chapter 28 <3

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a/n; thank you so so so much for 100k reads, I remember first posting this at like 2am on a school night thinking this is fucking shit but ima post it anyway lmao,

and well tbh I wasn't even going to make a chapter 2 but I HAD to write, everytime I saw a jachary moment it just drove me straight to ideas for THIS book and yeah.

I thought 100 reads was going to be the most I ever reached up to in total but damn you all proved me wrong.

"wakkkeee upppp" zach shook jack acting as if nothing ever happened. Zach was hoping to just go straight back to basics and maybe just have his old normal friendship back. he could care less about what happened yesterday.

the young boy was just afraid of how things would go if him and his so called best friend were ever to become more than just friends. It freaked him out that he could lose jack just by letting their emotions roam free, anyway, so much was happening already, and zachary really didn't need just another burden.

on the other hand, jack was the still very clueless boy that did not understand zach one bit, so by being completely ignored of his feelings (if that fucking makes sense??) he couldn't wrap his mind around it at all, zach was a hecka dramatic kid and for him to just leave this situation alone, scared jack.

the two boys were both freaking out and just acted as if they were chillin.

(they're in the van they travel in & shit, ok?ok #timeskiphOoE)

"yo, where are we eating jack? it's your turn to pick" jonah faced the back where the two confuzzled boys sat.

"mcdonalds, I need fries" the mop head scratched the back of his neck beginning to open his mouth again but only to speak to zach, unfortunately he couldn't find the words to start a conversation.

Zach noticed this and it amused him, he liked that he now knew jack was often flustered by him.

"bro you're really going to eat fries at 9 in the morning?" zach laughed a little at the ideal breakfast that jack was completely salivating over.

"fries help me focus, they're my go to food.. or snack? whatever you call them, they're a heck of a stress relief." the older boy tried to explain this making him sound fat and feel fat which lowered his self esteem in that moment, making him look away in a bit of a shameful mood.

"oh and what exactly would you be stressed over right about now mr. avery?" the 17 year old didn't notice how jack looked away, considering he was still looking straight. (lmao but u gayy)

"you know..." jack felt as if he was about to have an anxiety attack, feelings scared him, and thinking about food was not helping, he just needed air.

"no actually I don-" as Zach was going to shove his smart remark in jacks face he turned his head noticing the older boy was not okay, and well he felt that shit.

"hey, you okay?" he asked in a whisper but caring type tone.

"yeah, it's just... never mind" the noodle wearing boy turned to look out the window only helping him cool off.

"tell me" zach lied his hand on jacks shoulder showing a sign of comfort, and that he was giving him his fully undivided attention.

"feelings scare me. talking to you the way I talk with the other guys scares me, its just not the same and I can't just act like you're one of the other guys because that's not what you are to me, talking like this, it sort of feels comforting, but not? I don't even know if that makes sense but all I know is this is all just confusing, i can't even talk about food around you or I quickly get put in a low self esteemed type mood, and that usually only happens when I'm beginning to develop feelings for someone not when I've already had them forever, it's like you press this rewind button and I'm falling for you every time but only harder each time." jack didn't breathe at all, he was rambling at this point which resulted in a loud breath he let out.

"woah bro, that was.." corbyn began. "..deep" Jonah finished as they were both intrigued in the other two boys' discussion.

"jack- I-"

"yeah, I know, you want to forget everything and act like nothing ever happened, and I respect that. I just had to let that out before we really forgot everything.." jack looked down fiddling with the hem of his shirt, praying for someone to bring up a new topic or something.

"well good news is we've arrived" corbyn said in a cheery voice, jumping out of the van watching everyone follow so he could close the door behind them.


"leave me alone, jonah" jack ignored the older boy who only wanted to comfort his friend, but unfortunately the only person he wanted to talk to was zach and that wasn't going to happen anytime soon.


the boys all ate and jack had barely touched his fries, he thought about how sickening it was to think food was a stress relief, he mentally scolded himself only making his appetite well not much of an appetite. he didn't want to eat.

"jack, bud, you should eat" corbyn pushed jack's fries closer towards him with a smile knowing what jack was thinking.

"fuck off" jack pushed the fries to the middle of the table and stormed to the bathroom as he felt that familiar feeling as if he were going to cry.

"zach dont you think you should-"

"no..this is him, he needs to figure out who the fuck he is and who and what the fuck he wants before he even tries to talk to me like if im the only person on this world for him. because im not confused at all, I know who and what I want." zach couldnt handle pressure being put on him like that and he was still deciding on what his next move would even be.

I mean he knew what jack was going through but thought that wasn't what he needed to help with right now, zach needed to help himself for once and he knew that. even though it might sound selfish considering the fact that jack was literally starving himself today and close to having mental breakdowns every 5 minutes, it literally was how Zach was and no one necessarily got him through that, it was a rocky road Zach drove on his own and jack needed that for himself too.

but of course, zach being him..

went to go help the fucking love of his life.

a/n; I bet u thought Zach was just gonna let Jack be depressed.

hell no ;)

anyway, I have a really good idea in mind for anotha gay wdw fan fic, so like tell which ship you'd prefer..

jachary (again) or dorbyn

^ personally I feel dorbyn would do better but jachary would do well with the idea too.


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