Make An Offer They Can't Refuse

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"He would like to see you now" Kara stood with trembling hands, following the man, who briskly opened the cheap frail door to reveal the leader of one of the leading Mafia's. Mon-el. Or his preferable nickname, Mon-hell.

"Ah, Kara. Sit your pretty self down and get comfy" he sighed, propping his feet on the table, his eyes hungrily taking Kara in. She shifted uncomfortably from his stare, clearing her throat to will him to talk.

"How's your sister?"

"Fine." She briskly answered.

"All right, straight to the point I see." He chuckled, blowing his smoke into the air, wafting it towards her. Covering her mouth, she coughed the other way, the smell of smoke always making her gag. Not a convenient thing in the 1940's.

"As we know you and your sister are proven to be one of my most loyal followers, and I'm thankful for this, but from the behalf of your loyalty I am to assign you an order" Kara opened her mouth, her eyebrows scrunched together, though he quickly cut her off.

"I know, I know. Usually your sister handled the missions, but this particular assignment can only be handled by you. So I'm not asking, I'm ordering you to fulfill it. It's a simple task that can venture out to take months or up to years to complete"

"What is-" again she was cut off. She bit the inside of her cheek to keep from lashing out at him. This is ridiculous.

"An envelope will be passed to you giving instructions. Good day" and with that she was escorted out just as quick, left dumbfounded. She had absolutely no say in anything and it was quite annoying. But, she couldn't say anything. Instead, she just sucked it up and put on a polite smile as she walked along.


"He wants you to what?!" Alex shrieked.

"Lower your voice" Kara hissed, closing the door.
"The envelope says it all here. He wants me to spy on the Luthors"

"The Luthors? Out of all people, the Luthors?" Alex groaned, but Kara didn't see the problem.

"All I know is that the Luthors are one of the Mafia families.. what's exactly so bad about them?" Alex scoffed at this, bitterly chuckling at Kara's innocence.

"The Luthors aren't just a Mafia family. They are the Mafia family. Their the most known,feared and respected Mafia in all of the city" Kara shrunk into her seat, beginning to see what Alex was seeing.
"Their mostly known for their cruel murders or punishments on others if they don't get their way. But, things have changed. Their still known for that but now their known for helping the poor and giving advice."
"This is because of the rumors, last I heard, The Luthors Mafia has a new boss. The youngest of the immediate family, Lena Luthor. That's probably why Mon-el sent you to spy on her, he's scared she's going to change their tactics and he won't be able to predict their moves anymore"


"Yeah.. good luck." Alex clapped Kara on the back, squeezing her shoulder before leaving. Kara sat,dazed. Her stomach doing flips and her face paling.

This wasn't going to be easy.


"A rookie?" Lena chuckled.

"From what the men have gathered, yes." Maggie informed her boss, standing opposite of Lena's desk.
"Pathetic, isn't it?" Maggie cocked her head with a grin.

"Indeed, but I'm a bit nervous"

"Why so?"

"Why would Mon-el send a rookie against me? Doesn't that seem out of place?"

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