Free...?(Part 2)

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"Lena Luthor, age of 17, correct?" The thin man from the previous video spoke from the opposite side of a table. The two same bulky men stood at the door, staring vacantly ahead.

"Correct" Lena spoke with a cold tone, her face expressionless.

"Sister of Lex Luthor?" He asked, writing in his clipboard.


She was immediately taken away. She didn't argue this time.

"What?!" Kara screamed at the computer screen as the video ended. Winn quickly jerked his head up.

"Kara, maybe we should take a break.."

"No." Winn winced, shrinking away from her eyes "No" she repeated more softly.

"Why?" He asked, easing her into the chair beside him.

"What?" A crinkle formed between her eyebrows as she looked at him questioningly.

"Why do you care so much?"

"Because I'm a good person Winn. She doesn't deserve this, I know she doesn't. She's so.."

And that's how they spent the rest of the night. Kara talked of Lena, constantly remarking how green Lena's eyes are and how smart she is. Winn, talking about one of his co-workers, how independent fierce and beautiful she is.

That's how Alex and Maggie found the two,strewn on the chairs,sleeping soundly.


"Hi, Kara" Lena greeted Kara warmly, though she furrowed her eyebrows together, putting her book aside as Kara plopped down on the other side.

"You never told me, they took you by force." Kara asked bluntly, fiddling with her belt loops.

"Yeah, so?" Lena shrugged, once she caught up on what Kara was referring to.

"Lena. This is not fair, you are innocent why aren't you fighting?" Kara's voice suddenly shook with anger.

"Because I have Kara! That didn't get me anywhere, it just made it worse. You just need to accept that" Lena retorted, feeling a sudden rush of anger and frustration as well. She didn't understand why Kara got so worked up about it. Why she knew this about her. Kara, doesn't know what Lena felt that day and what she feels everyday.

Kara left without a goodnight for the first time.


Lex Luthor is DEAD? How and why is Lex dead? Greatest criminal gone.. forever?

Lena, threw the newspapers to the side. Her head hurt. Her everything hurt. She didn't know what to think. She didn't want to think. She felt hatred at her brother, for never calling her, never acknowledging her. She felt sadness, from happy memories of Lex introducing her to all his friends, playing chess with her when she was stressed, being the first person she came out to.

Tears pricked at her eyes when she thought of this, then happiness came. Happiness as she realized what was going to happen. She was going to be set free, she didn't have to be in Lex's place anymore. There is no more Lex. She can be free.

Kara came back to apologize, taking a deep breath before pressing the button. Lena wasn't there. Fear gripped at her, Lena is gone.


"Where the hell is she?" Kara demanded, storming full ahead at Maggie.

"Where the hell is who?" Maggie calmly responded, putting the file she was studying aside.

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