What have i done?

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The next morning when I awoken I felt terrible. I didn't know how many drinks I drunk or what in the world all happened. But what I remembered, I danced on a table, I danced with many guys, and I had sex with my bestfriend. Yes I had sex with Chad. And I didn't even know if he remembered, and I didn't know if I liked it. I was to far gone. But I do know, I do have feelings for Chad.
I walked down to the kitchen with Stacy as her mom was cooking. "Good morning lovelys" she told us smiling. She was always a happy woman for long as I could remember. "Good morning" we both told her. I put my head down cause it was killing me. "Honey do you need some medicine?" She asked me and I nodded. Stacy's mom understood. She never got mad. She simply understood. Where as mine, they would flip and never understand.

One month later..
I woke up and got ready for school. This morning I felt a little weird, I didn't know why but I just did. I went downstairs got an fruit salad bowl with sausage to the side, and went to school eating it. When I parked I just sat in my car finish eating, Stacy got in and began talking. I wasn't even listening I was worried about eating. "This whole period thing I hate it" she said rolling her eyes. That was odd me and Stacy always started a day or two apart.
"Stacy how long have you been on your period?" I asked shaking my head slightly.
"Like this is my last day, are you not off yours? Or on it?" She asked
"Stacy I haven't started I told her stuffing my mouth with the last of my food.
"Maybe your need to you know?" She said. The thought I could've been, scared me. We got out and went inside the school. I didn't wanna face this day, what if I was. My parents would kill me. They was suppose to trust me but I broke every single trust it was. We went to our lockers and walking down the hall, William and Hillary.
"Don't worry about him" I heard Chad say from behind me, and a tear fell. William hasn't been with anyone, he's barely been coming to school. So I wasn't use to it. So seeing them together it killed me.
"I don't care" I said and slammed my locker and went to the bathroom. I couldn't handle it, I wanted to be with William but he was done. I went into the stall and just sat there.
"And she thought that she could hold to him, he was cheating on her with me the whole time, poor Chad didn't even know it till the party" I heard Hillary say. I started crying even more.
"She's so crazy, she started crying in the hall when she seen us" she added. How could someone be so heartless.
"I think it's funny, poor little bitch can't keep a guy" her friend said and they left I came out of the stall crying, and to find Stacy coming into the bathroom.
"He cheated" I told her crying. She just held me.
"Please don't cry" she told me. Wiping my tears and fixing my face.
"I--I can't do this" I told her.
"Yes you can!" She yelled at me and pulled me to class. My stomach started turning and I started feeling sick. I sat in front of him and Chad texted me.
'Ill see you next period it's okay don't be upset' - he told me.
I done my math and he kept tapping my shoulder
"Josie can you help me?" He kept asking.
"Listen get your little whore of a girlfriend to help you" I screamed. The teacher came over to me and took me outside the room.
"Josie what's wrong?" He asked
"Nothing Mr. wright" I told him looking down. He was also a family friend.
"Josie talk to me" he begged.
"He cheated on me, and his now girlfriend was talking about me, and he keeps tapping me and asking for my help" I told him.
"I'll move you" he said smiling and patted my back and we walked back in. He moved me to the front of the row, near the door. Far away from him.

Next period..
I sat down and Chad came right behind me. He sat in Williams seat.
"We need to talk" he told me. I just looked at him. It's been a month since we've done anything and he nor I have said anything about what we done. So I nodded.

After school, Stacy and I was going to the store cause of our pervious conversation. And Chad was later coming over. I was wondering if he remembered the night we shared together.

"$25.08" the woman told me. I handed her '30.00' even and got my change and left. We went back to her house cause my parents could come back anytime. And her mom just went to work. The whole drive was silent. I was just thinking about how bad I screwed up. When we finally pulled up my heart began racing. We walked into the bathroom. And i opened the box, got all three of the test out, and took them. I waited three minutes. Which seemed like forever. On all three test the words was clear, and bold. "PREGNANT" I walked out and showed her the test. "I gotta go, he'll be over soon" I told her and stuff the test into the box and left. I was in a funk, or daze. My life was over now.

Hey guys thanks for reading😊
Tell me what you think😊

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