February 2018: Part 6- Meals on Wheels: Part 7: Pizza (Ham and Pinapple)

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Pizza was a fairly easy meal to make and a frozen one at that, to be cooked in the oven. Opening the box was a breeze. Taking the plastic off the pizza itself, was a bit weird as I felt as though I would make a mess of it accidentally, but because it was frozen and therefore rigid, I did not have a problem.
   After this, it was just a case of finding an oven tray to fit the pizza, and to put in the oven, and then to wait for it to cook.
   I did not take the cooked pizza out of the oven as it was too hot and because of the awkward angle between me and where the oven, and I didn't want to risk it, but I did try and cut the pizza with a pizza cutter which was an interesting experience.
  The food was tasty as always. I don't care what some other people say, I like pineapple on pizza and I always will.

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