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Where is it? Kara cussed in her head as she searched for the rapidly-moving snitch that moved throughout the field. It was her duty as seeker to get the snitch. The score was tied, it was Hufflepuff against Gryffindor. Maggie, Alex's girlfriend, circled the field on her broom as well. Being the competitive Gryffindor Maggie is, Kara knew she wasn't going down without a fight.

But, Kara had a secret weapon. Lena. No, she wasn't cheating. But she can practically hear Lena holding her breath in anticipation, crossing her fingers and holding back a yell of encouragement. That's what was really pushing Kara to find that snitch, to see the proud smile on Lena's face.


That flicker of gold. The slight flutter.

In an instant the two girls were head to head, their brooms knocking slightly together as they raced towards the snitch. Maggie's hand brushed against the snitch. Kara was not much of a risk-taker, but for Lena? She'd jump off a cliff for Lena. That's why when thinking, It's only a few feet, she leaned dangerously close to falling off her broom. With a quick snatch, the struggling snitch was in her hand.

An uproar. Crowds on their feet, clapping as hard as they can. Lena among them. She can hear Winn with his Slytherin girlfriend from the stands shouting with cupped frigid hands. With shaking hands, Kara stumbled off her broom. Maggie gave a quick respectful nod to Kara before walking off to the changing rooms. Before, of course, having Alex running towards her with a hug waiting for her, her Gryffindor scarf (even though she's a Ravenclaw) fluttering around her neck. Maggie confided into Alex's arms, leaning their heads against one another as Alex whispered something causing Maggie to light up. Kara smiled, keeping a lingering gaze on the two before entering her own changing room.

  Following her team, Kara walked into the changing rooms, congratulating each other with high-fives and pats on the back. Kara sat on the bench, smiling down at her hands. Finally, after taking it in and admiring the uniform, she went to change.

"Oh, James you scared me" She chuckled, finding James, her teammate and best friend waiting for her as she had her school robes back on.

"Just wanted to congratulate you on that save" he smiled warmly, he was a good friend. He gave her a quick high-five before turning to the door with lit-up eyes.

"Lena!" James beamed, letting go of Kara and immediately indulging with Lena. James had a thing for her. Kara knew way before he told her. But, when she heard those words come out of his mouth, she felt a burn in her chest. Similar to the one now as she watched the two talk.

"So.. maybe we can go to the astronomy tower tonight?" James invited with a warm smile. Kara stood there, pretending to take interest in the floor, waiting. Waiting for the response that will crush her.

"Sorry, but Kara and I have plans. Maybe some other time?" She replied, apologizing. With that James stiffly nodded, leaving the room. Relief washed over Kara as she looked up meeting Lena's eyes.

"Kara" Lena breathed out with a smile. The burn was gone. It was fine. What was she even worried about?

"Lena" Kara replied with a smile that can light up the world. That can light up Lena's world, and always does.

"Hot chocolate?" Before Kara can respond Lena shoved the warm drink into her hands, ushering her to sit beside her on the bench as she sipped on her own hot chocolate.
"You played well" Lena whispered, leaning teasingly close to her ear. A shiver ran down Kara's spine, despite the warm hot chocolate in her hands and many layers. She only responded with a mute nod.

"They're gone, you know" Kara set her and Lena's hot chocolate aside, regaining her confidence.

"You sure?" Lena turned her head at the doorway with an anxious look. To answer her question, Kara turned her head back around facing her, her hands cupping Lena's face.

"One hundred percent" she smiled, leaning in to place a heartfelt kiss onto Lena's soft lips, the lingering taste of hot chocolate furthering the sweetness of the kiss.

  As they pulled away, their foreheads stayed intact with giggles and held hands. Soon, Kara was on her lap, facing her with a pout.

"Can I.. ask you something?" She mumbled, tracing the Slytherin patch on Lena's robes.

"Sure" her eyebrows furrowed together at Kara's hesitation.

"So are we.. I mean..?" Her eyes quickly flicked between Lena's soft green eyes that matched the color of her robes then down to her hands.
"What are we?" She clutched Lena's robes, as if afraid to let her go. Kara didn't care, she would be whatever Lena wants her to be. Okay, that was a lie. She wanted Lena to be hers, and only hers. But, she didn't know how Lena felt.


Kara had always hated silence, especially after questions.

"Are you sure?" Lena whispered after a few beats of silence.

"About what?" Kara asked, tilting her head slightly in confusion, her voice at level with Lena's.

"Never mind"

"No, you can ask me anything" Kara persisted, wanting Lena to be open. She always had a barrier around herself that she praised herself on for years. But, this little blonde has been tearing down each and every one, day by day. Lena would be lying if it didn't worry her. She worried, Kara wouldn't be able to handle Lena. All of Lena. Her past, her present and future.

"Are you sure you want to be with.. me?" Lena emphasized the 'me' part. Gesturing mostly to her Slytherin badge, that most in her house would wear proudly, though she felt ashamed. She loved being a Slytherin, they were cunning and all. But, the looks of disgust and many assumptions of Slytherins are what put her down. To add even more, she was further despised of her last name. Luthor. The family that cheated themselves to glory, full of stone hearts. But, Lena tried. She tried to make friends. She tried to prove them wrong.

"Lena," Kara placed a soft hand under Lena's chin, forcing her to look into her hands.
"I couldn't care less. I like you. You are just so incredible. So smart.." Lena scoffed, swallowing the growing lump in her throat. Persistent, Kara forced Lena into her intense gaze, their faces inches apart.
"So beautiful and so perfect" She couldn't take it. Tears threatened to spill from her eyes. Unable to use her words, she decided to show her.

With a glance at her lips, Lena hesitantly inched closer. Slightly tilting her head, hands placed on her waist. Hot breaths on each other's lips, waiting for the other to confirm it. Confirm their love for each other. Confirm their unspoken promise to one another.

With one look at Kara's dilated pupils, Lena softly placed her lips onto hers. The kiss started out sweet and innocent. Then a bit more needy, a little closer, a little faster. Soon, due to need for air, the two pulled away struggling to gain their breath.

"Is that a yes?" The blonde whispered, a small smile playing on her lips. She responded with a swift peck on the lips.


The two stood, about to part ways into each of their common rooms. Kara placed a peck on Lena's cheek, though Lena couldn't help but tell her one more thing before she would go.

"Thank you" she burst out, Kara turned around with a look of confusion placed with a warm smile.

"For what?"

"For believing in me"  Kara sighed with a content smile that disappeared as she walked closer to Lena. Growing worried that she said something wrong, her eyebrows knitted in slight worry which vanished as Kara gave her a loving kiss.

"I will always believe in you"

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