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Today was Kara's birthday. A day that Lena has been waiting for. She had it marked on her calendar and everything, a day where she can truly thank Kara for everything she's done for her.

Lena woke up with a happy vibe, something that scared the staff who watched her skip around with wide eyes.

"Jess?" Lena dialed Jess on the office phone.

"Yes, Ms. Luthor?"

"Cancel everything I have scheduled for today I have something I have to take care of"

"Will do, anything else?"

"Yes, can you please have my car parked in the front"

"Which one?"

"The special one"

"Which special one..?"

"Surprise me" Lena sighed.

"Yes ma'am, anything else I can do for you?"

"No that'd be all thank you"

"My pleasure" Lena jumped from her desk, grabbing her purse on her way out.

"Special announcement, everybody you're all off for the remainder of the day" Lena announced on the intercom. Silence. Then an eruption of chattering and laughter. She was met by an influx of thank you's as she made her way out of the building. This was a once in a year occasion.

There one of her cars sat waiting for her in the front, with Jess patiently waiting with the keys. It was one of her favorites, as Jess probably knew, the matte black Tesla model 3.

"Kara's birthday?"

"Yup" Lena grinned.

"Cute" Jess smiled. They truly were cute and Jess would know. They had a daily routine of Kara dragging her out of the office and bringing her food. And one of those.. incidents where Kara would come out a little disheveled with her lipstick smeared and Jess would pretend not to see for the sake of them. They were the sickeningly cute couple, the old bickering couple, the power couple, THE couple.


Lena sighed at the feel of the car under her hands. It was a limited edition model that is currently no longer available. Thankfully she was able to buy it before it was gone. It was sleek, professional, sexy, everything that Lena strives to be. It was a representation of Lena as a car. Lena smoothly parked the car making her way into a local bouquet.

"Lena, a pleasure to see you. Here to order another 50 bouquets? I don't think it's Valentine's Day.." The florist teased. It was true Lena did buy 50 bouquets in an act to try and win over Kara. Which obviously worked. Kara says it's her heart but Lena thinks it's the money, Kara hates that joke.

"No, not this time" Lena chuckled.
"I need to send a message with these flowers"


"In total, you're looking at-" Lena handed him the card.

"I forgot, you're Lena Luthor" Lena nervously chuckled. It wasn't normal for her to flaunt her wealth like this. But, today was a day to spoil Kara.


"Kiera!!" The complex went silent, all wide eyes looking at her.

"Shittttaki mushrooms" Kara grumbled, putting on a grim smile as she excused herself from her desk.

"Good luck" Winn have her a thumbs up before scurrying away. This isn't good.

  Putting her glasses in place and pulling her skirt down a tad, Kara released a breath before entering Ms. Grant's office.

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