Saved (Part 4)

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That's what was on Kara's hands. At first she thought it was Mon-el's but as he took another swing she could taste it in her mouth. Stumbling back she drew herself up, ducking from another hit before being met by another. Suddenly she was shoved backwards onto the ground.

"That's what you did. You shoved me away from Lena, I wondered why." Kara looked up at him in confusion, in anger, in disgust. She even snorted as she realized, the reason for all of this is because he was jealous. Of who? Lena?

"It's not fucking funny" he yelled standing over her, the smile instantly slipping from her.
"I just thought you were caring. But, no. I knew, I saw you on the cameras, you go to her every night doing god knows what" she laughed. She couldn't help it. He watched her on the cameras.

"You have a problem" she stated as she stood up.
"A real problem, Mon-el" This clearly set him off, his face twisting in fury and rage.

"You know what, Kara? Lena can't be with you if your not here, can she?" Before Kara could comprehend what he meant, he punched her in the gut. A flash of green, kryptonite she realized as she felt the familiar weakening feeling in her body,falling to her knees.

"Get up" he growled,Kara decided not to wait and stood up reluctantly before being hit in the face. Blow after blow, the kryptonite that he implanted on his brass knuckles continuing to weaken her, until she lay on the ground covering herself.

That's how Lena found her. She rushed out of her car, spotting the crowd pointing at the roof of the building at the scene. Huffing with annoyance, muttering of how she has to get in fit as she slipped on the high tech boots pressing a button causing a slight whrrr... noise.

Ignoring the gasps and pointing, she began to walk on the wall, her gloves sticking to the wall as she hurried along. Halfway up she stopped taking a quick breather,

"Spider-Man makes it look easier" she groaned. Then remembering she had her assistant, she called her using her earpiece.

"Yes, Ms. Luthor?"

"Activate section A of my belt, please" She spoke over the earpiece as she waved at a young girl who was staring up at her in awe. Excitedly, the girl waved back running to her mom.

Soon, a slim yet strong rope shot out, latching onto the roof as she was pulled up in a matter of three seconds. Landing on the roof, she pressed onto her belt, the rope retracting.

"There you are Luthor, we were just talking about you" Mon-el sneered at her, standing to the side giving her a view of Kara.

Kara on the floor. Covered in her blood, her arms shaking, her eyes wide. She's scared. She's hurt.

"What the hell did you do to her?" Lena growled marching up to him, he attempted to strike her in the face though she grabbed his arm, twisting it behind his back.

"Nothing" he hissed in pain, squirming around.

"Doesn't look like nothing to me" She kneed him in the back of the knee, causing his legs to buckle as he fell to his knees, still holding his arm Lena stood above him.

She heard a whimper of pain, snapping her head up Lena spotted Kara who struggled to sit up. Her breathing harsh and ragged as she whimpered holding her hip as she struggled. In her moment of distraction, Mon-el jammed his head up into Lena's chin and grabbed Kara forcing her up on her feet.

Kara let out a yelp as she felt a rush of pain as she was roughly brought to her feet, a knife that glowed green with kryptonite was brought threateningly near her throat. Kara closed her eyes, taking slow breaths.

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