Chapter 17

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Alexander took Melanie out for a dinner to get her away from the ranch. It was the perfect opportunity to let her know that their relationship got no future. This time he'll make it clear to her that things between them were over. The other advantage of going out was that Emma didn't have to watch Melanie hang all over him like an old shirt, and she won't get into a wrong conclusion.

Tomorrow morning he'll look at the building plans and Melanie will be packed and on her way.

It bothered him that Emma wanted to move out on her own. There was little he could do to stop her if she was determined, but he'll try his best to convince her to stay.

Alexander got dressed and waited for Melanie by the door. He was impatient for the evening that didn't even start yet to be over. The only thing he could think of was Emma and how can he win her back.

Emma felt that pang in her heart, the one she promised herself not to feel anymore. She came to accept that nothing would perform the miracle and transform her to a woman Alexander would want.

She heard a car driving away. Just picture of him and Melanie together was enough to twist her tummy into a painful knot.

Kate came upstairs to say a good night to Zachary, but one look at Emma's troublesome expression was enough to know something was wrong and she had a pretty good idea who caused her distress.

"How are you doing Emma? Oh, I shouldn't ask! I'm sorry about her being here, but there is little I can do."

It wasn't fair that Kate felt guilty about her son's paramour.

"It is fine Kate, you don't have to apologize. You are a great friend to me, I couldn't ask for a better one. As it is Zachary is lucky to have such a loving grandmother, but I have to think about my future as well. I need to stand on my own two feet. We are not moving far and it is actually on your way home and you'll be able to see us anytime you wish."

"I was afraid it would come to that, but I can't say I can blame you. The way my son is behaving."

"Thank you for understanding. If I'm successful in securing the job, "Sweet vegetables farm" is in the neighborhood, and I'll have my own accommodations. I've checked and the workers' cabins are very nice. Staying here just complicates matters. It is not fair to anyone. Alexander needs his freedom without us weighing him down. I need to start something permanent and settle down. Zachary will still have his family around and we will be close by. I have an appointment tomorrow morning. You think I could leave Zachary here with you?"

"You never have to ask. There is plenty of us in this house that adore him. Of course you can leave him." Kate was always happy to spend time with her grandson.

For some time Emma stood by the widow in the dark room, her arms wrapped around her for a comfort. She stared at motionless night outside planning her life. Then after she finally went to bed, she laid there long into the night listening for the sound of the returning car.

The next morning Emma against her will noticed his car wasn't in the driveway. Alexander had an apartment in town and that was where they probably spent the night.

She moved without thinking and got ready for her interview. When she walked out of farm's office, she was relieved. The manager told her she got a job and can start as soon as possible.

Kate was disappointed but understanding. "I didn't think it would be this soon."

"They needed someone immediately, and it is suits me too."

Emma decided to start packing right away. There wasn't much of hers to take from the ranch. In the near future, she'll have to organize for her staff from Houston to be sent up, but until then she'll have to buy some necessities. The cabins came furnished with the basics. It will have to do for the time being.

She was aware that she will need a car as well. You simply couldn't live in these parts without it. The second hand car lot in town she spotted on one of her trips for sure will have an answer to her limited budget.

There were a few things she had to consider, and it will take a little longer to move than she thought but on the move she was. A week from now she'll start her new life. To close Alexander out of her heart will be very hard, but if there was any hope of a happier life for her she must accomplish that.

Alexander observed Melanie as she drowns another glass of wine. His efforts to slow her down with her drink didn't work. As he explains to her, there was no room for her in his life she smiled at him.

"You can't mean that. What you have to remember is how much fun we had darling. There is no simple denying that... "

She tried to lift the glass straight, but it seemed it became an impossible task to achieve. He knew then it was time to remove her from the restaurant before she made a scene. Melanie usually wasn't much of a drinker and it hit her hard. By drinking more she probably tried to distract him from finishing their affair. It was OK while it lasted. They both didn't want the permanent thing. At least he was always honest with her. It never bothered him that she always flirted with other men. There was no strings attached for either of them. The understanding between them was clear until Melanie started to get ideas of permanent and long term. He didn't even believe she meant forever. Melanie simply wasn't the type. Either way his own heart pulled him only towards one woman: the mother of his son.

He didn't want to take her back to the ranch in the state she was, and couldn't leave her alone in the hotel room. She was talking about going back out partying. There was no other option but stay with her and make for sure she didn't do anything foolish. He'll have to talk to her in the morning when she sobers up. The morning found him sleeping on the couch in a hotel room. Melanie still slept motionless on the bed across from him.

He looked at his crumpled suit and was about to get out of the room with a plan to go to his apartment, shower and change when Melanie stirred and opened her eyes.

"My head! What happened? Where is my dress?"

"You took it off last night Melanie. You should leave wine alone all together. It doesn't agree with you."

"Why are we here?"

"This was the closest I managed to get you into a bed."

The answer seemed to satisfy her curiosity. She stretched and smiled at him.

"I'm going to have a shower. Would you like to join me?"

"I think I'll skip that part Melanie, but do hurry up. We need to go back to the ranch to take care of the business you came for after all."

"OK, darling! Can you order aspirin? I think I'll need few."

The drive back was quiet thanks to Melanie nursing her headache, but Alexander was more worried about Emma. If she sees him arriving at the ranch with Melanie, she'll draw all kinds of ideas.

All his fears materialize when they walk in right when Emma came downstairs. One look at her told him it will be close to impossible to explain. Melanie seized the moment and quickly got hold of his arm with a smile.

"Thank you for the wonderful night." 

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