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"Stacy look at this" I said to her while looking at some baby outfits. She looked over at me and her eyes got big.
"How much" she said in awe, still couldn't take her eyes off the cute little outfits.
"$20" I told her adding it to our stuff. I knew what I needed and what I didn't. But stuff for my baby is always an plus.
I was finally home, finally happy. I didn't have no worries in the world at this point in time. My son was happy, and sleeping. My bestfriend was helping me shop and I was back home.
We kept shopping and looking until we finally started getting hungry. We walked through the food places, and finally found a place to sit and eat.

"Josie" I heard from behind me.
"Allie" I said less amazed as she did. She was smiling and holding her arms out.
"It's been forever right" she started and grabbed a chair beside the baby stroller.
"Um yes" I said looking over at Stacy.
"Allie I'm not trying to be mean, but why are you talking to me and over here?" I asked confused.
"Josie come on, I'm dating your baby daddy. I just thought now it's time for me to see my son" and as soon as she finished 'my son' my jaw dropped.

"Did you carry him? Did you get put through hell? Did you have to worry if the father was screwing around on you during the time you was pregnant? No Allie you didn't. This is not your child. You want one get him to give you one. But you won't dare even think about looking at mine" I told her while standing up. "And if you think otherwise I'll knock your head off for you" I added and pushed away.

"Josie" I heard Stacy calling after me.
Landon was smiling and laughing as we pushed by people and out to the parking lot.
"So much for us enjoying the home atmosphere." I told her as I waited.
"Since when did he start liking her?" Stacy questioned
"Probably when he was lying the whole time saying 'she's nasty she's trash'" I said to her while we walked to the car.

"Do you really think he's clean and stuff?" I asked her.
"Chad?" She questioned. And I nodded.
"Chads Chad, if he wanted to be clean he would've been done changed Josie. He's not though. He has no responsibilities" she told me. I took a deep breath and buckled up Landon and started to fold up his stroller.

He was dating this girl, who came to school embarrassing herself with how nasty she was. When she use to be the one he picked on. The alcohol and drugs took him away as fast as he started it. I felt lost and confused. What am I supposed to tell my son?


I was sitting at home with Landon waiting for my mom to come home. She'd be the first to get home since she loves being alone before everyone else gets there.
"Holy" I heard as she walked through the door and laughed "trying to scare someone to death?" She asked and took Landon away.
"Hey mom" I said laughing.
"How's it been?" She asked concerned.
"I mean I'm making straight As. We're adapting well, and they love Landon. I've been keeping you updated with the Drake thing also" I said smiling and my mom smiled back.
"How's Drake?" She asked me while stealing kisses away from Landon.
"He's worried im not going to come back" I said and laughed. "But I'm going back. We're leaving out Sunday" I told my mom and she nodded.
My mom, walked to the kitchen and grabbed a cold drink.
"So Stacy called me. She likes telling me the things you don't" my mom began.
"What do you mean?" By this I was completely clueless.
"How he talks to you" she said sitting her coke can down and walking to the couch.
"He has a temper" I laughed it off. "It's not like he hits me mom" I said still laughing.
She put her hand on my knee and smiled. "Sometimes it isn't hitting sweetheart, if he makes you feel like you aren't worthy then don't settle for less" she told me as she began standing up and kissed my head. I let her words play out in my head. In reality that's what I've always done was settle for what I thought was meant.

So it's been a little while! But thanks to everyone still reading!! But IM BACK!!
This is just a filler since I've been gone so long!

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