chapter 19 <3

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-There's the couple you all "love", Julie & Jonah 💀-

still 3rd person.
"well okay then." rob said kind of awkwardly at the situation. "NEXT QUESTION!"

"this is frommm jade, she askss, is vack a thing & if not, when is it going to be a thing?"

everyone grew quieter than they already were because EVERYbody knew by now that Zach was already hating the idea of talking about jack and violet.

jack chuckled anyways though. "no, it's not a thing. we're just best friends" he said as he smiled at the crowd.

"DIDNT YOUR MOM TEACH YOU NOT TO LIE!" someone yelled from the audience while laughing. And everyone joined in, except for Zach.

"you know what? fuck this." Zach said quietly but didn't realize there was still a mic in front of him.

now everybody was dead silent, like if a single feather dropped you'd hear it.

his cheeks were the rosiest at this point and his hands were tense as his stomach was swirling all around and he felt completely frozen.

and so after awhile of stupid silence Zach got the courage to walk off the stage they were on in confidence like if nothing just happened.

"please don't post these videos" corbyn said nicely into the mic as he ran after Zach.

"Zach!" Corbyn yelled at him while hoping he'd stop.

"What Corbyn?" Zach said while stopping but still looking the other way, trying not to turn around.

"what the fuck was that?" Corbyn paused for a second and then continued. "Can't you just keep your cool for ONE interview man?!" Corbyn was disappointed and shook his head at the back of Zach.

Zach felt bad so he turned around with the bright red eyes -he was hoping not to show- that got puffier by the second and tried to talk but his quivering mouth and nervousness/embarrassment wouldn't let him spit anything out.

Corbyn didn't know what to say all he thought was how bad he felt for his little best friend. So with that he gave him a big warm gentle but tight hug and just stood there with him.

and while this was happening the venue was still quiet until Jonah said something.

"I'm so sorry guys that we have to cut this short, but as you can see our friend Zach isn't having the best time of his life here, so I feel it's best if we just end it right now... I-it was nice seeing all of your beautiful faces and thank you so much for coming, it actually means a lot" the boys then all got the memo that they were leaving so they got off the stools and directed themselves towards the other two boys.

Once they saw what was going on they all joined in the hug even jack.

Zach didn't know what to say or think, he just knew that he felt pathetic crying over something so stupid in front of a big crowd.

"I'm sorry, Zach" jack said this into Zach's ear nervously hoping that Zach was okay and that he would forgive him.

Unfortunately it only made Zach feel more pathetic and angry so he pulled away from the hug, wiping his tears and leading himself out the door and into the van, it wasn't as quick as it sounds but he didn't take his time leaving either.

All the boys grew confused and just gave each other a look and walked behind Zach just to get into the van.

It was quiet almost the whole ride home until they were just a few houses down, and Jack touched Zach's shoulder.

Zach slowly turned his head from the window that he was looking out of to Jack. "Jack you're right next to me, why are you touching my shoulder?"

Jack slowly put his head closer to Zach's making Zach think that he was about to make a move and that's pretty much (pun not intended😂) what Jack wanted to do.

"you have something in your hair" Jack smirked as he whispered to Zach.

Zach just rolled his eyes in annoyance. "I know what you're doing Jack, and just so you know, I'm not mad about it, I honestly don't. care."

"Oh? Am I doing something now?" Jack just kept that smirk that Zach absolutely couldn't help but blush at.

"stop Jack, whatever you're doing, it isn't going to work." He pretended to still be annoyed at the curly headed boy.

"mhm, then why are you acting like that?" He just kept smirking not even caring if the other boys would hear what was going on.

"acting like what?!" Zach whisper shouted, trying not to make a big deal out of the situation.

"like if you're hiding something.." Zach just stared at Jack until the van stopped at the house.

"I'm not, you're just delusional" he rolled his eyes and walked out the van and into the house.

But Jack knew for a fact that Zach did care, and he loved the feeling of seeing Zach blush or get jealous so that's why he kept on with a stupid act sometimes.

Zach's P.O.V
I walked into the house and ran straight to my room in the hopes that nobody would pity me today due to what happened at the interview. I hated that. I felt like I was some 5 year old that had like 4 dads sometimes.

I mean I just hated everything that I felt in this house, heck I hated everything that I felt in this band! At first I loved the shit out of this place. But now it just seems like everyone treats me like a baby, I feel like I can never have a real conversation with any of the boys without them thinking I'm going to get butt hurt over stupid little things.

I feel so alone here. I feel alone everywhere. It feels like everywhere I go I'm only in this -life- by myself like I have to get through the rest of my life by myself because no one understands me, and nobody wants to either, they all care about themselves.

nobody ever cares about Zach.

-READ THE WHOLE A/N if you care about mi life-
A/N; I met Jonah, and Jack said "oh hey, what's up" to me and like did a cute little peace sign but I didn't get a vid, Ik I'm stupid. But I did meet Eben too oh & Christina! And I have a vid of Zach saying Hi!:)

Alsooo ima tell you why I haven't updated ina whileee so take a seat.

1. I felt like shit because I didn't make the cheer team and the tryouts was a whole week long so I WASTED MY GOD DAM TIME.

2.i was sick and for some reason I had multiple projects due?!?!?!

3. I had another week of tryouts because the dance coach really wanted me to tryout for dance so I did but like I was also highly sick to where I wanted to sleep all day and I thought I did sooo bad at tryouts for dance but turns out I did good because I got on the team!!:)


I love you all and I hope you loved this chap. bc I had to stay up to make it and I have to get up in like 5 hours ahhh!!

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