What just happened

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It's been awhile since Chad has last contacted me. Chad has an way with what he did, he always made an plan before launching and attacking. But deep down I wish he'd just stop and let me finally live my life. I didn't get pushed around like this, I didn't grow for nothing, i knew I was better than that and deserve better.

"Hey Stacy, you wanna go visit home?" I asked her. I really missed my parents and my siblings. I missed the cozy little town that helped raise me.
"Yes, I wanna see how much has changed" she asked me. I couldn't help but laugh because I knew it was true just a couple days away seems like forever. I went and started packing it was Friday afternoon we didn't have practice not until Tuesday and Monday we were out for an holiday.

"How you going to feel about seeing chad?" Stacy asked me. I shrugged my shoulders knowing I truly didn't know what was going to happen.

"What do you think Drake is going to say?" She asked again.
"It's really nothing he can say you know? I wanna see my family" I told her and laughed. I thought before it was a lot to pack for me but now I'm packing for me and my son. Who knew you needed so much when you had an child.

"I think I'm going call Drake and tell him" I looked over at Stacy who was finishing up packing.

I dialed his number and waited for him to answer
"Hello gorgeous" he said as soon as he answered.

"Hey sweetie, I want to you know I'm about to leave to go back home to visit" I told him. There was an long pause.

"You are?" He questioned. I was looking at Stacy the whole time.

"Yes babe I just got done packing I wanna see my brother and sister" I told him. There was an 'hmmmmmn' noise on the other end.

"Okay babe, how about I go with you" he added. My eyes got wide. I wasn't really ready for him to meet all my family. I liked what he knew.

"How about next time alright?" I tried to plead.

"Fine" he said on the other end. "Call me when you get there and be careful" he told me before hanging up. I knew he didn't want me around or near Chad. No one did. Not even my own self.


I was sitting in my old home, my old room. It seemed as if nothing changed. Stacy was standing right beside me.
"Like a time capsule" she said.
It truly was my parents hasn't touched one thing. No body was home everyone was gone to work or with friends. I dropped off my bags and headed to Stacys moms house. She dropped off her bags and we went out on the town.

"It's like it never changed" she laughed.
"It's only been a few months Stacy" I told her laughing. Landon was sleeping away in the backseat.

"Want to go to the mall?" I asked her knowing I needed knew everything. She looked at me and smiled.
"You know the way to my heart" she said laughing.

Around the time I parked at the mall my phone began going off.
"You lied" "You're with him aren't you" "why'd it take so long to get there why ain't you texted me back" same stuff just over and over coming through.

"I forgot" I whispered to Stacy. She just looked at me.
"I forgot to text Drake" I said a little louder. Grabbing my phone calling him.

He answered on the second ring
"I can explain" I began as he started cussing and yelling.
"You fucking slut. How dare you cheat on me" he yelled.
"I'm not" I pleaded and turned on the FaceTime .
He looked around, made sure I wasn't near or around him.
"Why didn't you text then" he asked
"I forgot I was just happy to be home" I told him with hopeful eyes.
"Okay sorry about my temper" he told me and hung up. Drake's attitude and behavior was starting to change. I knew he didn't trust me, but why. I never gave him any reason too.

"Well" Stacy said breaking the awkward silence. I blinked took a deep breathe
"It's time to face all of our demons"'I told her laughing getting out getting landons stroller.

Hey guys! I hope everyone is enjoying the story!!

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