Where did everything go?

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I never knew we could grow apart so fast. I was looking down at the pictures I placed in front if me and started crying. Our relationship. Our friendship. It was falling apart, not bits and pieces but by wholes. And bad thing was Chad was my bestfriend. I looked at the one from my past birthday. And Chad was giving me a piggy back ride. It was before he decided to throw me into the pool. I looked at the next one. It was a couple days after my party, Chad was at his football game and I was taking a picture with him before in his gear. And I had his practice jersey on, and written his numbers on my cheeks. I was beyond upset so I put all our pictures back up. Expect a couple and walked downstairs. My brother was watching a movie and eating pop corn.

"I'm going for a short walk" I told him. And he nodded. I walked outside and down the street. It was getting harder for me to walk now. I felt as if I was wobbling. When I got back to the house I sat outside on the tire swing. I didn't know what to think anymore. I didn't know what to say. What to do. Or how to even act when it came to losing my bestfriend.

The next day..

I woke up to an awful feeling. I jumped up and ran to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and came out, got my clothes and took a shower. Then got dressed. I walked down stairs to eat. My brother was cooking so I ran back to my room and gathered my pictures and my school stuff. When I came back down he was done.

To my surprising my brother could actually cook. He was taking me to school today. Then out to shop with our mom after school for baby stuff.

When I got to school, the girls had Chad surrounded so I just walked right on by, but as I did I dropped our pictures of my birthday party, the football game, Christmas, and the recent kissing picture. He looked down and picked then up as I went on by. I never once looked at his face to see the hurt. I never once looked back to see the tears. I kept facing forward and blocking everything out.

When I finally reached Stacy she knew something was up.

"Spill it" she told me automatically.

"I dropped mine and chads pictures and he picked them up" I told her. As I did she looked over at him.

"He looks like he's about to explode. Or leave" she told me. And I just shrugged my shoulders.

"He thought I was cheating with William for heaven sake" I told her. When the words came out of my mouth and spun me around and he was making his way to me. "Shit" was all i choked out.

"Excuse us" he told Stacy and pulled me away.

"Why" he asked holding the pictures up.

"You tell me why? Tell me why we get together, our relationship falls apart, friendship. Everything.

Maybe we shouldn't have done nothing. Maybe I should've stayed with William. He treated me better. Never accused me of cheating. He never done this shit. But hey guess what you're doing a good job of making me feel like total shit. I'm proud of you. Thank you." I told him and started to walk away.

"Oh no missy you aren't turning this on me.." He started

"I'm not?? Oh I was the one who had sex yes! I was the one who went to the doctors the other day with you yes. You're the one who claimed I was cheating" I yelled. He looked down.

"Now tell me. Do them pictures mean shit to you now? Cause they sure as hell don't seem like it. You seem as if you're done. Let me know Chad. I'm through trying to please you" I told him crying.

"Josie" he started

"I'm through.. I looked at all the pictures we had we never once had it rough till now!" I stated. And walked away. He walked to his car got in and left I walked inside with Stacy and went to class. Stacy was just looking at me. And I was looking down and waiting for math to began. We had to get in groups and of course William was mine.

"How's the baby" he asked trying to make small talk.

"he's good" I told him working. Then I got a text..


I opened it.

'After class come outside you're ditching the rest of the day. They'd understand you're pregnant'

I just kept on working and didn't say anything when the bell rung I left as he told me too.

He left out of the parking lot and went to his house.

"What?" I asked mad.

"We got to fix this" he told me. The whole ride I didn't look at him but when I did his eyes where red and his knuckles where white from holding tightly onto the wheel. When we parked we both walked in and he locked the door. We walked to his room and I sat on the chair next to the desk and he sat on the bed.

"Josie I'm sorry. I didn't know doing that or saying that to you hurt you. I never knew it would've went that far. I understand you wouldn't cheat now" he told me looking down.

"Then why'd you say it??" I asked

"Because I was worried" he told me.

"Of what? Me going back to an ex, an cheater?" I pleaded. But he just hung his head.

"Answer me" I demanded.

"Yes" he said quietly.

"I love you Chad!! Not him. I'm carrying your child! Not his! I went to you! Not him!" I yelled and he put his face in his hands.

"I love you Josie" he told me. I got up and walked beside him and sat down.

"Chad look at me" I told him and he did a tear fell and I pulled him into a hug.

"I don't wanna lose you. We came to far and I fell to darn hard for you" I told him.

He pulled back and placed both hands on my face and kissed me. My relationship wasn't completely fixed. But we were making it there.

"Promise me we can fix anything" he asked and stuck his pinky out.

I took it.

"I promise" I told him and kissed him.


This chapter isn't very long but it gets what I wanted across I hope you guys like it plus it's done😊

Pregnant by my bestfriendWhere stories live. Discover now