March 2018: Part 2- Meals on Wheels: Part 10: Cupcakes

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As the end of term approached, I thought of a relaxing way to end the run of our 'Meals on Wheels' sessions, for the term. I decided that that nice activity would be to make cupcakes.
I bought in all the ingredients specially and everyone pitched in to help make them. It's a steady process trying to get the exact amount of ingredients measured out to add into the mix, but it was a worthwhile experience. I decanted the right amount of flour, sugar, eggs, butter and vanilla extract into a bowl and mixed it all together using a electric whisk. I've never been very good at cracking eggs into a mix as it is quite easy to accidentally add in the egg shell along with the yolk, and not be able to get all of it out, but I did fine.
After all of that, it was time to put them in the oven which I didn't do for safety reasons. Before putting them in the oven though, I had to decant as equal amounts of the mixture into individual cases as I could. It was a delicate process but fairly clean in the end. While the cakes were rising in the oven, it was time to make the icing to go on top, I opted for the optional choice to add food colouring to the icing, I chose green in homage to the Incredible Hulk as the new trailer off at the latest Avengers film had come out recently before that and we are all excited, and we are all going to watch 'Avengers: Infinity War' at midnight, when it comes out on 25 April.
The most fun part of the process of making the cakes apart from eating them was to decorate them. We decided to go for an Easter tree theme, and as they were already green because of the icing, we added chocolate icing on to the top of the cakes to create the impression of a nest in a tree, and we also added a few mini eggs to each, to represent unhatched baby birds.
I am happy with the results, and feel like it was a nice way to end the time.

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