Chapter 10 <3

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Zach's P.O.V
after a long process of signing papers and the doctors checking to see if I was stable enough to go home, we finally left.

as I got in the car Daniel made sure to watch my every move because the doctor said "keep an eye on him" which made me super mad because they're not going to treat me the same.

they're just going to think that I'm the stupid little suicidal boy who they have to watch and is very close to the edge.

With that thought I leaned my head against the car window and closed my eyes but I didn't close my eyes to sleep, I closed my eyes so that I wouldn't have to look at Corbyn or daniel for awhile.

I just wanted to think.

to think about jack and how mad I was at him, or to think about how I'm going to make Daniel and the other guys not treat me like if I'm some kid, and to think about how I'm going to tell my parents everything..

I let out a tear at the thought of my parents being unaccepting of me being me.

"What's wrong" Daniel put his hand on my shoulder and looked at me being concerned.

"Nothing daniel, mind your own business ok?" I said this to him while being very annoyed because he doesn't have to show me pity, he didn't care about me before this, I mean none of them did, not even jack..

"Wow ok-" when Daniel said this Corbyn stopped the car and parked it.

"WERRREEE HOMMMMEEE" He said very happily because Corbyn is always happy and jumpy.

Daniel got out while being mad at me for snapping at him out of no where.

"I'm sorry dan-" he cut me off.

"No Zach! You're never considerate towards anyone's feelings! I was just trying to help."

before I could even respond to him he walked inside and sat on the couch and he knew I wasn't going to follow him because jack was on the couch too.

so I walked up the stairs quickly and went straight to my room so that I wouldn't have to make any contact with jack because I knew I was either going to break down or just yell... a lot, about nothing.

well it would be about something. it'd be about how he acted like he cared about me but in all reality he didn't and he still does not.

as I got caught up in my thoughts once again I heard a knock on the door.

I knew it was jack so I ignored the knock and acted as if I was asleep just in case he would walk in the room even though I didn't respond to his knock.

Jack's P.O.V
I knocked on Zach's (and corbyns and Jonah's) room door because at that moment he was the only one in there and that would be the perfect time to apologize.. for everything.

he ignored the knock and I knew he wasn't asleep because I heard him move around on his bed when I did knock.

he probably knew it was me.

so I walked in hoping to see an awake Zach that wasn't mad but he clearly was (mad) because he was trying to ignore me by pretending to sleep.

"Zach, I wanted to just say sorry"

he continued to act as if he was asleep.

so I jumped on him.

"Jack, what the hell man?" He said while pretending he just got up, he acts like I can't tell when he's lying or faking.

I let out a chuckle at my thought.

"What?" He tried not to laugh.

"You are just terrible at faking stuff" I continued to laugh.

"shut up, I'm the greatest liar you've ever met!" He said this while his lip was quivering because he was forcing himself to hold in his laugh.

"mhm okay" I said while obviously being sarcastic.

then he finally let out the laugh he's been holding in.

"I'm sorry Zach" i said this while he was laughing but right when I said it he got quiet.

"No!" He shook his head. "I'm done with you jack, DONE" he realized why he was mad at me and got even more angry.

"Zach, please I was going to go-"

he cut me off.

"NO YOU WERENT, stop lying to me jack! you don't care, you never did, and you most likely never will" he just kept shaking his head in disappointment and I felt so bad but i had to snap back at him, it's a reflex.


"just leave me alone jack! Why do you put on this stupid act?!" He paused for a second and then continued. "Is it because you want to embarrass me?! I mean you already know that IM IN LOVE WITH YOU! WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT FROM ME?! I already look like a fucking dumbass!.."

"it's not AN ACT! and I would never want to embarrass you, so can you please calm down?!" I disregarded the fact that Zach just confessed his love for me.. again, because I didn't want to respond to that..

"oh fuck you jack, for the past couple of days all you've been doing is embarrassing me left and right! I almost killed myself because of you" his eyes filled with tears and frustration.

I had no idea how to respond at all at this point.

I couldn't even imagine my bestfriend being dead.. especially if it was my fault.

"Just lea-"

before Zach could even finish saying "leave me alone jack" for about the third time, I had smashed my lips onto his so that he could shut the fuck up.

I had never kissed someone in such an angrily manner before.

It was like the best/worst kiss because we were so mad but so happy just being in that room together with our lips locked.

A/N; ok so like I'm so fricken sorry for taking so long to update lmao 😂 but like I hope y'all liked this chapter.

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