Will it ever end?

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It's been three months since the last time I talked to Chad. It's been three whole months since I last heard his voice, seen an picture or anything. I've wondered about him, how he's doing. But I know Chad he's off doing him.
On the plus side, it's been three months since I've been dating Drake. He's shown me in three months the love I need, how I need to be treated and most I'm importantly he loves my son and treats him the absolute best.

"Hey" Stacy called over from the closet.
"Yes ma'am" I said looking up from Landon. He was just a smiling at me and chewing on his little fingers.
"Have you ever thought about our future outside of high school?" She asked me. And honestly I haven't. I haven't even thought of what to do, where I'll go anything.
"No" I said looking at her.
"I think we need too, we can't go back to Alabama. You and I both know if we do Chad will try to take Landon. And he will go ape shit" she told me.
"I know, I planned on going to look for an job tomorrow. I also applied to college, but I have no idea what I want to do" I said. She nodded.
"We have time, but I want us to be okay. I want us to be stable especially for Land" she told me. I smiled, it was great having an bestfriend like her. Even better because she loves my son as much as she would her own.

Time passed as we finished up our school project for tomorrow, we procrastinated enough on it.


I woke up, ready to tackle the school day. Today was softball try outs, and this was my year to get back on track with everything. Drake was trying out for baseball today also.
I got out of bed, took an shower and began packing my stuff for school. The whole time Stacy was watching me. This was strangely odd, especially since I had Landon I haven't even felt like myself. Now it's like the old me, but improved.

"You're happy this morning" Stacy said smiling.
"I'm ready to get today started" I said smiling from ear to ear.
"Drake is gonna be so proud of you today. It just sucks y'all can't support each other. And it's sucks I can't support Jim" she said sighing.
"Jim understands because his girl is gonna make the softball team also" I told her while fixing my hair.

We finally got ready and I brought Landon down stairs to my aunt. He was wide awake and in his happy mood as always. He was laughing and smiling the whole time, even if someone wasn't talking to him.
"I'll see you after try out" I told my aunt as we headed out the door.
"Good luck my lovely's" she said smiling and feeding the baby.

"So mom called me while you took an shower" Stacy started,it wasn't unusual for her mom to call. She did roughly 8 times a day. But Stacy always just lets it go.

"You know Chad got locked up" she told me. I laughed.
"I'm being for real Josie" she told me being serious.
"He's been locked up for two and a half months. That's why he ain't tried anything" she told me.
"What do you mean he's locked up?" I asked her. I was gripping the steering wheel so tight.
"The night you told him you had an date, Chad flipped, mom told me that his mom found a note that said "I will get my son back fuck that bitch" well Chad was planning, he left home, broke up with Lillian and sold almost everything he had. He went to your house and took back the paperwork he had drew up to give his rights over" she told me. I was so confused.
"So what did he do?" I asked her.
She took an deep breath in, "He OD on meth, the found him at an gas pump 30 miles from here. Passed out. Drunk everything. They sent him to the doctors to pump his stomach and make sure he was okay. After that they sent him to jail. His mom told mine that she was done doing for him, only for him to mess up his life" she told me. My eyes were wide, I felt them feeling as if they wanted to pop out of my head.
"His son doesn't deserve this" I told her as we pulled up to the school as I parked beside Drake.

"Good morning beautiful" he told me as I got out the car.
"Good morning handsome" I said and kissed his cheek.
"How was your night?" He asked me while taking my books while I grabbed half the project while Stacy got the other half.
"Long, painful, dreadful" I told him laughing
"I told you two girls to get started weeks ago on this, but oh no Drakey boy was wrong" he said laughing.
"In my defense" I started but he cut me off.
"Do you not dare to say 'but I got to make sure Landon is good and tend to him' because I'm over everyday helping" he said
"Okay but listen" I started
"I'm listening" he said laughing.
"I'm very hardheaded I don't listen" I told him and kissed him softly.
As we walked into the school doors I felt this overwhelming since of "get out leave" but I ignored it.

It was finally time to present our project, I had two more periods then softball time. As I got up Lauren knocked over her "diet" smoothie onto me. I looked over at Stacy as Lauren said "oops I mean trash goes with trash anyways right" she said and laughed. I picked up my stuff and ran out almost in tears.

"Josie" I heard a voice calling from behind me.
"Josie" I heard it again.
I turned around to see this little girl standing there
"Who are you?" I asked her.
"I'm Brittany, my sister is the mean girl" she told me.
"How do you know me?" I asked her.
"Well because everyone knows you. You're the girl to be and my sister use to be. You're nicer than her and she hates that so she turned mean. She's nice I promise. Don't hate her" she told me smiled and walked past me.

I walked to the office and sat there until I could go back to class.

Finally it was time, time for me to show everyone what I could do. I got my stuff out my car and prayed.
"You okay?" Stacy asked. I nodded
"You're nervous?" She asked.
"I don't want to let myself down. This is what I love to do" I told her. She hugged me
"I know you, and I know you got this" she told me and closed the trunk.

"Okay girls this isn't going to be an easy ride, who's ready for softball try outs?" The coach said.
She wasn't lying it wasn't easy, it was brutal. I forgot how out of shape I was until today. But I pushed through and still done what I could. I had something to prove to myself and I wasn't going to let myself down.

"Okay great last tryout day" the coach said as everyone grabbed their jugs and drink their water.

"We have 12 spots available and I'm about to start calling out the girls who made the team" she told us.
As she flipped the papers I prayed one last time and crossed my fingers.

"Ashley, Gabby, Britteny, Courtney, Samatha, Allison" she called she was half way through and my name still wasn't called. "Stacy, Ansley, Lily, Jenna, Josie, Lauren" she finished. She called my name, she actually called my name!! I made the team!
"If you girls will stay the rest may go" she told us. I packed up my stuff, as she came up to us.

"Tomorrow and everyday after school until the first game. 3-6:30 is practice hours. Tomorrow I will measure for the uniforms" she told us and walked away.

I grabbed my things and Stacy and I ran over to the baseball field. The boys stood on the field waiting to be told who all made the team. Of course Drake was the first name called out. Once they finished the guys walked over to us.

"How's my favorite lady" drake asked me as he kissed me and hugged me.
"Tired, today was so brutal at try-outs. But your girl made the team" I told him smiling
"I told you Josie, I knew you would!" He said hugging me.
He walked me to my car, only to be there greeted by the one and only Chad.

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