Business Trip (Part II)

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   "Find her"

"Supergirl, it's not that easy I can't just-"

"Find her!" Kara slammed the table in frustration.
"Just find her" Kara's shoulders slacked as she held back tears.

"How about we take you home for a bit" Alex swooped in, sparing the poor guy who was still new.


*6 hours later*

"Do you guys have anything?" Most of them looked away, continuing their research. Some just muttered some nonsense responses.

"Winn, please tell me you have something"

"I, Uh.. I'm working on it. I'll tell you as soon as I get something" Kara took a deep shuddering breath, giving a grim nod,she retreated.

Kara punched the brick wall numerous times, her cheeks red with rage and hands grimy.

"Kara? Kara!" Alex quickly pulled Kara away.
"What are you-" Alex's words fizzled out at the sound of sniffles and choked back sobs.

"They.. they can't find her" Kara choked out between sobs.

"Hey" Alex forced Kara to look at her.
"We will find her. Don't give up on her, Lena needs you" at the mention of Lena, Kara immediately straightened up, nodding as she wiped away her tears.

"Yeah, yeah of course"

  Alex smiled sadly at her sister, but before she could offer greater words of encouragement, someone spoke through the mic.

"What? Yes, yes Supergirl will be there immediately"

"What? What is it?" Kara shuffled her feet anxiously.

"They found the last signal from the plane, they believe the plane might've crashed near there"
"We don't know if they're alive though" Alex softly added,making sure Kara didn't get her hopes up. It was too late, Kara was up in the air as well as her hopes, her pulse thudding in her ears as she flew so fast she could barely keep her eyes open.


"Okay Supergirl, about 500 feet below you, you should see the plane. We believe it crashed at the side slope of a small mountain" Silence was only heard on the other end.

"Supergirl? Supergirl, are you there?" J'onn repeated over, the crew behind him and Alex anxiously looking on.

"Yes.. yes, but I don't see a plane. There is scattered pieces of the pl-" Kara's breath hitched, knowing that the possibility of Lena alive and well had dropped devastatingly.

"Okay, that's okay. Search the remains of the plane and the area around it, if you find any survivors bring them to higher ground, emergency helicopters are on their way"

"And Kara?"

"Yes, Alex?" Kara absentmindedly responded as she circle the wreck.

"I know you are looking for Lena. But, you have to help all of them equally" Kara grimly nodded.

"Yeah, of course"

Using her X-Ray vision she scanned the 3 broken off pieces of the plane. She easily located two bodies in the second piece.

Cautiously, she navigated through the wreck toward the two bodies on the ripped seat. It was a mother, protecting a young boy in her lap. The boy was alive with a beating pulse, the mother's pulse didn't beat.


2 years later

"Kara, Kara come on we're going to be late" Alex sighed fixing her hair in the mirror.

"No stress, this is a big day, you'll be great" Maggie assured her from behind, giving her a supporting kiss on the cheek. Alex immediately relaxed, her shoulders relaxing from their tense state.

"Thanks, I just want to know what is taking Kara so long"

"Kar- oh.." Alex softly closed the door behind her.

"You know what's crazy?"

"Kara.." Alex slowly eased to the floor beside her.

"Do you know what is crazy?" Kara repeated firmly.

"No.. I don't know"

"That everyone was found alive except for her. Isn't that crazy?"

"I mean-"

"I worked so hard to find them- no I'm not gonna lie, I couldn't care two shits about finding them. I wanted to find Lena" Kara stared hard at the framed picture of the two with the note at the bottom in Lena's handwriting that she only used for special occasions. The handwriting with the extra curves and slight slant to the right.

Happy 2 year anniversary.
Hopefully I showed this to you in the middle of a romantic dinner in London. But, this time it won't be a business trip, it'll be an anniversary trip, to celebrate me and you. And to celebrate our engagement. I love you Kara Zor-el and I want to continue loving you.

Xoxo, your future wife,

Kara held up the ring.

"She was going to propose to me two days after the incident.."

"Maybe she-"

"TWO DAYS" Kara flung the frame across the room, the glass shattering to the floor along with Kara's heart.

"Come here" Alex pulled Kara into her embrace, whispering soothing words of encouragement and assurance. But nothing could mend Kara's heart.

Not even 13 years later. The frame fixed and the note still the same, except the yellow eroding paper. Except this time, Kara didn't scream or wail or sob or stay in bed all day during the first years when the wound was still fresh.

This time Kara just sadly smiled.

"Happy 15 year anniversary"


Upon further notice in the hospital while visiting the boy, she revisited that moment in her mind with more focus.

The mother looked nothing like the boy.

The boy had blonde hair, the mother had black hair.

The boy had blue eyes, the mother had clouded half-slit perhaps green eyes.

The boy had golden tanned skin, while the mother had pale fair skin.

The mother was not a mother.

"Oh my god"


Happy 15 year anniversary.

Hopefully you still love me from up there and haven't moved on with your ex-boyfriend. Kidding.
I tried to move on, I had flings and hook-ups, but I could never had a real relationship. Because none of them could amount to you. And to this day none of them can, which I think is for the best, I can attend to the city better.

Sometimes I ponder how our life would've been if that day did not happen.
By now, we would have two kids of our own. One boy and one girl. Clarke named after my cousin, and Lexie named after your brother. We would have a dog too. Krypto, I would've found him from another planet and begged you to keep him, and of course since you can't resist my puppy eyes you agreed.

We would take the kids all around the world, and when you went on your business trips, me and the kids would call you and say goodnight every single night and say good morning every single morning.

We would be a happy family, and you and I would be a happy couple.

This is just my daily pondering, but back to reality...

I love you Lena Luthor, and I will continue loving you.

Xoxo,your dream wife,

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