Fight for You

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      "Get the fuck back!" Lena ran as fast as she could from the thundering footsteps that followed her down the now-empty halls, her shoes slapping against the marble floor outside onto the cold cement. She's been here before. Back of the school with the same footsteps always following her, she struggled against the force on the other side to close the door, her arms shaking from the pressure.

"Open the goddamn door!" A voice barked on the other side, with one more heave Lena was hurled back onto the floor, revealing who was on the other side. Three girls stood, looming over her.

"My dad is in jail because of your mother." One of the girls stepped forward, her dark hair tied back revealing all her snarling features that all seemed set to showing their hatred toward the girl on the floor.

"He attempted to rape.." Lena mumbled as she attempted to stand up before being shoved back down, landing on her back,knocking all the wind out of her.

"Say it again. Say it one more time, Luthor." The other two behind her immediately perked up, snarling at the name.

  The name that Lena was cursed with, the one that forced all kids to keep away from her. She did everything she could. She was top of the class, she smiled at everyone and never got in trouble, she tried to be friendly. She tried to make friends, every time. But, never invited once to a birthday party, never sat with anyone but herself at lunch. Which, she was fine with, it just helped her strengthen the walls she continues to build around herself everyday.

She knew better than to respond, she kept quiet her eyes focused onto their sparklingly clean shoes.

"Nothing to say Luthor? Weird, you seemed to know every answer in class" one of the girls piped up, earning snickers from them.

"Stand up."  Lena stood, keeping her eyes on the floor.
"Say it" She looked up, meeting mockingly calm eyes. That was it. Anger from the past 2 months broke out into the surface.

"I said your dad, is a fucking. Sick. Rapist." She stared determinedly into shocked eyes, Lena doesn't curse often but it wasn't just that,her courage was also a shock to the girls. Then the shock wore off.

A sickening sound followed as she slapped Lena so hard that she stumbled against a barbed fence, her cheek stinging with a growing visible mark on her cheek.

"Your whole family is sick" A punch to the guts that sent her to her knees, clutching herself to prevent the tears that stung her eyes.

"A mistake"  A kick to her chest, curling herself up on the floor trying her best to block the kicks and punches that came from all sides.

Once they were satisfied, they left. Leaving a bloody and bruised Lena on the floor to carry herself home.


"Again?" His eyes flickered from her split lip to her bloody knees. She nodded, expecting the usual "Come here and sit" with stings of alcohol and patches.

Instead, he pulled on his jacket, grabbing her arm and pulling her outside.

"Where are we going?" She asked, stumbling after him as he walked with such ferocity.

He didn't respond, she pulled her arm from him. He was the one person who knew her true strength, she was stronger than anybody. Just not enough to fight back. That's why they were now standing in front of a martial arts studio.

"Are you serious?" Lena snapped,thinking that Lex now thinks she is too weak. Helpless. Weak.

"I know your not weak, but you haven't made any moves to defend yourself." Lena opened her mouth, but then closed it finding Lex to be right.
"They're going to teach you. Everyday after school."

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