Chapter 1

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   Alexander Jenkins was six foot five, dark and handsome with only the slightly crooked nose offsetting the perfection of his face. Stormy cobalt blue eyes framed in thick eyelashes held the unhidden confidence. His straight full mouth gave the appeal of a slight air of arrogance and would usually set into a thin line when he got annoyed.That was exceptionally pronounced when he didn't shave for a day and has grown stubble. The square jaw outlined just that extra feel of powerful muscularity. His black hair and a naturally tanned skin was a compliment of his distant Spanish ancestors and the vast amount of time he spent outdoors.

The toned, lean, muscular body was yet another attribute he inherited from his father, but he worked out as well to keep it in a perfect shape.

When he was at the ranch he rode and ran every morning. When business demanded for him to stay in his downtown apartment, he always made the use of the indoor swimming pool and gym. At thirtytwo he was in perfect physical shape drawing wishful glances from the opposite sex. There was hardly any eligible, and not so eligible female immune to his good looks.

With equal enthusiasm and assurance he managed the family ranch as he did the construction company he started from foundation. Both places were now prosperous and they were making him hefty profits.

Thanks to a few long distance phone calls to his suppliers he went for his jog a little later than usual. When he got back to the house, the air outside warmed up from the crispiness of the morning dew, promising another hot summer day. Out of the linen closet, he grabbed the towel and wiped the sweat off his forehead, and then entered the spacious country kitchen. His mother was chopping the salad vegetables. He was surprised to see her at home. Usually by now she would be gone, after his father's death, she kept busy with various charities and her boutique in town.

Her dark hair pulled on top of her head secured with a silver pin, with her high cheekbones, and bright blue eyes she was still a very attractive woman. It took him a moment, but then he remembered. She hired a PA and that someone was arriving today. He had his suspicion that this hiring had a lot to do with him. It wasn't too hard to read his mother's motives.

Kate Jenkins knew the exact moment when her only son entered the kitchen. His tall body frame dominated the room.

Alexander fetch a bottle of water from a fridge and settle himself in the chair by the counter across from her. He reached over, grabbing a piece of carrot off cutting board.


"Mother, why is this girl coming to live here, anyway?"

"Her mother was my childhood friend and now with her father gone she needs a job and distraction. Emma got her office management diploma and is looking for work. It won't hurt me to have some help. I never liked that side of the business always preferring the creative part of it. You know how disorganized, I am."

Kate was not about to admit to him her hopes. It was too soon, but somehow she felt all will work out. So far she tried a few times to set him up, but it turned out he was too stubborn to fall for any of the girls she introduced to him. He only dug his heels deeper. Most of them, he even refused to take out on a date.

She thought he was wasting his time with Rina, but knowing her son it is not likely she would say a word to him about it. He would just contradict her. Alexander always had had a mind of his own.

Kate knew his father expected him to follow his footsteps, and become the veterinarian, but Alexander pushed even harder not to. As a young male he resisted, and he married Helen against his father's wishes. When the marriage failed he had thrown himself into building a construction company. He accomplished a lot the last seven years after his divorce. When his father past away Alexander took firm reins of running family ranch that was bound to had in a direction of the bank closure, but with his sharp mind he turned it into successful operation. His construction company those days was doing even better. He was expending it to two more larger cities. In her opinion the only think he was missing out of his life was love, wife and children.

"I will tolerate her because she's your guest, but she should stay out of my way. I sure hope she's not one of those attentions seeking ones. I have no time to waste on weeping, sulking girl." "Alex don't be so harsh. Little niceness won't cost you much time, and besides, I need help. I hired her as my personal assistant. The charities take a lot of my time and my gallery is in a busy period demanding a lot of it. My paperwork is behind and in a bad need of organizing."

"Suit yourself mother as long there are no hidden plans of matchmaking behind it. Rina and I, we are seeing each other and we are compatible in every way. Don't interfere."

Alexander didn't have illusions about Rina's motives, but neither did Kate. Rina loved his money. She herself used to have her own, but after her father went bankrupt, there wasn't much left. The ranch was saved only because it was in her mother's name, but all that was of any value had to be sold to settle the gambling debts. Rina didn't hide that she loved all Alexander had to offer. She was suited to his lifestyle and grew up in this part of the country. Rina was gorgeous, blonde that looked good on his arm, and was as much at home in the saddle as she was in his bed.

Alexander didn't need to explain where he was going and why, and Rina never asked. There were no expectations of white picket fences and children. She disliked both equally. As far he was concerned their relationship was perfect.

He didn't need his mother's disapproving views and matchmaking trying to find a good girl to share his life.

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