Make an Offer They Can't Refuse (Part II)

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"How do I look" Kara asked for the thousandth time, tidying her hair in the mirror.

"You look beautiful as always, love" Lena answered for the hundredth time, lounging on their bed.

"Will they like me?" Kara sat at the edge of the bed, fiddling with her hands in a nervous tick.

"They'll love you.." Lena sat up, her hand resting on hers, "Or I'll make their ungrateful asses love you" Lena cocked a grin as Kara rolled her eyes at the protectiveness of her girlfriend, but she couldn't deny that she liked it in a way.

"Well, let's just hurry up before they hate both of us" Kara sat up gathering her purse and such.

"Car waiting for us up front, Maggie will be attending alongside us due to protocol, don't worry she'll just be by the bar the majority of the night"

"She would've gotten along great with my sister" Kara chuckled, reminiscing of Alex's fondness of her dear drinks.

"I'm sure of it" Lena smiled warmly, admiring Kara as she held the door to the car open for her, despite the driver to she shoo'ed of, insisting to open it for Kara.
"Ah, wait" Lena gently took her elbow, spinning her about.
"You have something on your face"

"Where?" Kara asked worriedly, she was sure she seemed tidied up in the mirror before she left.

"There" Lena leaned in for a chaste yet sweet kiss.

"Let me make sure you got it off" Kara giggled, pulling her in for a longer kiss, the two melting into it.

"Aww, you two are adorable, but I want my drinks and I want it now" Maggie shoved the two into the car before getting in beside the driver.
"Hurry up, will you?"


Lena forced a smile onto her already tight features, her fingers tracing the rim of the champagne glass.

"Bonjour! Mademoiselle Luthor. Agréable de vous voir en termes pacifiques" A stout man introduced himself to Lena, as she was the few or matter of fact only person in the room who spoke French, his translator being quite useless as he stood dumbfounded.

"Heureux de vous voir aussi Mr. Lord, j'espère que nous garderons un terme pacifique" Lena smiled coldly, a certain mischievous glint in her eyes as she shook the man's hand, as he clearly strained under her deathly grip.
"Jusque-là on profite de la fête? Ouais?" Lena smoothly took a glass of champagne from a passing server, placing it into the empty hand of the hand she had just shook.

"Ah, bien sûr, oui. Merci mademoiselle Luthor" And with that he ducked his pink head away, slipping into his seat with his translator beside him.

Talk was boring and cheap, at least to Lena. Kara, much to the amusement of Lena, seemed completely enamored by the passing conversation, though Lena barely chided into the conversation unless spoken to directly.

Not until later did she begin to smile and talk when Kara snuck her hand under the table, interlacing her fingers with Lena and providing a comforting squeeze. Soon, it meant.

Until then, they shared opposing views on politics with some small talk. Then came the topic that they all have been waiting for, Mafia business. Kara was immediately escorted out by Maggie, as Lena had a strict rule that Kara was not to be involved in any Mafia business.

"Let's begin" Lena finally spoke up, catching each of their attentions.


"Great band playing" Lena commented as she waltzed about the room with Kara as her partner, the woman resting her head on Lena's shoulder.

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