Gone and Back

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Lena stared at the invitation in her hands. The invitation to Kara's wedding. It's only been a year since they've broken up, the wound still fresh in her. Unable to look at pictures as tears will begin to fall. She threw the invitation aside, disgusted, tears running down her cheeks.

"Wow" She croaked out, in her empty apartment. Her voice bouncing against the walls. A sob escaped her lips before she covered her mouth, resting her elbows on the counter as she wiped away her tears. Suddenly her phone began to ring, now quickly wiping away her tears she grabbed the phone. The caller ID unfamiliar, though she picked it up.

"Hello?" She cleared her throat, pausing in between, her voice still a bit shaky.

"Hey, is this Lena?" That voice. She couldn't speak, a lump forming in her throat and unshed tears in her eyes. No response, Lena grasped the counter for support as she struggled to grasp what was happening.

"Y-yes. Yes. This is Lena, may I ask who's speaking?" She stood to her full height, asking as if she didn't recognize her. Even though she could tell by her first word.

"It's Kara, I was just wondering if you got the invitation?" Lena stared at the invitation. A newfound feeling of anger mixing in with her sadness, why. Why?

"Yeah, I got it. So, who's the lucky guy? Or girl?" She chuckled. It was fake, Kara could tell. She could easily tell, she knew Lena was trying her best to hide her feelings. But, as soon as this call would finish, she'll break, she's just waiting.

"It's a-uh guy.. his name is Mon-el" Lena's eyebrows scrunched in confusion as she spoke the name bitterly, as if it left a sour taste in her mouth. She felt worried, even if it's her ex, she still cared.

"You guys okay? I mean do you both want to marry" Kara only scoffed in response, which left Lena even more confused.

"Lena.. I thought we got past this. I invited you because I didn't think you'd get-"

"I'm not." She cut her off, her voice suddenly void of emotion "I'm glad your getting married, congratulations. I'm sorry if I was concerned. Yes, I'll be attending the wedding since that's why you called. Thank you for inviting me" each sentence was choppy and like a robot. Kara suddenly felt guilty for her snarky response, knowing she pushed it too far.

"Lena.. I didn't-"

"I'll see you at the wedding" her voice cracked unexpectedly, the lump in her throat increasing. This call was taking forever. She ended the call and went to the bathroom, releasing everything. Her shoulders shaking, as she bent over the sink.

Kara returned to her daily life, though Lena remained persistent on her mind.


"You're not required to go to the wedding" Maggie attempted to comfort her, though Lena countered that she was 'fine'. Maggie ignored her, that's one of the things Lena loves about Maggie.

"I know.. I just feel like it'll be rude-" She muttered, her voice fizzling out by Maggie's laugh.

"Rude? Lena, your going to hate it. Having to see your ex marry someone else, much less an egoistic privileged man." Lena looked at her in confusion, not knowing this man that Kara was marrying.

"Alex hates him. Everybody does, Kara did too in the beginning. Though for some reason, her opinion suddenly changed over night." Maggie threw her hands up in frustration, muttering something about 'straight people' 'so confusing'.

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