January 2018: Part 1: Assessment Feedback Part 1: English Essay 1 (45/100)

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I have received the first proper grade of my University career. It is said that any marks you gain in your first year don't count towards your final degree classification, which is good to know as you have room to improve without worrying too much. As long as you get 40 marks out of 100, then you've passed and you don't have to worry about possibly having to re-do a piece of work in the summer if your grade for the year is below 40 percent, overall when taking into account all the other assessments you have done.
Well, I bet you're wondering what mark I got. I won't keep you in suspense for much longer. This assessment was for the Literary Powers unit and the question I chose asked me to analyse texts in relation to their showcase of vice and virtue in the characters. The literary powers units is the one I like the least, and consequently struggle with the most. Due to this, I was relieved to find out that I achieved 45 out of 100 marks, meaning that I do not have to worry about re-doing the essay at any point.
I am content with that mark, as it was my first one and I know that although it doesn't look great, I know I earned it through working as hard as I could. The funny thing is, I almost forgot to check what the mark was on the day they came out. They were available online from 12 noon but I only remembered to check 35 minutes after that, as I was too preoccupied starting to create a dedicated website for this blog which will become an alternative place where you will be able to find my blog posts, just as soon as I put all the previous ones on first, which I will notify you all of due course.
I'm being completely honest, I have come to realise that I enjoy my media units more than my English ones and therefore I enjoy doing the assessments more and my heart is in doing them to the best of my ability. As I write this, I sit waiting to find out the mark the first media say I have handed in, I hope this yields a higher mark than English has so far, and the answer to this will follow soon in a future blog post.

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