chapter 13 <3

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Zach's P.O.V
"you know what Daniel!" I paused.

I pulled him into a hug because I can't get mad at him, not now.

how could he think that I don't care about him?

"why are you hugging me" He asked so confused.

"because I do care about you, and I won't ever stop caring for you." I tightened our hug because I wanted him to know and feel like he is cared about, especially by me.

he began to cry into my shoulder. It was so weird. Daniel was not an emotional guy, well actually none of the guys seemed to be emotional guys, they were all tough except for me. that's why they call me the crybaby of the band.

I rubbed his back trying to comfort him.

"What's wrong?" I asked him while still not knowing why he was so sad.

"can we talk about it later?.." he said while stuttering in between his sobs.

I didn't want to make him cry more than he already was so I left the subject alone and tried to change it.

I slowly walked to Daniels bed trying to help him onto it.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I wanted to make him feel better quickly so I turned on the tv hoping he would play along and try to stop crying.

if you couldn't tell, I'm terrible at helping others in these situations, I always seem to make it worse or awkwardly ignore what is going on.

"actually, I just want to be alone." He wiped his tears giving me a fake smile.

I know it seems mean but I didn't want to make this any worse than what it was so I left him alone.

As I left the room I saw Jonah bring Julie into our room, I rolled my eyes, how does he even have the nerves to bring her in this house?

that we all share.

He's so inconsiderate of jack's feelings.

And that's when I remembered.

Jack was still sitting all alone outside. So I walked out there. I don't know why I care about everything and anything.

I sighed at how considerate and naive I am.

He heard me and looked back to see me.

I saw all the hurt in his eyes.

"I'm sorry" those were the words he said before I punched him, but I didn't punch him that hard, I'm weak.

"I deserved that" he said while looking at me with his bright red eyes and a small smile across his face.

"yeah, you did" I laughed just a little before I gave out my apology too. "I'm sorry too" I apologize too much now a days, but I really wanted this apology to be the last one I give to jack and the last one he could give to me.

because I have given too many chances.

it's like he knew my thoughts because he then got up and pulled me into a hug which sent chills up my spine and gave me the biggest swarm of butterflies.

he knew I was blushing even though my cheeks are naturally red. he seems to know everything.

"what?" He smiled and I smiled back but then I suddenly thought about Daniel and my mood switched so fast and I shook my head.

"nothing." my face went straight like if I was emotionless.

I pulled away from the hug, and he gave me a kinda confused/angry look.

he was going to walk in the house when I pulled his arm. "Julie's in there.." he began to realize why I gave the straight look, even though that wasn't the real reason, but I let him believe what he wanted.

he began to give me this heartbroken look that made me feel what he was feeling.

Jonah's P.O.V
"I'm sorry" I told Julie trying to keep my stupid self from crying.

"no! you cheated!" She was crying in frustration.

I wanted to say that she cheated on jack, but we both knew that was different.

I tried to bring her into a hug but she wasn't having it. she began hitting everywhere and ended up on the ground not being able to stop the tears that seemed never ending.

"babe.." I said softly, because I love her. I sat next to her on the ground.

As I was about to comfort Julie, Corbyn walked in with Christina.

"Wow you're still doing stuff with this slut" Corbyn gave me a despising look.

"you have some nerve coming into this house, knowing you hurt my boy jack and he lives here!" Christina yelled at her and looked like she was going to jump on her so I got up and put my arm up and lightly pushed her and left my arm on her stomach making sure she didn't do anything.

"She's having a baby Christina, don't you dare hurt her." Corbyn pushed my hand off of her.

"And don't you dare hurt Christina!" Corbyn got him self ready for a fight but I ignored him.

It then got quiet but the tension seemed louder than the yelling that has been going on lately.

"we use to be friends Julie, what happened to you? You were such a good person" Christina was the first to break the silence as tear filled her eyes.

"I-I'm sorry" julie responded not knowing how to explain herself.

Julie is still a very good person, she just started to have feelings for me, it wasn't her fault, it was mine. I made the first move in the first place.

"She's still a good person." I spoke up for her.

Corbyn quickly turned his head to glare at me. "If she were still a good person she wouldn't have done jack the way she did." Corbyn didn't want to continue this fighting so after explaining why Julie was so bad he opened our bedroom door and motioned for Christina to follow him out.

"I'm sorry you fell for a slut." He said this before he shut the door.

I looked at her disappointed but not at her, so I sat back next to her on the ground.

"You're not a slut, I love you" she began to cry out loud and I brought her into my arms.

A\N; I don't want y'all to hate Julie and Jonah sooo I made this chapter to show they're not that bad ;)

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