Wait for me (Part II)

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Kara sat on her bed, wrapped in blankets with food surrounding her and Netflix open on her laptop. She sat content, chowing down her third bowl of popcorn.

"You look.. relaxed?" Lena smiled slightly at the scene, Kara looked over with her mouth full of popcorn.

"Oh.. yeah" she quickly swallowed the popcorn and smiled, "Finals are over, so why not?"

"Surprising" Lena muttered, narrowly missing a pillow from Kara "Well, since your in such a good mood, I was wondering if you wanted to come to a party?"

"What are they even celebrating now?" Kara rolled her eyes.

"That finals are over, duh"

"Oh, of course, my bad" Kara sarcastically replied. The two fell silent, sharing goofy smiles.

"So I'm taking that as a no?" Lena tied her shoes, muttering something under her breath.

"Yeah, I'd rather not- what did you say?" Kara leaned forward,suspicious.

"Oh, nothing, nothing to worry about" Lena shrugged with a smug smirk. Kara narrowed her eyes, sitting up.

"Tell me"


"Tell me"


"Lena.." Kara stood up with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Don't you dare" she warned, backing away.

"I will, if you don't tell me"

"Never" Lena whispered fiercely, yelping in surprise as Kara pushed her against the bed, her strength surprising Lena. She straddled Lena, looking down at her with a triumphant smirk.

"Surrender now, before it's too late"

"Never!" Lena grinned, shrieking as Kara's hands attacked her stomach, tickling her.
"Kara! S-stop it!" Lena shrieked, struggling to get her off between her laughing and shrieking.

"Tell me your little secret" Kara demanded with the famous witch impersonation.

"N- Fine! F-fine, just.." Lena hid her face in the blankets as she yelled with laughter.

Finally, Kara ceased her torture, though still straddling her she leaned back with a smile. Lena looked up at her.

"You're a monster"

"Oh, I know" Kara shrugged.
"Now, tell me"

"Fine." Kara leaned forward a bit, interested. "I said you're not going to the party because you're too scared to get drunk again" Lena smirked.

"What!" Kara gasped, "I wasn't even drunk last night" Lena roared with laughter, dying down to a chuckle. Kara crossed her arms, not getting what was so funny.


"Kara, you were so drunk that when we got home you insisted you still had to study-"

"Sounds normal to me" Kara muttered.

"Then colored my face with a highlighter because you said I was important" Lena snickered as Kara blushed in embarrassment.

"I.. sorry I was-"

"Drunk. Obviously" Lena grinned, Kara blushed even more. Lena easily flipped her over, and smoothly slid off her, fixing her hair.

"Well, I'm off, have fun" Lena picked up her phone, saluting her before leaving.

Kara laid on the bed, blushing furiously as she played Lena flipping her over in her head, but with a.. different scenario.


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