The talk.

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When I arrived home he was waiting for me. He was in his car. When I walked past him he got out and followed me inside.
"Josie, we need to talk" he told me as I grabbed an apple.
"You know and I know this has been awaiting us" he started. And I was just looking at him.
"We wasn't both completely drunk. You, I know you don't get drunk off your ass, and I. I remember stuff. And I know I was all the way hammered and I was still in my head. Josie we had sex. And I just haven't been able to say something till now, and I wanna know why you didn't stop me, why didn't you push me off." He asked me.
I shrugged my shoulders and kept eating, all I had on my mind. I was pregnant.
"Something is bothering you Josie tell me" he demanded. He was looking deep into my eyes and I almost started crying.
"I--I---Ugh Miss William" I told him. And he shook his head rolling his eyes.
"He's no good" he told me. And I nodded.
"Why didn't you stop me?" He asked again and I was looking down.
"Um sit down" I told him. And he did, he was looking at me.
"What?" He asked.
"I'm--I--Ehh" I tried telling him. But I couldn't finish.
"Josie damnit just finish what you're trying to say!" He screamed.
"I'm.... pregnant" I whispered the last part. He looked at me. And shook his head.
"Who's the father?" He asked. And I gave him the "are you serious you dummy" look. He put his face in his hands.
"I'm only 17" he told me. "I can't be a father" he added.
"I just turned 16" I told him "I never asked for this" I told him. He still had his face in his hands and he didn't say one more word.
"I gotta go" he told me and got up and left. I just stood there. Not moving or saying 'goodbye' I wasn't sure what was happening. But I knew I just lost my bestfriend.

Later that night my mom and dad called me down stairs. I walked down the stairs and sat down. My mom and dad was both standing beside each other. They was talking and playing around.
"Yes?" I asked
"Honey we've noticed, you've been a little down lately, why don't you go out sometime" they asked. And I nodded. I got ready and went and got Stacy, I couldn't take this anymore. When I got her everything was quite no one was talking. The shock was still there, and I couldn't blame her. I drove down town to the Mexican Place. We walked in and there was Chad. With his friends. I looked at Stacy. And she was ready looking at me. Chad looked up. And I froze and turned around. But Stacy caught me.
"We aren't leaving" she told me. And took me to our table. We sat down and they brought the chips and dip out. We ate on that while we ordered. Our food finally came. We ordered a whole table full, like we haven't ate in days.
"We look like fat kids" I told her laughing. She laughed with me.
"Mexican food kills the hurt." She said then Abigail came and sat down.
"Is it good?" She asked laughing.
"Very tell momma I miss her and in coming probably to live with you" I told her laughing. She just looked at me.
"I'm off work now so imma just sit here, I don't know how y'all can be so skinny and eat so much" she told us laughing.
"I look skinny but I ain't" Stacy told her laughing.
"It'll catch up to me" I said laughing.
"Johnny said something about you the other day" she told me. Johnny was her older brother, whom I dated, and he was one of the best. But we broke up. Cause he went off.
"What was that?" I asked.
"He loves you" she told me.
"Loves?" I said, just as Chad passed by the door.
"Come outside now" he said through greeted teeth. Abby let me up and I went taking some food with me. I took a deep breath in and prepared myself.
"You--You followed me here" he said angry. My eyes widened like I knew he would be here he didn't tell me what he was doing. Let along where he would be.
"You're crazy right? To think I followed you?? No you're out of your mind. You told me you had to leave. No reason, just you had to leave! Don't ever say I followed you when you tell me you left, without saying where you went! I'm not some kind of stalker ex girlfriend. I never dated you. I only had a stupid one night stand with you. And now... We are... Merely friends. Okay? Not bestfriends. Not close buddies. We are MERELY FRIENDS" I stressed the last part seeing the hurt that I just caused him. He knew I was upset by everything, by how he treated me, by how he accused me if following him. I tried leaving but Stacy wouldn't let me. Then a simple sadfill tear escape my eye.
"We--we are best--" he started before I cut him off.
"No Chad. We are not bestfriends. merely friends." I told him. And walked away. Just like that. I walked away from the guy who I loved, who I had sex with, and who was the father of my child. And most importantly.. He was my bestfriend..

Hey guys the drama has started.. What do you think will happen??
Thanks for reading😊

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