Locked Up (Part 1)

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    "Guard 1154" An officer barked out, as he handed reports to each guard. A yellow piece of paper, thin and cheap, but has the power to decide which prisoner you will be assigned to for the rest of the year. The objective, don't let them escape. Seems easy, but these guards are being assigned the dangerous of the dangerous, the ruthless and cold-hearted with tales that are hushed up.
Upon hearing their number, a blonde head perked up among the others with a big smile, already in contrast from the rest of the crowd who wore weary expressions.

"Here! S-sir!" She quickly added in with respect as she marched up to him, holding her hands behind her back and standing straight.

"Good luck" the officer softly spoke, his eyes full of concern and sadness as he handed her the paper. Except, hers wasn't a boring shade of yellow. Hers was red, like fire, like blood, the color of war. Stiffly, she walked back to her position as thoughts and possibilities whirled in her head, others casting her with sad eyes.

"What the hell does that mean?" Her fellow guard, James, whispered out of the corner of his mouth gesturing to her red paper as he held his ordinary yellow sheet in his hand.

"I dunno" she replied, staring vacantly ahead.


  Several guards have looked at the name written in small hard-to-find  letters in random places on the paper. Some gave obnoxious shrugs, claiming their prisoner was a 'piece of cake'. These were usually the guys who failed immediately.

  Others merely read the name, stuffing it in their pocket while they continued on with their day. A few here and there were a bit shaken by their prisoner. The room filled with chattering uniformed men and women who were currently comparing their prisoners.

But one, sat in the corner of the room panicking and reading the name over and over.

"It's not that bad, Kara" James tried comforting her, wincing as she whirled around with wide eyes.

"Not- what?! It's Lena Luthor!" She shrieked waving the paper, causing everybody to turn and face her. In seconds everyone crowded around her, giving her pats on the back and final hugs as if she was never going to come back.

"Attention guards" Everybody fell silent, awaiting the following announcement.
"When we call you by your number, please report to your cell. Today we begin the first day of your mission"

Kara slid against the wall to the floor, covering her face as she groaned.

"Kara, I'm up. Good luck" he gave her a quick pat before reporting to his cell.

"Wait, no, don't leave me!" Then before she could even get out another word, she heard it.

"Guard 1154" Everybody turned to look at her, shouting things that were supposed to motivate her as she gave the man her red slip with shaking hands.

"Last time I saw this was when Lex Luthor was here" the officer muttered as he stamped it. Then, with wide eyes he realized it was Lena Luthor.
"Don't make the same mistake. You cannot let Lena escape as her brother had"

"Y-yes, sir" Kara managed to croak out as she stuffed the slip in her pocket, straightening her back and wearing a determined expression as she began to walk down the corridors to Lena's cell.

As she walked, she saw a few guards already standing beside their assigned cell, some gave her a nod and sympathetic smile as she passed. Quickly, she returned the nod, hurrying her pace.

Then she slowed down to a walk as she found the cell awaiting for her. It was separated from the others, where the others had cells right next door, but Lena was isolated. Her cell number glowing red while the others were a pasty yellow.

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