Wait for Me

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-I am so grateful and happy for you guys and us and how far we made it. I really am.
- I hope you stick with me and continue to enjoy and read these chapters I make!!


"Fuck.." Maggie bit her lip, leaning forward in her seat.

"Damn.." Kara muttered under her breath, her cheeks heating up.

"Okay, can you guys not drool over Lena at every game?" Alex complained, seated in the middle of them.
"Is this the only reason you guys come to these games?" Alex huffed out, slapping Maggie on the knee as neither of them had responded.

"Babe, your hot and all.. but it's Lena" Kara nodded in agreement, stuffing a handful of fries in her mouth.

"Then why don't you just jerk off to some recording of Lena fucking Luthor" Alex snapped, crossing her arms.

"Babe, are you jealous?" Maggie smirked, raising an eyebrow.

"No.. I'm just.. you really think Lena is hotter than me?" Alex looked over at Maggie with a hurt expression.

"Of course not, you're much hotter" Maggie assured her, Alex sat a bit more with confidence at the statement. "Especially..when your under me..and just moaning for me to-" Maggie smirked, her hand moving to Alex's inner thigh.

"Not, in front of my sister" Alex hissed, slapping her hand away. Maggie rolled her eyes, retreating.

"Yeah, not in front of me" Kara spoke with a mouthful of fries.

"I'll get you later, Danvers" Maggie growled into her ear, smirking as Alex stood up stuttering and stumbling.

"I-I'll get more fucks-fries.. more fries" she turned around, speeding off to get more fries.

Kara suddenly stood up, pulling Maggie up as the whole stadium stood to their feet. Lena ran down the field, covering ground faster than her opponents, her dark hair whipping behind her.

She abruptly stopped as a defender ran up to her at full speed and let the girl trip over her outstretched foot before she continued running at the same pace. The crowd roared in support. Kara and Maggie the loudest, of course, being her biggest fans even though the two knew nothing of and had no care for lacrosse.

The crowd then simmered down as all held their breaths for the awaiting moment. The only thing between Lena and the point that will name her team as the winners of the championship and keeping up the school streak,is that goalie. Lena had no intention of losing, Luthors don't lose. A motto she might as well wear as a pin of how often she's used it in her life. For both the worst and best.

Lena slowed down to a trot, shifting the stick in her hand. Then just as suddenly she began to run at full speed, one quip of her arm and the ball was heading towards the net. 3 seconds passed. The crowd trying to figure out if it made it in or not.

The victory cry from Lena proving the answer, shortly the whole stadium joined in on her battle cry. Stomping their feet and hooting as she pumped her stick in the air along with her teammates.

Soon, the stadium was beginning to empty, people taking their exits and heading to back. Some hovering, hoping to catch a glimpse of Lena before she headed to her after party. Though, she didn't leave the main exit and they soon figured that out and left.

"Where's Alex?" Maggie looked around for a very lesbian redhead haircut.

"Riiiiight.. there" Kara pointed Alex out, who came running with an envelope in hand.

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