Did that really just happen?

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After all that has happened today, I just needed a break. A break from life. I never knew being a mother at such an young age would be so hard and difficult. I was laying in bed, watching my ceiling fan spend around and around. Landon was wide awake laying beside me. I was still trying to wrap my head around the whole "you're with him thing" and the "he's my child" thing. I couldn't believe any of the stuff that's was going on in my life. I didn't understand why now, life seemed to be going down hill.

After I snapped myself out of the deep thinking, I grabbed my phone and called Drake.
Nothing. Just great.
So I texted him "hey baby, I wanted to hear your voice. I miss you and love you. Call me when you can"
I locked my phone back and looked over at Landon who was just watching my every movement. And when I smiled at him he smiled back.

3 hours later!
I walked back down stairs to a knock at the door. I had to take an double look at who was standing right in front of me. I even had to blink several times.

"Chad" I squeaked out. If I've never been in shock this is what it's like.
"Where's my son?" He questioned not breaking the stare we had. Our eyes were locked into each other's.

"He's in the swing" I said moving the door more to where he could see him. He then let himself in.

"How have you been?" I asked trying to make small talk and break the silence.
"You'd known if you didn't up and leave" he snapped and pick up our son. I just nodded.
It was like time stood still, he was showing love for Landon. The love he first showed when he was born. I looked at Landon who was staring into his daddy's eyes.

And to break my staring he started to talk.
"Have you let Drake around our son?" He asked on a cold tone.
"I mean he helps me take care of him" I told him coldly.
"And why can't Al see him?" He asked me looking at me.
"Like I told her. He isn't her son. If she wants a child Chad give her one. I've been through so much bullshit and heartache with you. I've been through hell and high water for you. I've watched you love, and unlove so many girls and I was one of them. Your "best friend" remember?" I asked him so coldly. He nodded as if he understood where I was finally coming from.

"You broke me" I whispered. "You broke me so badly I can't even love my own self" I said a little louder so he could hear me. He was now full out staring at me while I sat in the recliner with my legs crossed and holding my glaze at him.

"You took everything I had and tore it to pieces. You took the love I once knew how to give and ran with it. I haven't been able to even forgive my own self for the stuff you put me through" I stated. And he was still holding the stare.

"Why in the fuck would I want you to be near me or our son? Why would I want him to feel that type of love? Or better yet being unwanted. Because before I left, we were the last thing on your mind. And now she's the first. The only thing I've ever wanted was to be loved the way I loved you and gave to you. But you took my love, you ran away with it and learned how to give the love I gave you to somebody else" I said trying not to break. He was still staring at me.

"I'm sorry" was all he said before breaking our stare and looking back to our son.
I got up "I'll be right back" I told him as I walked to my room to grab my phone.
*10 new messages*
*15 miss calls*
"I'm sorry I missed your call"
"What is up"
"Okay are you fucking serious"
"Answer me now"
"This is fucking ridiculous"
"Must be out huh?"
"You must be fucking him huh!"

I recall and it didn't even have to ring once.
"So let me guess you're with him?" He said angrily.
"He's at my moms seeing his child Drake" I tried to calmed him down.
"But couldn't answer your phone?" He questioned with hate.
"It's been charging? I've never gave you a reason not to trust me. I love you drake" I told him. I heard a sigh
"I think it's getting to me" he said, which confused me.
"What is?" I asked him.
"Me not seeing you two, I miss you" he said and huffed.
"Baby I'll be home in a day. We're leaving out tomorrow afternoon" I told him
"Good cause this is pure out torture" he told me
"I'm going back down stairs baby, I don't trust Chad with Landon by himself" I told him
"I love you gorgeous" he replied
"I love you" I said and hung up. I stuck my phone in my back pocket and walked down stairs.

Chad was sitting there feeding Landon.
"He was hungry" Chad said as he looked over his shoulder.
"Yeah it was about bottle time for him" I said and smiled.
"Josie I'm sorry for all the pain I've caused for you. I never meant to do it. I never wanted to hurt you" he started. And I could actually tell he was ready to talk.

"Josie, life has a funny way of showing you things. My vision was clouded by dope and alcohol" he said as he shifted to turn and look at me. "I got to caught up with being 'the one to follow' I got into my own head and let that pull me away from my main focus" he said. And was still looking at me.
"I should've never went out, I should've been here or home helping you. I was stupid I can look back now and see where I went wrong" he added.

"Chad.." I started but he cut me off.

"Please listen this isn't easy for me. But I know what I did was wrong. So I changed. I went to rehab, I got mental help and dealt with it. And the one person I wanted to call and tell 'I did it I beat the dragon' to was gone out of my life. Everything I once loved was gone" he told me. I felt my eyes getting watery.

"Then I came back home, and Allie was there. Even though she made a horrible name for herself I talked to her, I listened to her and never judged her. I found out she was an good person. What she did to you wasn't nice, and I'm sorry for it. But Josie, someone finally came into my life and didn't judge me like you did. I had someone finally in my corner" he added. I was still looking at him with tears in my eyes.

"When Drake told me this was his family, I needed and wanted to change. Not for myself but for you guys also" he finished. He was burping Landon, and getting ready to lay him back in the swing.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know Chad. But the things you did and said to me. Destroyed every little piece I once had and now, I'm still broken.. I'm hurt and I refuse to get close to somebody else again. I have a son and I don't want to subject him to hurt. Look at Drake, I mean I love him, but I can't trust him cause all the trust I once had, you took it and ran all around the state with it. Even Florida." I told him and he nodded.

"I can't say sorry enough Josie" he finished and touched my shoulder. "But please remember as Allie isn't landons mom Drake isn't his dad either" he told me while opening up the front door to leave and shutting it right behind him.

HEY GUYS!! New chapter!!! Hope you guys like it🥰

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