Draw Me Like One of Your French Girls (II)

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  "Well class we have reached the-" the professor turned mid-sentence to the doorway where Kara was struggling to discreetly slip in.

"Ms. Danvers. I thought you died, you're three days behind. ."

"Y-yes I realize that and I'm so, so sorry I-"

"Ms. Danvers, I don't think you understand me. I'm going to have to fail you for this semester. Your grade is based on your participation and you have been failing to do that for the past few days. I'm sorry"


"It's non-negotiable"

"Excuse me?" the model relaxed from her pose, facing the professor.

"I wouldn't mind staying for extra sessions so she could catch up"

  The professor rolled his eyes with a huff as he seemed to toss the idea of it around his head. "Okay fine, but I'm not extending the due date. Today you will simply observe to see where we are, tomorrow you will come in an hour early to meet her here. Got it?" Kara vigorously nodded her head.
"Good. Take a seat" Kara scrambled to her seat, mouthing thank you to the model before taking her seat besides Sawyer.

"Lucky bitch. One-on-one sessions with a nude girl? Tsk" Kara playfully rolled her eyes as she took out her supplies.
"But really, why were you gone for so long?"

"Oh, you know... work stuff" Kara swallowed dryly. She wasn't sure if Alex had already told Maggie or not and really didn't want to risk it. Maggie seemed to buy it though and went right back to her painting.


   Lena woke up at 7 am sharp, long before her alarm rung. She felt a rush of excitement, similar to how she used to feel on the first day of school. Excitement jittering along with anxiety in her stomach and bones, rushing her to spring in action. She spent just a little more time on her makeup, put a little more thought into her outfit, and a little more pep in her step as she skipped along to the classroom. She didn't know why she was so eager. She was just going to do her job, but that's not true because she doesn't even know if she's getting paid for these extra sessions. In all honesty the young blonde attracted her attention. She had eyes on her the minute she was introduced to the class. She looked a bit young for Lena, but god was she adorable. The way her cheeks easily flushed at any mention of her name, the way she looked up at her, the way she fumbled with that little pencil of hers. Jesus Lena you're practically a sex offender at your age, Lena scolded herself as she made her way into the classroom. Of course it was empty as she was 30 minutes early, she didn't mind though. She basked in the quiet as she enjoyed her morning coffee by the window, enjoying the view of the campus in full bloom.

   Kara woke up 20 minutes late to the fourth round of that stupid alarm that drove her near manic. She slammed the stop button as she clambered out of bed, pulling the clothes she wore yesterday onto her, just desperate to find the closest shirt and pants. Cheating a bit, she used her speed to simply put her hair in a bun, grab her bag and race to the classroom.

"I'm-I'm so so sorry, I didn't even hear my alarm. I truly am sorry, I'll personally pay for these sessions I swear. I'm so sorry I'm wasting your time, I knew I was going to fail this semester to be honest. I always get nervous around live models I just-" Kara just kept on rambling and rambling as she turned her bag upside down quickly dumping the contents onto her workplace. She was finally silenced as a firm hand grabbed her shoulder, turning her around.

"Kara..that's your name right?" Kara silently nodded, unable to speak due to their sudden close proximity.
"Well, Kara, I truly don't mind offering these sessions for free and you're only 5 minutes late. I'm guessing you set your alarm a bit too early, and I really hope I don't make you too nervous. Ok?" Her body felt as if it were melting as the words just seemed to flow out of the model's mouth like honey. She flowingly nodded with a dopey smile, moving back into her seat to organize her workplace.

"My name is Lena by the way"

"Oh, mine is- oh.. um.." Kara paused in shock as Lena stood completely nude before her.

"Sorry, should I have given you a warning?" Lena slyly commented with a hint of a smirk. It really was too easy getting Kara all red and flustered.

"N-no, it's fine. Um.. yeah- no it's cool. Yeah. Okay cool" Kara drifted off into a mumble, ducking her head as she began to prep her palette.

"Rough night last night?"

"Excuse me?" Kara snapped her head back up. Fuck did I leave my suit in my bag? How would she even know? Kara nervously ran over where she left her suit last night.

"You're wearing the same clothes as yesterday. Which means..." Lena waggled her brows at her as she resumed her pose on the pedestal.

"Means..??" Kara cluelessly repeated.

"Oh god, are you that innocent? It means you hooked up with someone" Kara cackled out loud at that in absolute relief.

"Oh no, no, I'm definitely not with anybody at the moment"

"Ah, I see" Lena made a mental note in her mind.

      The two fell into a bask of silence except for the calming noises of Kara's brushes grazing the canvas. Lena was tempted to ask questions, but refrained in fear of imposing on what most artists know as "the zone". Kara looked even cuter when she was "in the zone". Her tongue peeked out at the side of her mouth, a small crinkle became present between her brows as her eyes darted between her canvas and Lena. In between one of those darts her eyes halted at Lena, her eyes squinted in concentration until she abruptly stood up.

"Um.. do you mind?" She half whispered her hands inches away from Lena.

"No" Lena whispered in response. Kara's hand gently lifted Lena's chin a touch, her other hand pushing a shoulder back, a leg closer, chest drawn in. Goosebumps rose at her feathery touches as her hands grazed across her skin.

"There" Kara softly smiled. Lena offered a smile in return as their eyes met. After a few silent beats of staring, Kara cleared her throat, making her way back to her seat as Lena simply stared in silent disappointment watching her return to her painting. Her eyes snapped up to find Lena peering intensely at her.

"Quit staring, I'm not the model" Kara teased.

"You might as well be" Lena easily responded with a smile, looking over to where she originally was positioned. Kara flushed with a giggle struggling to continue the painting.


"Kara! Glad to see you, let me see that painting of yours"
"I must admit, you work at a spectacular rate. Do you think you could resume class with us today and get back into your routine?"


"Perfect, I expect you to keep up."

"Yeah, of course" Kara weakly smiled, glancing over at Lena who was morosely dressing herself.

"Great. Uh, Lena be back in-"

"10, yeah I got it" Lena strode out of the room with a huff.

"Jesus, she's intense"

"Yeah she is" Kara muttered, resuming her seat, puzzled.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2020 ⏰

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