seemed so jealous.

"no" I shook my head as it was facing down. "I'm going to go get some chips."

I felt like everyday got slower, I know it's only been a week but that's how I felt, that the world kept getting slower the less I would show my emotions, but I also felt if I showed my emotions I wouldn't be able to keep some in and everything would just be let out, I didn't want that.

I walked down the stairs passing 3 of the boys, I didn't know which ones because I didn't bother to look up at any of them or try to acknowledge them in any way.

I made my way to the downstairs bathroom and just sat in the bath tub for a good while, staring at the wall. It wasn't until like 10 minutes of just staring that I decided to go through my phone, I know I was basically torturing myself by looking through hate comments but it also made me feel better that the people who still supported me would argue with all the hate comments, I was just glad I had people by my side.

too bad it didn't feel that way with the friends I had. I felt ignored by everyone I lived with.

It was a weird thought that I had to begin tour tomorrow with these people too. I just feel like I don't have anyone to vent to about this stuff, it's like they'll listen to you but they're not really listening. And it gets kind of annoying how everyone acts like they're there for you but they really aren't.

"hey Zach, can you get out? Jonah's taking a shower upstairs and I realllly have to pee" I let out a chuckle because poor Corbyn sounded like he was struggling.

"Yeah, I'll be right out" I got up and left my phone there so that I wouldn't be looking at stupid comments anymore and I walked out, just passing by Corbyn as he ran in as soon as I got out.

I couldn't help but feel a weird feeling in my gut as I walked up the stairs to go back to violet, it was like a feeling that told me something. Something like "don't do that" but I kept going up anyway.

I led myself to the room I left violet in and saw that the door was closed. Hm why the fuck would she close my door, uhm excuse me. (Mind this part ^ I just needed a lil laugh lmao)

I opened the door only to see Jack on top of Violet, oh lord these children need help because what I saw was not an innocent sight of love it was more like bitch I'm trynna smash.

(lmao idk what I'm doing with my life anymore)

I coughed loud enough to where they both jumped and quickly adjusted themselves. I could feel my eyes burning, holy fuck. I still have feelings for Jack. (Well no dur, I actually feel stupid writing this.)

I didn't let myself cry. I couldn't. He has to think that I don't love him anymore.

"I'll uhm I'll just go" I tried to walk out but Jack grabbed my arm.

"Zach, we aren't-" he tried to tell me some dumb thing that you would hear in cheesy movies where someone gets cheated on like "it's not what it looks like".

"Y'all aren't what? Because that looked like y'all were pretty much about to eat each other" (PUN INTENDED;)

"Yeah but we're just friends"

I looked at violet then jack. "Maybe you should tell her that, instead of leading her on, unless you have feelings for her too" I wasn't only mad for myself but I was also mad for violet because I've been in her shoes. Jack says some stuff that really hurts you when he's really not meaning it at all, he just doesn't know how to control his feeling reflexes.

He looked back at her as she was just sitting on the bed looking vulnerable as ever, and then he looked at me straight in the eyes.

(Don't know how he looked at him straight? Must be magic since he's not straight. BAHAHAHHAHA MORE GAY JOKES, I actually love myself... I'm so tired)

he looked as if he was making the hardest decision in his life, but why did he give us both that confused look when he was obviously falling for violet who was honestly falling for him too.

I didn't care what he had to say after that, I just felt exhausted from everything so I quickly made my way out of the room and closed it behind me.

I was too lazy and sad? to even go into a different room so I slid down against the door I had just closed and I sat. I sat for a long while. I sat there probably the whole night just having my head buried in my knees.

A/N; I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I know it's kind of sucky because I have like a bad writers block atm but I promise I will try to make the next chapter juicy, because that's when your starts ;)!

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