Forgiven Part II

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Her client left the room, casting an odd look at the awaiting blonde with slightly red eyes. She sent him a small smile before quickly wiping her eyes, and charging into the room with confidence, silently closing the door behind her.

"Kara, I told you that I needed time" Lena's voice warning as she stood up from her desk.

"Lena, if I give you time, you'll never understand my part of the story" Kara begged. Deciding to not let her emotions get the best of her, Lena reluctantly agreed with arms crossed.

Taking a deep breath, Kara began.
"I was.. angry that you were working late, again, so I just wanted to go out for a few drinks-"

"At a club? With boys grinding on you as you danced?" Lena leered, Kara swallowed her guilt with shaking hands.

"No, those weren't my intentions-" Lena scoffed, "Lena, why would I ever cheat on you?!" Kara's voice raised in frustration.

"I don't know! But, here I am having to listen to your excuse for hooking up with Mon-el" she spat back, silence dawned on the room, the only sounds were the hoarse breathing of the two with livid eyes.

"It's not an excuse, why don't you trust me?" Kara pleaded.

"Why don't I trust you?" Lena laughed bitterly "Because I came home from a long day of work, the only thoughts keeping me going for those long dreary hours were cuddling up to my girlfriend. But, I came home to find out you were fucking your ex?" Lena drew in a deep shuddering breath. She let her emotions go. A mistake.

"That's maybe why I don't trust you" she silently added, ignoring the tears running down Kara's face.

"I'm sorry" the break in Kara's voice something Lena couldn't ignore, "I was drunk, I didn't want him- I don't want him. He took advantage of me.. I want you, Lena"

Lena glanced down at her desk, biting her lip to refrain herself. It was too easy to forgive Kara. Your weak. Lena scolded herself, she wasn't going to let her off the hook so easily for this.

"Please, forgive me" Kara softly spoke, she now stood on the other side of the desk.

"I can't.. I can't forgive you" Kara's expression shattered, hanging her head in defeat.
"Not yet, at least" Lena gently caressed Kara's wet cheek, leading her to lock eyes with her.

Kara nodded in understanding, refraining from becoming a sobbing mess in Lena's office. In sympathy, Lena slowly leaned forward, giving Kara a salty kiss that may be their last before parting ways.

The two slept alone that night.


"It's been three weeks, Alex!" Kara panicked, pacing the floor of her empty-feeling apartment. It seemed the same to Alex, but it was like a ghost town without Lena's enchanting laugh and warm smile filling the house. All that was left, is her key on the counter.

"She needs time" Alex sighed, she hated seeing the two like this, but what Kara did will take some time to heal.

"I know.. but I miss her, Alex" Kara's face fell in bitter happiness as she remembered one of her happiest times with Lena, "I miss everything about her. And-" Kara's breath hitched in her throat, Alex searched her eyes alarmed.

"Tomorrow is our 2-year anniversary"

"Kara, no-"


Kara flew at top speed, whilst trying to keep the flowers intact of course. Hesitantly, she landed on the L-Corp balcony she used to consistently come to when they first began dating.

Lena heard her, but didn't turn around until she could feel Kara's pleading soft eyes staring into the back of her head. Then, she finally spun her chair around.

"A bouquet of flowers won't fix this you know" She scrutinized, but Kara easily deflected the hurtful comment. She didn't even hear her over the rush of relief of seeing Lena, beautiful Lena.

"This.. is not to apologize" Kara spoke up upon realizing Lena was expecting a response.

"Then what is it for?" Her eyebrows drew together in confusion and hesitation.

"You know.." Kara smiled slightly, thinking, hoping, that Lena was just playing along.
"Come on, Lena. Y-you know this" Kara became desperate, her hands shaking slightly as she realized.. Lena didn't know.

"Kara, just tell me" Lena sighed, oblivious to the fact of how important it is.

"It's.. it's our anniversary, Lena" Her voice quivered as she handed the flowers over to a shocked Lena.

"Kara.. I didn't-" Lena stammered, looking at the flowers in guilt.

"Know. Yeah, I know. It's fine" She shrugged with a poor excuse of a smile, her eyes clearly holding sadness.

"No, you don't. Kara, I'm just- I'm so stupid" and with a split second decision with no time for Lena to talk herself out of it, she pulled Kara into a warm clutching hug. The scent of Lena's expensive perfume having the same effect on Kara since day one.

"Lena- I'm sorry" Kara abruptly pulled away, her hands resting on Lena's still outstretched forearms.
"I don't want to force anything on you" she quickly explained, seeing Lena's slightly hurt expression. Lena's expression bloomed into appreciation and love. Even at their worst, Kara made sure to care for her and keep things fair.

"Kara, love-" A small smile erupted at the lost and now found nickname acquired for her. "- your not forcing anything on me. I want this to work again.. I want you again" Lena softly smiled, hoping Kara felt the same. Based on her facial features, she did.

"Does this mean you'll move-"

"Not.. yet" Lena cut her off with an apologetic look. "Baby steps?"

"Of course" Kara smiled, just relieved that she had her Lena back again.
"Would.. this be okay?" Kara's hand found its regular place at the nape of her neck, pulling her close, their lips hovering over one another. Kara watched Lena with half-lidded eyes, awaiting her consent.

"Yes" she breathed out, her breath fanning over Kara's lips that were practically shaking in anticipation. Though, a pair of red lips took the pinks one from the shivering and shaking, warming them up.

The kiss was soft and gentle. Eventually, the pair broke apart with warm happy smiles.

"I love you" Lena spoke confidently, Kara's heart stuttered not one but three beats.

"I love you too, Lena Luthor"


"I love you" Lena smiled.

Kara smiled through the tears of happiness in her eyes, unable to choke out a response.

"You may kiss the-"

The crowd chuckled as eager Kara took Lena by the face, enveloping her in a love-filled kiss with smiles clashing together. Lena pulled away with a sheepish smile, looking on adoringly at the love of her life.

"I love you too, Lena Zor-El"


Hope this helped your broken hearts!! Sorry this was a bit rushed and messy.

I won't be posting so often and if I do it probably won't be that great, since I'm going to be fasting because it's Ramadan. And when I'm fasting my brain is foggy and I want to die. And when I eat my stomach wants to kill me and I wanna throw up and die. But, I have a lot of great ideas stored for you guys, so I'll try my best!! :) :)

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