chapter 4 <3

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Zach's P.O.V
"Wait jack!" I yelled while running to jack trying to get ahold of his arm so that he could stop.

"Let go of me man!" He looked so betrayed like if I did something bad, to be honest I don't think I did anything that bad, i thought not telling him would be for the best right now.

"Jack please stop, I don't even know why you're mad!" I yelled back at him.

and suddenly everything went quiet for a split second and then he spoke up but he didn't yell it was more of a really serious but scary tone, I hated getting serious with jack, he's the only person I have so much fun around and we were always so happy? around eachother but I guess not today.

"You wanna know why I'm so "mad" zach?wanna know why I can't stand you right now, why I can't even believe I ever called you my bestfriend?" He said as I felt kind of torn inside because I made him that mad..

"Yes jack! I want to know why!"

"Zach you're my bestfriend! And you knew this happened and didn't tell me, I mean what if this has been going on since the beginning of Julie's & I relationship?!, and you know that Julie & I are about to have a kid, but you STILL didn't tell me, like I thought you had my back bro.."

I had never seen jack so serious.

until now.

"I do, and that's why I didn't tell you, I didn't want to hurt you like that, and I really did want to tell you but y'all just started talking again jack, I didn't want to make it seem like I was trying to sabotage y'alls relationship.."

"Zach what would you even benefit out of breaking me & Julie up?" He asked because he was confused on how I would think that he would think that I was trying to sabotage their relationship.

"I-I don't know." I shot back at him.

"Oh my god! Do you like Julie too?! How can y'all all like Julie and I not notice it at ALL?!"

Well actually jack I like you bu-


what the fuck?

I don't like jack..

I'm not gay.

he's my bestfriend..

"Are you going to just stand there zach?!" He yelled at me as I was caught up in my fucking weird ass thoughts that I cOULD NOT stop!

"I-I" I couldn't even finish a stupid sentence because soooooo many thoughts were rushing through my dumb mind, that was obviously playing tricks on me

"Because I don't like JACK!"


did I jus-

jack cut off my thoughts by adding in a furious response.


"Wait wait wait wait wait wait, oh my god I just really need to think" I said really fast because I needed to get my head on straight, I mean how am I suppose to explain why I just said that?!

"No! Zach I am tired of having so many fake people in my li-"

I cut him off.

"Jack! Shutup! I'm not fake and you know I'm not! I'm the realist friend you have right now! Now I'm sorry that I made a fucking bad decision, but I'm not perfect jack! Ok?" I was finally fed up with him just being so mad when he knew I have never made him this mad and for him to call me fake over ONE fight, ugh I hate that!

Jacks P.O.V

he finally struck back.

I'm surprised it took him that long.

"I'm sorry Zach I just can't believe this happened.." I bursted out into tears and well everyone knows me for the type of guy who literally has no emotions and is always joking but today was different, I mean I found the person I love cheating on me with yet another person I love as a bestfriend.

Zach quickly came to hug me and well I can't say that I didn't like it because I did.

I reallly did.

I guess since we're never this serious with eachother it was just..


"No, I'm sorry I should have told you jack, I just didn't want you to get hurt again, you know?" he said while obviously looking very apologetic.

"Can we not talk about this zach.." I looked at him in the eyes because I just wanted all of this to END, I didn't want to still be constantly hurting like when Julie and I weren't talking.

"Yea, but I kind of have to tell you something.." he looked at me so nervously but I declined his statement.

"Please can we just stop talking in general, I just want to go home and sleep!" he looked disappointed from what he heard come out of my mouth just now but he shook his head yes anyway and began to start walking home with me.

Daniels P.O.V
Why does it seem like I'm the only one that notices shit around here.

like the fact that Julie is obviously cheating on jack with Jonah.

I have yet to catch them in the act but it's just so plain obvious, I mean have you seen the random looks they give eachother.

And oh my jesus, have you seen how madly in love zach is with jack but is in constant denial of it because you can see that when Zach talks to jack he goes from all fun and games and like kind of lovey dovey with him but then he gets so serious like if he wants it to stop all of sudden.

I mean I don't know if it's just me but when I'm in denial about love I do that same shit!

But he's probably just hiding it because jack clearly doesn't like Zach, he's too worried about his "perfect" little girlfriend all the time that he is so oblivious to everything around him, including how in love zach is with him.

I should tell him these theories because they seem to all come back to him?

Na, man. I'll just stay quiet and watch the "show"

I laughed at my own joke and corbyn shot me a glance of confusion.

"Sorry I just thought of a meme" I said and he began to laugh.

"Dude, you're weird" we both began laughing, hard. I don't know why though it wasn't that funny?

A\N ; Dude this is the most boring chapter ever I'm so sorry😬

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