April 2018- Part 1 'Avengers: Infinity War' Midnigt Screening

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10 years worth of 18 films have been leading up to this point, when we all turned out of the cinema at around 11:30 at night, to an absolutely massive crowd. Of course, I'm talking about attending a midnight screening of 'Avengers: Infinity War,'making us some of the people not only in the county, but in the world, to see it first. My description of the night will not contain any spoilers.
   I was actually a bit overwhelmed by the amount of people surrounding me while we were waiting to go into our screens to watch the film for the first time. I was expecting the volume of people, but couple that with excited chatter and a scramble for confectionary, and you can start to understand why I was contemplating going to wait outside instead of in the cinema foyer. I didn't in the end, because we didn't have to wait that long. Everyone had to sit through adverts like at any normal film screening, but this one seemed steeped with anticipation more than any other midnight screening I've ever been to. I imagined people trading possible spoilers they may have found on the Internet, which I avoided, and personal theories about what they believed might happen in the film. I personally wanted to watch it for what it was, and didn't want to get my hopes up that anything would or would not happen.
   After sitting through a riveting two hours of master filmmaking- by sibling director Ludo- Anthony and Joe Russo- even waiting until the end of the credits for the obligatory Marvel post-credits scene, I can honestly say that in fact the film did live up to the hype, and was worth the wait. It was really exciting to see all the biggest Marvel superheroes in one film, contributing to the same end goal, to stop Thanos.Did they, didn't they? You'll have to watch it to find out, that's if you haven't already seen it, or you can go again if you have because you know how good it is.

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